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How do you feel about Trump or the other candidates?

  • Liking Trump

    Votes: 106 55.5%
  • Liking other Republicans

    Votes: 55 28.8%
  • Liking one of the Democrats

    Votes: 30 15.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Bernie supporter here, not ashamed. Few reasons I like him vs the other candidates:

Campaign isn't supported by Wall Street/Super PACS/Corps
Has remained the most consistent in his positions of any of the candidates
Is against an American Oligarchy.
Makes great points about single payer health care, college tuition, Wall Street influenced corruption
Is not extreme in his positions on the 2a IMO
Is pro public lands
Doesn't pander to xenophobic bigots

Yes, I know the word "socialist" scares people but Senator Sanders IMHO is taking some of the parts that make sense and applying them to his platform. Why should people be denied health care or go bankrupt because they can't afford it? Before you say "I don't want to pay for all the deadbeats", you already are with your health insurance premiums. I have health insurance through work and have only used it for dental and vision. I've paid a lot more in than I've ever taken out. I also pay taxes for road maintenance but only use some of the roads. It's called society and we all contribute to the common good. "But big government?". Yes, the spectre of big government with their terrible regulations about clean water and air, etc. Sure the government can be streamlined and more efficient, less wasteful. Why don't we start with an audit of the DOD or the Federal Reserve? Not sure if this is the senators position but it's mine. If you open your eyes, money is the only thing that matters to the people who run this country. Senator Sanders is vocal in his opposition to that idea, which most people just shrug "That's just how it is."

I'm sure some people will vehemently disagree with me and that's fine. Free country and all. Personally I don't like to think of our country as a right side and a wrong side. I don't think R's are my enemy. I prefer a more pragmatic view on my fellow countryman. I wish people would just start to accept that we need to work together and not draw lines in the sand if anything positive will get done.

The two party system needs to go.
Funny what happens when you start paying attention to what's really going on, eh BHR?

Not feeling the Bern, not enamored with Hills. Can't think of one R I'd vote for.
Not feeling the Bern, not enamored with Hills. Can't think of one R I'd vote for.

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." TR.

Hugh Glass for President!

Write in.
I think it's important to remember with Bernie as with any candidate especially one with extreme views you can only be so far left or right once you actually get into office. you're always going to be pulled towards the center, once faced with Congress and the political reality of running the Nation. It happened with Obama and it'll happen with any other candidate.

As of right now If vote for Sanders over any other candidate.

if I were a betting man I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that if Hillary gets into the primaries she's pretty much a guaranteed win baring a indictment. I don't think the majority of America is in the mood for a mad man or any of the limp wristed options the Republican Party has put forth.
Funny what happens when you start paying attention to what's really going on, eh BHR?

Not feeling the Bern, not enamored with Hills. Can't think of one R I'd vote for.

Every time I start stressing about who to vote for I remember that I am in Montana. The primary picks are settled by the time we get to vote, and no matter how I vote in the general the electoral vote will go to the R presidential candidate. Your vote doesn't matter, accept your irrelevance, relax your mind :D. Deez Nutz might get my vote for president. I wonder if Zinke will get challenged in the primary.
The way Hilldebeast is attacking the 2nd right now, I just hope things go R.

I'm not too worried about Sanders. It is doubtful he will be elected president, but if he is, I expect MAJOR gridlock. He would have to really work to get all the dems to agree with him on major issues, much less the repubs.

When in doubt, gridlock doesn't seem so bad.
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