This surprise anyone?

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
SFW had used their Utah tag money to create plenty of headaches for hunters and anglers; or at least those not in the graces of the UT franchise model, which would be mostly the public land folks.

In 2011, SFW was the force that got UT to change its stream access laws that the court said allowed anglers to fish between the high water marks. The leader of SFW stated that anglers were abusing private property rights, so evidently he felt it was up to his group to use their UT tag profits to get anglers back off the streams. His bill passed and fishing in UT is now a lot more restrictive than it was.

So now, one of the SFW groups in UT has decided they needed to publicly endorse the UT effort to transfer public lands. They had testified the same here in support of Montana bills. Link provided below.


I wonder what the home team over on MM thinks of this effort by SFW. Seems rather incestuous that the UT tag moneys from the Expo are used against the rank and file hunter the way they are. But, there are a lot of things in UT politics that look askew to those standing on the outside, even strange to many UT folks who are on the outside of the political games played in that state.
How does any normal sportsman in his or her right mind want anything to do with that organization?! I so don't miss Utah or SFW.
Though many sportsmen are leary about auction/raffle tags, for the most part they are accepted because the loss of one tag to the masses can bring a lot of money in towards conservation causes.

What the SFW is doing though, is in my opinion a powerful argument against auction tags - which is a shame.
I have no problem with someone making 6 figures running a non-profit. That's industry standard for larger groups and that salary is commensurate with experience and success. It's also how you attract quality people to the jobs.

In fact, when you compare salaries to companies that are for profit, those 6 figure salaries are still below the market average.

However, you damned well better earn that money, and welfare groups like SFW who steal from the public and then advocate for less public land and access should be shown the heel of the boot every chance we can get.

The Kool-Aid drinking Utah crowd on MM will claim that Utah can manage the land better than the federal government. Never mind the financial shortfalls that will force the state to sell/lease the land to pay for the management. I am reminded that Don Peay indicated on a thread on MM that if you didn't support SFW and their actions you were anti-hunting. This will be spun as a grass roots movement to keep the government out of their business. The Sheeple will fall in line and fight for this transfer. I don't think it will ever happen never know what type of crazy stuff could happen. The sad thing is that one day the SFW Sheeple will wake up and realize that they can no longer hunt on public land. They will then blame somebody else for allowing this to happen.

Anybody versed in the SFW shenanigans should have seen this coming from a mile away. I can even see another push for more conservation tags by SFW in a valiant effort to help fight for the land transfer/fight the sage grouse/fight the ensuing doom of the dreaded wolf.

Couldn't find anything on the Montana SFW site referring to their promoting the transfer of public lands to the state. You said they testified in support of the Montana transfer bills; any documentation for that?
It kinda makes me sick to see all of this happening in Utah where I live, hunt, and fish. It seems like in several of the other states discussing transferring public land there has been a significant push back against the idea by sportsmen and many others who see the land and the resources contained on that land as a valuable asset that is worth conserving. Yet, somehow we have the predominant "conservation" group in Utah( i know it's only a chapter that has openly supported it thus far) pushing for something that any rational person can see that this will not serve as a benefit to sportsmen. I am so far past being tired of what's going on here it's not even funny.

Couldn't find anything on the Montana SFW site referring to their promoting the transfer of public lands to the state. You said they testified in support of the Montana transfer bills; any documentation for that?

They don't come right out and say it, but if you are wondering look through some of this on their facebook page. See the Youtube video presentation.

This is the youtube:

Couldn't find anything on the Montana SFW site referring to their promoting the transfer of public lands to the state. You said they testified in support of the Montana transfer bills; any documentation for that?

I will try to find it in the testimony on some of the bills earlier in February. It should be there in the video.

They have also hosted some events for Jennifer Fielder to use as a platform for her attempts in Montana. Those were in December. I will see if I can find any of the old emails that broadcast her presence there.
I will try to find it in the testimony on some of the bills earlier in February. It should be there in the video.

They have also hosted some events for Jennifer Fielder to use as a platform for her attempts in Montana. Those were in December. I will see if I can find any of the old emails that broadcast her presence there.

She's in the video's I posted. She's at that event.
Wyoming SFW likes the transfer ides....

The best part:

"All of the state’s sportsmen and conservation organizations oppose the bill. Conversely, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, the Utah-based group that promotes private management and commercialization of wildlife, supports the bill, according to Bob Wharff, SFW’s representative for Wyoming."
I tried clicking on the "Financial Reports" link on the SFW web site, and got (wait for it):

Nothing found for the requested page. Try a search instead?

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