Caribou Gear Tarp

Am I a classic?


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
eastern Washington
I just finished moving one of the old tandem-axle trucks we still use occasionally here on the farm. When I looked at the radio it brought back a flood of memories, I just had to give the old AM radio a try - nothing.:( Who else remembers push-button tuning AM radios? Not to age myself too much, but I remember hauling wheat, sweating profusely in the summer heat (AM radio was a luxury in this truck, air conditioning wasn't going to happen) and hearing 'Hotel California' on this very radio when it was a hit song. If 'Hotel California' is now a classic, am I old or am I a classic too?
Since that quit working maybe you could wire in a 8 track tape player. I remember the days of listening to the Statler Brothers tape while driving out to the trout streams to do some fly fishing. The good old days!
I still have a 1971 Chevy pickup 4x4 that I have owned for over thirty years that has an AM push button radio. I drive it once in awhile and turn on the radio to one of our classic stations and listen to a little CCR, The Doors, The Stones, etc. Really brings back some fine memories.
I worked construction the summer of '66 to buy Krager mags, red line and lettered tires, and a 4 track tape player for my first car. I was a pretty damned excited 15 year old driver's ed graduate.

Good stuff fishing4. Nothing wrong with 'classic'
Hell ,guess I'm classic. I even pull out the albums every once in a while. I still have my AM pocket radio somewhere,an it's on the Wolfman station I bet....
We had a counter top Admiral AM radio in the kitchen my mom use to listen to when I was a kid. I remember vividly the hot, Indiana evening that Elvis died. My mom sat there listening to the news reoprts and Elvis tunes crying her eyes out in the sweltering heat. Mom died when I was 15 but every time I hear Elvis I can see that like it was yesterday.
Remember those Philco AM radios they put in Fords? Traveling across open country at night you could pick up stations a looong way off.
I'm still hanging onto an AM radio out of a '61 Impala which was pulled to make way for an 8 track back in the day. Classics for me go back to the 50's and early 60's; do wop and all the slow dance tunes.
I have an early "Automatic Radio" 8 track waiting for my 65 Mustang to get the mechanicals finished. Those old Automatic Radio 8 tracks were the "Cadillac" of tape players back then...and pretty expensive.
I was in tall cotton when I upgraded from a 4 track to a 8 track Muntz Blue Light. Then I bought a converter so I could play it in my room. Madman Muntz made a fortune selling those to us kids.
Ahh ! the good ol days , nothing wrong with being old an a classic, i remember growing up in Alaska and going camping in the summer with dad, we had a motor home with an 8 track, listing to Waylon and Willie and Linda Ronstadt's " heart like a wheel" , we wore those 8 tracks out, thats good times right there :eek:

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