Sitka Pre Season Savings

Scouting pics

anyway I will give a quick estimation on that other thread you posted where I said the buck was 13", just look at where the prongs are in relation too the ears, ears are generally 6" is a reasonable guess, you double that you got a 12" or bigger goat, that I just take an educated guess as too what is past the 12", pretty simple, obviously it works since later on in that thread I was pretty accurate with my guess on that buck eh..... i'm too stubborn too give up on this, instead of pointing fingers why don't you educate me.... i'm willing too learn....
It's simple math. On the link buzz posted, you're guessing that freak in the mid-70s... haha. Dude.
That tall skinny buck with the hook? Am I reading it wrong that folks think it's 13-14.5? If so, don't respond to anymore questions about guessing a buck's size because you need some help.

I was throwing out a guess on the last one of his original picts not the skinny tall buck.
here are my guess's on the other buck post's, just general estimations....

1. 15 1/8 - 15

2. at least 16" on both

3. 14 3/4" - 15"

4.16 1/2 - 17"

5. 14 - 14 1/2"

6. 15" - 15 1/2"

7. 14" 1/4 - 14 1/2"

8.16 1/2 - 17"

just my estimations...
It's ok to suck at judging goats, but super funny to really suck and argue with people about it on the internet.
Here is an officially measured buck that is heavy. Good mass can change the impression of length. The buck that started this discussion has really good mass.

I know what both of these sides measure. Feel free to guess for purposes of practice?


That buck woulda scored a lot better if somebody wouldn't have kept it in the oven for a week. :D
Here is an officially measured buck that is heavy. Good mass can change the impression of length. The buck that started this discussion has really good mass.

I know what both of these sides measure. Feel free to guess for purposes of practice?

View attachment 31016

View attachment 31017

15 1/2" - 15 3/4" on the left, can't acurrately judge the right but similar in length....
Heres the lengths...

1. 15 -14 7/8 official gross score of 80 6/8 net and 81 6/8 gross

2. 15 1/8-15 unofficial gross score 78-79

3. 13 2/8- 13 3/8 small bodied antelope for Wyoming scored around 72-73

4. 15 1/8- 15 2/8 scores 76-77 smallest bodied buck antelope I've ever shot in Wyoming. I knew it when I shot him as he was with a 1.5-2.5 year old doe and was no bigger, if not a bit smaller. Liked the horn shape, curved in prongs.

5. 14 1/8- 14 gross scored right near 80

6. 14 5/8 -14 5/8 gross scored 78

7. 14 6/8- 14 5/8 official net score was 80 4/8 net and 81 4/8 gross

8. 14 1/8 14 1/8.

The trouble I have with judging antelope is keeping body size in mind. The buck in the first picture, we argued for the better part of an hour the night before opening day about the length of that buck. My wife was sure it wasnt 13 inches and I was positive it was closer to 15, a very large bodied antelope that simply dwarfed the rest he was with. I settled the debate by saying I'd be more than happy to shoot him if she didnt want to.

The other buck she killed that netted over 80, I did over-estimate the length by about an inch. I was sure that buck would net all-time and I looked at him for about an hour one day at pretty close range.

I dont know, I could be wrong about that heavy buck in the scouting pictures as well. But, I'd bet some good coin that its bigger than 12 inches...all day long. Glad I dont have to decide if he's a shootable buck or not...not in a unit I have a tag for. Some gay dude from AZ could settle the debate.
Not that gay dude, that other gay dude from Arizona that shoots big giant bull elk with a bow. He has a WY lope tag in the unit that buck lives in.
Ya I see. If the one gay dude would show up and drop him then the other gay dude could measure and critique and then this gay dude would know if he is very big or not. gotcha
That buck woulda scored a lot better if somebody wouldn't have kept it in the oven for a week. :D

Yeah, thanks for nothin'! :p

Now, here is a less massive buck that was officially measured and has identical lengths on both sides.

Guesses for practice?


I drank 3 cans of Scape Goat Pale Ale only because of the mtn goat on the can.

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