The Bundys are baa-aaack...

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I am trying to figure out the defund the police thing myself. The side that typically wants all these laws, taxes and regulations is going to enforce them how?

If the left is turning small gov on us, let’s keep the momentum and do a lot of defunding. I bet the ATF and DEA arrest records have a racial outcome to them as well. Defund.
IRS taxes poorer people at higher rates than many millionaires. Minorities have lower income = racial outcome there too. Defund.

If I was king for a day, I’d use way less restraint to dismantle racist pillars of the state than Randy has used to dismantle login credentials. 💥

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A week ago the authorities were punishing people gathering together. Today those same blue staters are encouraging mass gatherings, rallies, protests and letting rioters run wild in our cities. Absolute insanity but not by accident eh. Just an observation of the events of the day that’s all. I’m sure there’s other things you could focus on but this crap affects everyone now. Shhhhh. Rome is burning but don’t talk about it to your fellows.
A week ago the authorities were punishing people gathering together. Today those same blue staters are encouraging mass gatherings, rallies, protests and letting rioters run wild in our cities. Absolute insanity but not by accident eh. Just an observation of the events of the day that’s all. I’m sure there’s other things you could focus on but this crap affects everyone now. Shhhhh. Rome is burning but don’t talk about it to your fellows.
And I still haven't seen OBAMA'S, BIRTH, CERTIFICATE!
You should read the US Constitution sometime. It was written and ratified because it protects the Inalienable Rights of the Individual from the corrupt vagaries of Government and the majority. Your comment then was commie socialist drivel. Your welcome.
I suggest the paper back. That way you can carry it in your pocket and read parts out of context to random people who won't challenge you on your selective use.



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