Whatcha buyin with your COVID Cash?

Think I’ll get new tires and batteries for the travel trailer. Maybe new Jeep tires too
Gave it to my brother. He lost his job when all this started and then couldn't get through to the overwhelmed unemployment office for over 3 weeks to file a claim. He probably used it to pay rent and buy food.
I don't know your own financial situation but YOU sir, are a saint! There is a special place for you in the great beyond for you have demonstrated a true act of love for another. May you be blessed by the universe for your kindness and generosity (what I mean here is I hope you draw every tag you apply for and are able to afford them. Given what you have done already I know that any harvest will be shared.)
I have a rifle to pay off of layaway, only like $200 and a pack to finish paying off. I'm going to spend a chunk getting my buddy set up in his new place after breaking up with a long time woman. Pantry staples and stuff like that. I'm going to bank the rest towards my summer visitation with my son to travel a bit.
Good on you John for helping a buddy out. Of course that is the military mindset in you coming out. I considered buy OTC deer tags for my buddies who hunt an unnamed western state with me but they already have them in hand. Might have to come up with a special surprise for them at deer camp this year.
I don't know your own financial situation but YOU sir, are a saint! There is a special place for you in the great beyond for you have demonstrated a true act of love for another. May you be blessed by the universe for your kindness and generosity (what I mean here is I hope you draw every tag you apply for and are able to afford them. Given what you have done already I know that any harvest will be shared.)
Our country has been very good to me making a living over the years and can't think of any place better in the world. I have already been incredibly blessed with drawing a number of great tags over the years as well as being able to afford to go on several Canadian hunting trips. This event is going to be incredibly difficult economically for those not so fortunate. If you can help someone else out just a little, do it.
We bought a dishwasher from a local furniture shop that had to close because of the stay home order. Luckily we became friends with the owner a while ago and did the purchase over the phone. Our local John Deere dealer got a sizable chunk for a delivery on a used tractor when they open back up. The rest is in savings for spending at the diners when they open back up.
Truck repairs. Phone repairs. Maybe save some to put down on a house.
If any of you big spenders want to help keep the content coming, here's your chance: https://shop.randynewberg.com/

I've bought a couple of the shirts & they're good quality. Thinkin' a Big Hank cap will be on it's way shortly. Let's keep this place alive, and support the guys who produce outdoor TV that matters.
+1 The shirts are nice, but the big hank hat has definitely become a favorite. Everybody needs an extra hat or 10 🤷🏻‍♂️
Do the hunttalk hats from this store still exist, @Big Fin? Is there a prerequisite to post 5,000 times and not get banned? 😉


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