2015 Hunt Talker Bear Hunt

Next year or so, I am going to jump in with Cush, keep him company, and join the fun!
Best of luck and congrats to you successful hunters!
Sytes, I am pulling for you to hammer a big one sir!

GO HT crew, lets see some more rugs!
If it's raining as hard over there as it is in this part of Montana, I think the beer population is at greater risk than the bear population.
next year I'm going to plan for it.Sounds like a lot of fun to get thru spring.Any more bears taken or sighted?Good luck to all of you.The bears taken are just beautiful.We rarely get color phases here and Id like to get one someday.Spot and stalk hunt seems like a great way to bear hunt.I'm sure the bars are making record profits
Back home again and unpacking the truck. I had so much fun again that I didn't get many pictures although I can assure you that once everyone gets to good internet access there are lots of good pictures to post.
As of four p.m when I left camp no more bears had died. Rain was moving in when I left so I'm guessing there will be some soaked bear hunters this evening. I put a lot of miles on and looked over a lot of beary country but only turned up a sow and cub on an evening hunt with Randy for my efforts. Sytes, Elkoholic, and I hunted together the next evening. Dave (Elkoholic) and I got to watch an amazing performance of Charle's (Syte's) prowess as a rabbit whisperer. Photo evidence does exist when Dave or Charles finally gets to good coverage.
My hunt last night consisted of trying to keep up with Ethan and Julie on a marathon hike in search of a bear for Ethan. We must have walked 6-7 miles that night and I remarked to everyone back at camp that night that the girl did very well on the hike. Ethan and Julie were quick to agree and confirmed that I only complained and whined a little bit.
With all the food that everyone brought to camp, I suspect we may have gained weight in spite of the vigorous exercise chasing bears and telling tales.
I have to say though, the highlight of my trip was when Randy11's wife Katie, drove up around noon with a bear shaped birthday cake celebrating my birthday. Katie's sister baked the cake. By Katie's description her sister is a semi-pro cake baker and decorator who would like to make a business out of her baking. From my experience with the bear cake, I think she needs to quit whatever she does for a day job and open a bakery. The incredible thoughtfulness of Randy and Katie's gesture was enhanced by the dense, dark chocolate cake with huckleberry cream cheese filling. Without a doubt it was the best cake I've ever eaten.


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Congrats to the lucky hunter. I won't steal his thunder, only try to ease the pain of not being there for the post kill celebration by rubbing it in that I will be taking a hot shower in a few minutes while you poor packers are dragging a stinking bear out of the woods. Take that!
If it's raining as hard over there as it is in this part of Montana, I think the beer population is at greater risk than the bear population.

Is that a 2 to 6 pack beer area? I've heard that those Hunt Talk Beer hunters can't even keep up with Beer recruitment. More comes in than killed.:D So more liberal regulations should come to play. Maybe more hunters?
You guys got hats? Nobody told me you would get a hat. :mad:

I might need to trademark the logo.

I'm sitting in the Missoula airport stinking of four days of campfire and bear hunting. While I didn't see any bears it was another incredible weekend with a great group of guys. I know it has a bad rap, but I've had pretty good success with meeting strangers from the internet. And seriously, that cake was as good as it looked. Too often those pretty cakes are just pretty but that was some serious substance and form.

My Dad and I put in some serious miles on Thursday and Friday, I'm still amazed at 71 with a fused back and fake hip he get around as well as he does. We saw lots of great country, filled with whitetails, elk and of course the ever present grouse who decides to flush when you're 10 feet away.

I'm hoping the the guys remaining get at least one more bear, I'm sure Ed, Dave and Charles will give it hell tonight.

Not only do they poop in the woods, they do it with the most fabulous vistas.

Ethan, Julie and Gerald headed up to the top.
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Thanks for all the great entertainment guys and gal! I can't help but smile as I read each day! Best wishes to the remaining hunters!
I keep hitting the refresh button. I know you guys are sitting around the fire checking this thread. What did you end up seeing tonight?

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