PEAX Equipment

The kaibab draw is a NO-GO


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
best news I heard all day

"The Kaibab archery deer hunt will not be by draw this year as proposed, but there will be a mandatory checkout station."

"An issue that received lots of public comment was the Kaibab archery deer hunts. The commission was considering three options that ranged from keeping the status quo to going to a draw system for archery deer north of the Colorado River.

The major archery organizations within the state opposed instituting a draw this year, but asked that the season be shortened to two weeks long and open Aug. 23 (the same time as the other archery deer hunts), and then close on Sept. 5. The groups also asked that a mandatory check station be established to collect harvest data in the field. The organizations offered to assist the department in manning the check station. The commission went along with the proposed compromise.

Game Branch Chief Tice Supplee said the check station information is very important to the department because it will provide age and weight information for the archery harvest on the Kaibab."

Hey Delw (or Dewl), how far away from the truck can you shoot a deer in Aug. and expect to get it out without spoiling? Must be a pain in the arse to deal with. I can't imagine hunting in the kind of heat you have down there! Although I do expect that it's much cooler on the Kaibab.

I have seen it snow the last week in aug... at night generally it runs about 35 degrees day time about 65..... in the shade its about 50 or less....
Its the trip to phx you have to worry about.. I try to plan my trip back at night when its a tad cooler under 110.....

We used to lay the deer in the back of the pick up with an ice block but the pick up beds get to hot(from exhaust and tire heat) so now we just lay the deer on the stuff with a block of ice in the belly...

Now THAT is some good news!!!! HMMM...anyone wanna try to stick a muley in AZ this year? I am.
Del, go get yourself an old fridge or freezer. They fit nicely in the back on a pickup and are very well insulated. Use it as a huge cooler for your deer and plenty of ice. Fill it with 1 gallon milk jugs of water frozen. It lasts for a long time, keeps the fridge cold and gves you cold drinking water as it melts. An old refridgerator works the best as they have two compartments. One for your game and ice and one for your food. You can generally pick them up for free.
Elkhunter I have heard that a few times.. they say it works great...
Only problem is half the time I dont know if I am going to shoot anything cause i only want a big one and the other half I cant hit it with the bow.....
