Caribou Gear Tarp

RMEF on auction tags

Poor old ABE. He just doesn't know when to give up. I thought the thrashing he took on the wolf delisting issue a year ago would have been a lesson that would sink in. I guess not.

Post #107. Not sure what size that qualifies for, but I am probably going to let it rest, now that Friday afternoon has arrived. At least until 30inch and JBP decide to chime in.

30inch is still wearing his asshat from the debates over on Bowsite when he tried to defends SFW tag grab in AZ. He just doesn't get it, either.
So, I decided to google my name today. It amazes me every time , the things it will bring up. I am a little late to this discussion on this forum. Normally I do not reply to this type of blind lynch mob post but this one needs a little clarification.
1. Nothing was " leaked " by myself or anyone else that was not already public information. Look it up. I posted the letter the day after it was released. but that really does not matter. If they were ashamed of the slander contained inside, why did they publish it?
2. total number of MEN with guts enough to contact me directly on this subject..........ZERO. you all just hide like roaches buried in online forums talking crap, slandering folks and not helping anything.
3. posting my family tree........well it is public record. and it not really a big deal. You all are hung up on the fact that Don and I share the last name........does that mean we are related? NO, that is a fully retarded as thinking everyone named Jim Smith is related. come on guys, use a little common sense.
I included the statement not related to Don, on that post so there would not be a question. Yet you fools jumped right on that horse and rode her to the ground.
If you want to know something about me , ask. My information is listed. Be a man and ask me in person.

As for hand picked by Don........if that were the case the entire WRB would be on board, the RAC's would be on board, that whole notion is idiotic at best.

If there was any corruption, mis-use or anything else lik that , the Hunting Expo and the 200 tags would be gone. since this post is a few years old now, and the " full disclosure" issue is finally put to bed, I doubt anyone can ethically say anything negative.I guess the uninformed , uneducated few , might still not get it.

concerning perks, free tags and special treatment. Well i guess i'm not on that list as I have not drawn a tag in years , and never an expo tag. Maybe Friday my luck will change.

I am the Utah Co SFW Chaper Chairman, Since John went to the RAC, the the WRB. It is an unpaid , voluntary position. I think what we do, does more to put assets on the ground than any other organization in the country. Not just lining the pockets of a few " conservation group leaders"
I have been on the ground doing the protects, helping. where are you? I have a fence project in April if anyone wants to get their hands dirty. or get off the hunting forums long enough.
Our Utah county Banquet is March 27th. In Spanish Fork. See Ya there :)
Wasn't this thread 3 years old before he revived it? Kind of odd to jump in now. Maybe there's some kind of bash going on over at MM? They seem to get into a lot of mudslinging over there.
Odd? I did not know this site existed, and that I was getting trashed by anons? Odd No. Late , yes. nothing new, just late to the party.
Been a simple member for 20 yrs. For the Bugle at first/still.
I've always been asked why doesn't RMEF just hand out tags they get for all that land?Why can't I just go hunt that RMEF land? It's just for the rich guys and the staff.
I do at times take issue with some policy or another of theirs,but damned if they don't walk the walk.
Been involved in projects with them in Gov. employ and as helping hand on drinkers with hunt groups,CMDF is one. And here on my place in NM, I was awarded a grant for solar water pump for elk and wildlife.
When I went to the HH Ranch on the plains to meet with the guy in charge of Grants and private lands access aquisition. Nice guy and great meeting in a historic place.
I asked him how often he gets to hunts these special places that hunts go for $o much? He said,"I can't afford it,wish I could..We don't get free hunts,but I've helped on 2 Make a Wish Hunts here. I would pay for the chance to help a kid again".
As I drove the Pie Way back to my little140 ac spread weaving thru the elk,I smiled .
Not so much the fact that said he would back me for my little grant,which I did get. One of only 2 that year,but that story of helping others hunt who normally couldn't.
Maybe I could help in some small way too. They seem to walk the walk I said to myself.
Since then they show they walk the walk in every issue and comment and action ,IMHO.
I'm once again going to get involved with a project here for elk and will be giving a LO tag to a Wounded Warrior to hunt. Depends on G&F this year.
More of a chance for me to walk the walk I admit.
And time to talk to some one again about conservation easements and leaving my little oasis surrounded by thousands of acres of BLM/State lands to RMEF.
They appear to walk the walk,now with full transperancy to boot!
So, I decided to google my name today. It amazes me every time , the things it will bring up. I am a little late to this discussion on this forum. Normally I do not reply to this type of blind lynch mob post but this one needs a little clarification.
1. Nothing was " leaked " by myself or anyone else that was not already public information. Look it up. I posted the letter the day after it was released. but that really does not matter. If they were ashamed of the slander contained inside, why did they publish it?
2. total number of MEN with guts enough to contact me directly on this subject..........ZERO. you all just hide like roaches buried in online forums talking crap, slandering folks and not helping anything.
3. posting my family tree........well it is public record. and it not really a big deal. You all are hung up on the fact that Don and I share the last name........does that mean we are related? NO, that is a fully retarded as thinking everyone named Jim Smith is related. come on guys, use a little common sense.
I included the statement not related to Don, on that post so there would not be a question. Yet you fools jumped right on that horse and rode her to the ground.
If you want to know something about me , ask. My information is listed. Be a man and ask me in person.

