WY pronghorn leftovers

Big congrats Randy! You deserved a bit of good luck. Best wishes to Mrs. Fin for a speed recovery to full health.
Threads like this don't help the next week pass any more quickly ;)

Congratulations on a fine buck. Prayers that Mrs. Fin bounces back quickly..
Great buck and best wishes to the mrs....sorry, I didn't intend for that to rhyme.

BTW....is that the Howa or a diff rifle?
That buck has some hay hooks.

We hope the procedure goes as well as possible for your spouse.

Excellent story.
What a wonderful wife you have sir, and the buck isn't too shabby neither. ;-)

Best of luck to the missus.
Thanks for all the comments and support for Mrs. Fin. Was a fun hunt, even with the distractions at home.

Not a chance I would have been comfortable chasing this buck in the checkerboard area, if not for using the OnXMap chip. Yup, they are a partner in the show, and for a good reason. I was using them for a long time before they became an official partner of the show and the website.

I know most of you have also added these OnXmap chips to your tools chest. For those wanting to know more, go here ------> http://www.huntinggpsmaps.com/?acc=45c48cce2e2d7fbdea1afc51c7c6ad26&bannerid=5

I've since wondered if the other vehicle passed the buck because they did not know the land ownership of the area. It would be a bummer to miss out on a buck like that due to not having this simple little piece of technology in your hand.

Most people avoid the units I apply for in WY, due to the checkerboard and private ownership. Yeah, it is frustrating when you cannot hunt big blocks of public. It is frustrating to see a big buck like this stand 500 yards away and know you can't touch him. These map chips are a small investment in a hunt that provides great returns.

If you can hit the reset button and mentally accept that you will not be able to chase every buck you see, you can apply in these units with challenging access and get tags much more often than in other hard-to-draw units. And with some patience, you will get your chance.
Enjoyed that story as always Randy.

Aside from bugling elk, I really enjoy chasing pronghorn. He is a beauty for sure.

Best wishes to you and Mrs. Fin as well. I hope everything goes smooth and she recovers quickly.
Great buck! Thanks for sharing! The gps with the chip is as valuable of tool as any other piece of equipment I carry.
Hope Mrs. Finn's doing well and has a speedy recovery.

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