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Isn't it just sad it came to those two? Bernie Sandars was someone I didn't fully agree with, but he was a man who believed what he said and he had a soul. If the democrats ran him instead of the corrupt criminal terrible candidate they ran, they would have swept the floor. Trump won for many reasons, most of them not being that he is the answers to our problems and we'll find that out in the coming 4 years. I do wish him well and hope he does well, and also keeps our public lands public, but I have my concerns and at this point the election is what it is, and anyone who enjoys public lands should have that worry to and be ready to fight for them from this day forward.
I voted Sanders in the primary, wished I could have voted for him in the general (not that I agreed with everything about Sanders, who agrees with everything?). He just made this statement on his site earlier:

“Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media. People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to China and other low-wage countries, of billionaires not paying any federal income taxes and of not being able to afford a college education for their kids - all while the very rich become much richer.

To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him. To the degree that he pursues racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies, we will vigorously oppose him.”
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I voted Sanders in the primary, wished I could have voted for him in the general (not that I greed with everything about Sanders, who agrees with everything?). He just made this statement on his site earlier:
Bernie Sanders is an honorable man. I don't agree with a lot of what he wants to do, but he was truthful, sincere, and actually believed what he said. He did not have the baggage, corruption, or lies that Clinton had. I can disagree with someone on policies and politics, but not on character. Trump and Clinton had none, I could have voted for Sanders easily, it is just sad it came down to two disgusting choices. Public lands are now in jeprody, be ready to fight like hell.
Best election ever! I've been eligible to vote for 30 years and this is the first time we've ever had a candidate I was proud to vote for. And then to have him win so decisively, was just amazing, especially after the pollsters lied and told us and the media that he didn't have a chance. Finally we will have someone in the White House who really cares about America and who will get things done instead of only talking about it.

Good article here about why the polls were so wrong:
I agree with this ^^^^. As a small businessman I had to buy my own insurance for my wife, son and I. No big corporation providing it for me as un-taxed income, and no government job. I paid out of my own pocket, and before Obamacare I watched my premiums go from about $300.00 per month to 4, then 5, then 8. The last straw was when they bumped them up to $1,260.00 per month with a cap and no coverage for pre-existing conditions. We quit and went naked for two years, hoping nothing catastrophic happened. Luckily it didn't. But, with a cap, insurance probably would not have helped anyway.

As soon as Obamacare came on board, we jumped on it. We've been paying about $280.00 per month since then, with no cap and all our pre-existing conditions are covered. And we've always kept all our providers of our choice. Luckily we are pretty healthy folks and rarely use it. But we think universal single payer is the way to go. The private sector is more incompetent than the government when it comes to insurance. The best health care in the world ain't worth shit if you can't afford it. Or if you have to get a government job or work for someone else to get it.

Half the people who have a problem with Obamacare are too stupid or lazy to go on line, shop around and apply once each year. Takes a few hours. Our State, Colorado, played ball. If your state didn't, that's something that should be taken up with them.

Obama did well considering the plate of steaming shit he was given in 2008. The world was broke and it still hasn't got back to where it was.

My opinion.

I let a lot go but could not this. Opposite effect for me. Went from a family plan at 400 a month with decent coverage (wife 2 kids myself) before obamacare. To this year paying 1300 a month for the wife 2 kids and I with terrible insurance on the wife and I but great on the kids. due to Obamacare. The payers keep paying and the whiners keep whining. Hunting however has been great!
Did not want to reply to this, but you are wrong.

Hilliary is the devil incarnate. What I posted, I have no regrets. You called me a misogynist. Cannot come close the truth. If you were the candidate. I might have voted for you. Opposite poles of politics. But, you are honest and I can respect that.

Hilliary should be in prison. What I said, witch bitch, is correct.

There are too many deaths in the Clinton background. To many foreign governments donating millions of dollars into the Clinton foundation while she was Secretary of State. Treason? I think so!

What hurts the most is that you implied that I was calling all women bitches! Only the less than !% of the population deserves that tag. Hilliary is the winner.
Lady. I like you and not your politics.

Trump was called Hitler on this thread. He is no Knight in shining armor. But, compared to Lady Hilliary, he is.

There are men who are bastards. Less than 1%. There are women who are bitches. Less the 1%, but recognize one when you see one.

For those who said hurray Kat, I like her too. You have to honest. The guy with 4 sisters, I have 6. None of them are bitches.

Your vocabulary will probably bury me.

But I cannot take this one back. Hope Hilliary is in prison soon!!

Kat respect you.
treason? Gotcha.

Clearly that's doesn't apply to encouraging foreign powers to hack the head of Dept of State email. totally legit. No need to use the US legal system when you can just call on your pal Putin.
Political threads... Unless you post a funny, ironically a lot of "funny" within.