As for hand picked by Don........if that were the case the entire WRB would be on board, the RAC's would be on board, that whole notion is idiotic at best.

If there was any corruption, mis-use or anything else lik that , the Hunting Expo and the 200 tags would be gone. since this post is a few years old now, and the " full disclosure" issue is finally put to bed, I doubt anyone can ethically say anything negative.I guess the uninformed , uneducated few , might still not get it.

concerning perks, free tags and special treatment. Well i guess i'm not on that list as I have not drawn a tag in years , and never an expo tag. Maybe Friday my luck will change.

I am the Utah Co SFW Chaper Chairman, Since John went to the RAC, the the WRB. It is an unpaid , voluntary position. I think what we do, does more to put assets on the ground than any other organization in the country. Not just lining the pockets of a few " conservation group leaders"
I have been on the ground doing the protects, helping. where are you? I have a fence project in April if anyone wants to get their hands dirty. or get off the hunting forums long enough.
Our Utah county Banquet is March 27th. In Spanish Fork. See Ya there :)

Jared, maybe you are the JBP guy on Monster Muleys who was part of the discussion on auction tags that occurred over on MM in 2012. If you search this forum you will find tons of threads where we have good humor at the expense of the SFW folks over on MM.

Nobody here said you were Don's son. In fact, the one poster stated you had clarified such, leaving no doubt that you are NOT related. Nothing in this thread was to trash you as a person, as you are implying. I doubt you can show me where this thread was targeted at Jared Peay.

If you are offended by the fact that others look at the SFW model in Utah with a peculiar view, then I suggest you hang out on sites that favor the SFW model. As a general rule, this site is not one of them.

Many on this site also post on MM and have taken on the BS claims of Don Peay and others who blindly support him; especially those who bow to his scepter and believe every word he says. Some might not like that, but anytime Don Peay opens his mouth, the BS meter gets red lined in most other venues.

Had SFW not come to MT with the fruits of their Utah tag model franchise and tried to screw with our wolf delisting, odds are I would have never said a word. If SFW had not used their UT tag money to go to DC and screw over MT and ID and our chance for state wolf management, SFW followers would probably not be sporting such large asshats on the issue of wolf delisting.

Had SFW not went to Arizona and tried to replicate the UT model, they probably would not be held in such disgust by folks in AZ.

Had SFW not hand picked a clown for the AK G&F Director who turned out to be carrying a lot of illegal hunting baggage, the hunters of AK would probably not have such a negative view of SFW.

Had SFW not went to Wyoming and tried to screw with their tag allocations to the detriment of the rank and file hunter, they probably wouldn't have the negative reputation they have in WY. I could go on and on, but folks get the point.

One thing that always comes of these threads over on MM is how people observe the passion the rank and file SFW person has. Myself, and I suspect others, always hoped that the passion could have been guided toward different outcomes and with different "spokes people." I have no doubt you share the passion for wildlife.

For you to show up on this forum years after that debate is interesting. I only wish the links to the MM threads were still intact, as those threads were some of the most entertaining threads on Al Gore's world wide web.

As to this statement you provided:

2. total number of MEN with guts enough to contact me directly on this subject..........ZERO. you all just hide like roaches buried in online forums talking crap, slandering folks and not helping anything.

First of all, no one was focusing on you, so there was no need to contact you directly. This was about conservation groups and tag proceeds.

To call everyone else a bunch of "roaches talking crap" is unfortunately typical of the SFW response any time some facts come to the table. I suspect if you knew the amount of time people on this site spend on conservation, habitat, and other issues affecting public hunters, you would retract those comments. Then again, maybe not.

I have been on the ground doing the protects, helping. where are you? I have a fence project in April if anyone wants to get their hands dirty. or get off the hunting forums long enough.

Where are you? I can speak for myself and quite a few others here that I bump into while they are out doing great things for hunting, access, and wildlife. I have been at legislative hearings, fighting land grab bills that SFW has supported. Bills that would screw with hunting access in Montana. I just got back from three days of travel (unpaid) and meetings as a volunteer for a conservation group. I've spent many evenings working on local committees for conservation groups. I've been out seeking donations for conservation groups. That is just the last couple weeks, and what I do is chump change compared to some others on this site; others for whom SFW seems to have an endless supply of contempt.

I know some here have been volunteering for fund raisers in their home states, in their home towns. I know some have been helping at national conventions to improve habitat for wild sheep and increase hunting opportunity for all, out of their own pockets and taking precious time from their families, businesses, and jobs.

