PEAX Equipment

Who is ever "bored".


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Is there anyone here that wakes up one day and is like "I got nothing to no, I'm just going to sit under a tree until I think of something to do".

2 days ago and yesterday ran together, I thin I lost a day in there ?!?! I'm trying to re-cap. I was in the office, Ran home to do something. Then On the way home I get a call to go to the Steelheads game. A buddy is a Trainer (Or was) and had a players ticket for me but I had to pass because I had no time and had some meetings and got a call on a 55 Acre developement so I talked to the guy and worked on some numbers, put the kidsto bed, might have talked to the wife in there but not for long.

At 9:30 went to play ball and afterwards stopped by the office for some tax stuff and worked till my wife Called at 3AM wondering were I was so I came home, Was back there at 6:30AM getting info for the surveyor to get out the door by 9AM and made sure the workers had markups and designed some Roads and then grabbed lunch on the run to get some rentals refinanced and raced back to the office to do something and then coached Zachs soccer team, then had a meeting from 7-8:30 last night and came home and had to run to the office to prep for the morning survey and then came home , put the kiddies to bed and got some paperwork done as I surfed this site to catch up on the "news" and then around 10:30-11 wife invited me to bed and I remember laying down around 11 maybe and fell fast asleep before my head hit the pillow. I might have to call her from the office and see if she wanted to say something to me or why she invited me .....:eek:

So this morning I woke up at 4AM, grabbed me a milk, some chocolate and was like..... "I'm bored". What can I do ?!?!?!

Looking through my HandHeld I could and should be doing alot more... days behind on things, 30+ "Important" check marks next to my to do items, 11 people to call, thinking why don't people answer phone after 10PM when I actually have time to sit down and talk to people, and whats wrong with calling someone at 5AM ?!?!? SO... I thought...... "I'm bored".

So ........ I decided just to Sit down, do nothing, and started typing out this Long, rediculous post.

I'm just now realising I'm wasting time and I need to go do some stuff so I'm going to end this short, check something off the list and..................
You sound alot like me. I can go for a specific goal like starting a business, buying a special thing or any other goal. But, once I have achieved that, it's time to move on to another goal. I guess we have Grown Up ADD! John
Do like me, don't do too much in any one day then the 'slow' days don't make you bored. ;)
When you have to much on your plate you mind wants to re-bell. It's that wilderness spirit in you calling you out.
I get it allot.

I have to go walk the canal and catch a few fish or walk the woods looking for sheds something to appease the spirit with in so I can settle down. This year my drawing did that for me.
Sounds like someone is already working on their excuse for not making the poker game next week......
I just log on hunttalk:) See if there is a fight or something... maybe post some illegal stuff....:eek:

I never get really bored... go driving around, call up someone for lunch, taking care of parents ... they are in their 80`s and always need something...This is the first month I haven`t been to Vegas....I think I`m going to ceasars in May... wife will wear the "thong" again:)
HAHA.... I'm there. Bring your purse. Next wednesday is almost wide open, NOTHING overlaps yet. I wouldn't miss taking your money.... AGAIN :)

Wed next week for me,

7:45- 9:00 Middleton Meeting
9:00 - 5:00 office
5:30 - 6:45 Soccer coaching
7:00 - 9:00 Poker
9:30-11:30 PM Basketball

Don't be late fool !!!
No way you show up before 7:30. Then you'll leave at 8:15 about 20 bucks lighter.
HAHA, good thing you didn't go to that Steelheads game, you would have left very dissapointed!! Aces are looking good again this year and they have almost a completely different team! Sounds like you need to hire an ASS-istant there Moosie!! How the hell do you ever find time to run a website??
Let me tell you about being BORED!!! Go get your chest cracked open,, and then have your dr tell you to lift nothing over 10 pounds,,then go home and recouperate...In the last 5 weeks,the sun has come out 3 times..Hell I've only been able to drive for 2 weeks..I never thought that I would ever say thisbut,,DAMN I CAN'T WAIT TO GET BACK TO WORK!!!

Since my work week involves 15 1/2 hour days all I basically do is work and sleep. Then it is the weekend and then I get to spend time with the family.:cool:

So I finally get on the net when I am up and everybody else is sleeping. But I have to get the boys up in a hour....1st track meet is today and it is 60 miles away. Tomorrow I will be outdoors doing a little shed hunting/turkey scouting.

Not much time to get bored or have sex with my wife.:confused:
Washington Hunter,, I should be able to start getting the boat ready some time after may 15th..That should be just about the time the bay opens back up for some kingshump Then a few trips down to the coast for some crabs,sea bass,ling cod, and just some camping..

Hunterman, have you seen this news release:

600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091

March 09, 2007
Contact: Pat Pattillo, (360) 902-2705

Federal panel adopts options for
ocean salmon sport fisheries

SACRAMENTO – Anglers on the Washington coast could see an increase in catch quotas for coho salmon this year, but chinook harvest guidelines will be significantly lower than those in effect last season, according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

Three ocean salmon-fishing options adopted today by the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) reflect slightly stronger hatchery coho returns to the lower Columbia River and a commitment to meet conservation objectives for all wild stocks, said Phil Anderson, special assistant to WDFW Director Jeff Koenings.

The options also take into account lower returns of hatchery chinook salmon to Washington’s waters, and the need to limit fishing pressure on weak salmon stocks listed under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), he said.

The PFMC, which establishes fishing seasons in ocean water three to 200 miles off the Pacific coast, last year adopted recreational ocean fishing quotas of 31,000 chinook and 73,200 coho salmon. This year’s recreational ocean options are:

17,875 chinook and 117,600 coho;
16,250 chinook and 100,800 coho; and
11,200 chinook and 67,200 coho.
The PFMC is expected to adopt ocean fishing harvest levels from among those options, as well as season starting dates, at its April 2-6 meeting in SeaTac.

Anderson said the earliest starting date proposed for all coastal chinook and coho recreational fisheries is July 1.

“We are also considering proposals that would adjust salmon bag limits and the number of days open per week to try and provide anglers a full summer of fishing in the ocean,” said Anderson, who represents WDFW on the management council.

Chinook and coho quotas approved by the PFMC will be part of an overall 2007 salmon fishing package, which includes marine and freshwater fisheries throughout Puget Sound, the Columbia River and Washington’s coastal areas. State and tribal co-managers are currently developing those fisheries.

The co-managers will complete the final 2007 salmon fisheries package in conjunction with the PFMC process during its April meeting.

Meanwhile, public meetings are scheduled this month to discuss regional fisheries issues. Fishery managers will consider input from these regional discussions during the “North of Falcon” process, which involves planning for the numerous fishing seasons in Washington’s waters.

Two public North of Falcon meetings are scheduled for March 13 at the Community Center in Lacey and March 27 at the Lynwood Embassy Suites. Both meetings will begin at 9 a.m.

More information about the salmon-season setting process, and a schedule of public meetings, can be found on WDFW’s North of Falcon website (

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Washington Hunter,,,,I got that the other day and got so excited that Becky had to cool me down :D :D From what I've heard,,the fish ahd game people are expecting a good run of pinks this year too..


That’s some thing you use to build some thing, but a concept???

Pretty foreign concept here
Hey Russ,,, I thought that there was no way I could ever get bored out here until I got my chest openned up,,had the ticker replumbed,,then told about the only thing I could do was go for walks:cool: and don't lift,drag or push anything over ten pound...But hey,,a week from tomarrow I get to go to the Mariners oppening day baseball gamehump :D hump