"IBTL" was an acronym from early 2400 phone cradled modem, "Baud-Town" forum chat.
I get why people don't like Hillary. I don't either. But Trump is a vile, disgusting person, and I'm glad that my daughter, at the age of 6 is young enough where I wont have to explain to her that the man America voted in as President would find it okay to put his hands between her legs because he is rich and famous.
You must be talking about Over-the-Hillary's husband, right?
Bobby Dean, words are very important to me, probably why I spent so many years learning a variety of languages, the etymology of a word, to better understand what was being communicated, especially in old or ancient texts. If you are a religious person of the Christian persuasion, perhaps you are unaware of what "devil" actually means, or you could be a subscriber to Jewish Gnosticism, I don't know. While I have no problem with differing political opinions, I do object to the misogynistic ad hominem and now the inflammatory religious labeling.

Some of the languages I began learning were Koine Greek and Latin for the later texts of the New Testament, you know, the newer parts of the "Bible" that began in Hebrew and Aramaic with the Semitic peoples in the Middle Eastern part of the world, the moral code for certain sects of one branch of the Abrahamic faiths, to see what was truly written (comparing with other writings from the same time period for accurate cultural usage of the time), since it goes through so many translations. So I would like to share some etymology with you on your new description of Clinton being a "devil".

Devil comes from Old English deofol "evil spirit," from the Latin diabolus, which came from the Greek diabolos "accuser, slanderer" (scriptural loan-translation of Hebrew satan/shatan), from diaballein which means "to slander, attack," literally "throw across". Dia means "across, through" + ballein "to throw."

Now Jerome, an early church father, re-introduced "Satan" into Latin bibles, and English translators have used both in different measures. In the Latin Vulgate, as well as the Greek texts, diabolus and dæmon were distinct, but they have merged in English and other Germanic languages over time. So strictly speaking "devil" means accuser, slander.

Now just for giggles, let's look at the Hebrew origin of what became "devil" in the Greek. Shatan is composed of 3 Hebrew letters (shiyn, teyt, nun - written right to left - NTSh). Shatan / Satan means adversary, accuser. The Arabic is Shaytan or Shaitan.

That is it! No omnipotent, omniscient, all powerful polar opposite of a creator sky god. See, I have awesome Hebrew Concordances (not the crappy Strongs). In the Tanak (the Hebrew acronym for the 3 major subdivisions of the "Old Testament", there are 33 times where shatan / satan are used. 14 of those verses are in the post-exilic book of Iyob [Job], 1st and 2nd chapters, which are later writings by the editors. In all other cases shatan is used as accuser, not a personified evil, except for 3 other verses. I Dibrey HaYamiym [Chronicles] 21:1, which states that Shatan / Satan stood against Yisrael and moved Dawiyd [David] to number Yisrael. That is the equivalent of saying, “the Devil made him do it.” Chronicles is known to be a post exilic writing. ZekarYahu, written during the exile, 3:1 and 2 state, “and he made me see Yahusha` the kohen gadol [Joshua the high priest] standing before the malak [messenger] of YHWH, and ha shatan standing at his right hand to accuse him. 2 and YHWH said to hashatan, YHWH rebuke you, hashatan. and, YHWH who has chosen Yerushalaim rebuke you. Is this not a brand plucked out of the fire?”

Those later writings are part of what is called the Jewish Gnostic Merkabah writings - Jewish mysticism. This is where the personification of evil came from. Some of the later New Testament books, an editing comprised of over 28,000 copies and fragments of copies, in Greek, no two of which are identical, are replete with Jewish Gnosticism. There are two types of Greek texts, the Majority Text and the Received Text, became finalized hundreds of years after the events occurred.

So I would like to share a lateral translation of a verse from the awesome Jewish rabble rouser Yahusha' speaking to his students, which you might know by the seriously buggered up Anglicized name of "Jesus", written in the oldest complete complete book of the New Testament, in the original Hebrew (probably would not be allowed to come to the US under the Trump administration) -

MaththiYahu [Matthew] 15:16-20, “But he said to them, 'Do you also not yet understand? Know you not that whatsoever enters the mouth, goes into the belly, and from there in purification it is cast without? But whatsoever from the mouth will come forth, from the heart comes forth, and this [is what] contaminates a child of man. For from the heart proceed evil thoughts, adultery, murder, prostitution, theft, slander (shatan), blasphemy. These are they which defile a man.” Personal accountability!!!

BTW, your use of "bastard" is exactly what I wrote of in a previous post, an insult to a man that has nothing to do with his gender, but insults his mother, a female - misogyny. In egalitarian, matrilineal (not matriarchal) cultures, there is no forced marriage or artificial lineage of the father (patri). Until modern technology, you could not prove the father's genetics, but people did know who the mother was. With the advent of patriarchal Indo-European property laws of women, documented in the Akkadian and Babylonian texts, any man born outside of the religious moral institution was deemed a "bastard", the insult being on the woman, that she was not a wife, but a whore by their standards.

I have no problem with anyone addressing Clinton's, or any other candidates, particular actions/statements, votes, positions, etc., in relation to law.
You must be talking about Over-the-Hillary's husband, right?

No, as is apparent by my easy to read sentence. That's what I dislike most about Trump supporters, their only real defense is "what about Bill/Hillary" Did I stutter or do you just have trouble reading that my statement was geared specifically toward Trump?
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