I know some here who have been teaching hunter ed.

I know some here who have been mentoring young hunters and shooters, volunteering at range days.

I know some here who have been working on wild sheep transplants.

I know many who have been spending 2-4 days per week driving to state Capitols representing hunters whose work and family obligations keep them from attending.

And all those l list above, including myself, do it on our own time and our own dime. We don't do it on the proceeds of auction tags, convention raffle tags, and the other funding mechanisms SFW uses. They do it out of their own pocket and time away from jobs and families, all stemming from their passion for conservation.

They don't come on forums, thump their chest, and call everyone else a bunch of cockroaches as you have. These guys accept giving back as part of the responsibility of being a hunter. They are the core of what makes hunting in America and I'm not inclined to sit silent while someone from a group with the questionable track record of SFW makes negative condescending comment toward all of them.

I wish I could say your ranting was the exception for the SFW crowd, but it is the norm, at least in my experience. Your "holier than thou" words, with the perspective that the world is picking on you when all they are doing is pointing out facts, gets old after a while.

I had kind of let the SFW stuff drift away lately. Even with SFW recently testify in favor of bills that would screw over public land hunters, I let it go. Yet, you and the rest of the SFW cadre cannot leave it well enough alone.

Maybe it was the Expo tag auctions and raffles of last weekend that got you all worked up and wanting to dig out old bones from a few years back. If you want to dig out old bones and call the rest of the hunting world a bunch of @#)(# roaches and imply they are "not a man," you let me know when and where you want to do that. I've spent a morning dealing with legislative crooks trying to steal our public lands, so you've picked a good time and a good day to get started. Say "when," Jared.

For you to act like you and your SFW members are the only ones with your shoulder to the wheel for hunting and conservation, is hard to swallow. While the rest of us had our shoulders to the wheel (long before SFW even appeared on the landscape), along came SFW and buried a knife in our backs, picked our pockets, and then tried to take credit for the work many others had done. If you care to get into a discussion of the SFW debris and BGF carnage littered across the western conservation landscape, start another thread here, or on MM, and I am sure you will have more facts and evidence than you bargained for.

I'll leave it with this. This original thread was started as a result of SFW going on a tirade because one group, RMEF, decided that as it relates to their national convention auctions, they would donate back 100% of the total proceeds from tags they auction. If SFW finds it offensive that national convention auction tag proceeds should go to conservation, rather than funding the home team, then that is SFW's right. If you want to see this as some sort of attack on you, that is your prerogative, but it would be incorrect.

Thanks for the work so many do, including you, on behalf of conservation.
At least next time that he googles his name, something even funnier will pop right up.

Here's a pretty hilarious article. You sure you're not the kid on the right?

Wow, Foxworthy and Nugent are on board. You know, because they do so much public land hunting these days. Nugent has been reduced to an embarrassment that spends his time behind a high fence shooting circus animals at a feeder. That is great for the non hunters to get an image of what the rest of us do.
Part of the reason SFW is allowed to operate as they do is politicians in UT buy in to having a proxy organization do things the State is unable to legally do. Thus, SFW could not turn back 100% of tag proceeds since a slush fund has to be created to fund the proxy ground, SFW, in this instance. The NR tags were grabbed since NR do not vote in UT. SFW is not for Joe Six Pack but if you are an outfitter needing to line up clients or a hunter who likes to buy your hunting tags at an auction or from a landowner then you are going to get the Malone treatment. Need an example, where was SFW on the UT effort to keep people from fishing in streams that cut through private lands? If you say SFW was fighting for Joe Six Pack and his kids so they could wade along and catch some fish then you have not been paying attention. And, so it goes.
Well stated Randy!
I'm not really sure what to make of the asshat that just came in like a bug and said I was a cockroach for agreeing with RMEF on tag grabs. or something like that.
Sounded to me like a SFW guy I heard spout off about those not in their group..... their private club,or what ever they say they do.
Never seen one working on any projects any where. Is there a list? Total acres saved for access?
How about the state they "Work" in ?
How much $ has gone back into wildlife projects,boots on the ground stuff ?

Oh Mr, Peay!!! You finally got my attention,or @ least SFW did and I don't forget.
You can come talk to me here in NM,I'll be your huckleberry! You can bring your club members if you'd feel safer.
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Very odd to register and comment on a 2 year old post. It seems in my experience with "Chapter of name your organization" leaders, the ones looking for acceptance/importance, usually have a narrow view of what they are supporting.

Will it be another 2 years before he comes back and replies? Most of the people here are public land DIY's and seem to support organizations that effectively promote this type of hunting in a variety of western States.
On second thought , he can stay away......I don't think the mirrors are good enough for him.
He can't respond with his tail between his legs. Might take two more years. mtmuley
'It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt'
-- Mark Twain
The hunting fraternity has many body parts --- sure glad Randy can be seen as a mouth (attached to a brain!). Thumbs up ...

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