Republican or democrat?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
Kalispell, Mt.
Since joining this site last fall I have become much better educated about the political side of sportsman's issues. I have also become confused about which political party does more harm vs. good. It seems that the D's support public access, and support the average sportsman/hunter while the R's oppose us and support landowners, outfitters and non resident hunters. On the flip side, the R's do a much better job of supporting our 2nd amendment rights while the D's are much more anti-gun/pro gun restrictions and oppose any changes/improvements to any Concealed carry laws. I have always considered myself a conservative/republican and have voted that way. Now I am a little confused at which is the lesser of the 2 evils. Mostly at the local level not necessarily on the national scene. Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as me and hopefully some of the senior, more politically savvy members can shed some light on this issue.
I think.. it depends on the "issues"... as far a politics... I lean more to the conservative side... but you have to protect resources...Mining? driving offroad? Hunting? ..... most Libs don't have a clue about herd management... most cons.. think we can just drill anywhere... then there is the Money? .. Seems the cash/gold controls most issues.
No affiliation. It sucks sometimes during the primary elections.

I try to evaluate each canidate independently and vote based on who is closest to my thoughts on certain issues.

I truly believe party based voting is one of the biggest problems with America.
track1, just "track" the bad bills in the current Montana legislative session, those bills that are adverse to the best interests of wildlife and sportsmen.

I'm a 68 yr old third generation Montanan who has voted as a Republican my whole life until two legislative sessions ago. I am now independent and lean more toward Democrats in this state. The Republicans in the Montana legislature are intent on throwing sportsmen and especially public land DIY hunters under the bus. Even though tourism is the number two industry in Montana, the Republicans want to degrade those landscapes that make Montana the "Last Best Place" under the Big Sky. Just read the bills and pay attention to the debates. It is not confusing; it is clear..
When choosing who to vote for the last thing you want to do is try to pick just before the election, look at thier record, the pst 2 state legislative sessions in Montana have been 2 of the most anti sportsmens legislative sessions we have ever had and it is controlled by the Republicans, Not saying thats how it is going to be next time but the history is not good for us when the R's are in controll. That might not be the case in a more eastern state where the libs do have a different view than the western guys, I do hope the republicans can take back their party from the teabaggers and we can get on with some of the real problems rather than take up all this time trying to commercialize the wildlife and look at a deer or elk as nothing but how to make a dollar off it. The Dems are keeping our heads above water right now.
I don't think I could vote D in many states, but in MT I can't vote R. Those guys seem hell-bent on ruining wildlife.

Nobody in MT legislature is going to last very long opposing the 2nd so I don't think that is really a voting issue locally. The Rs have pretty much trashed the 4th anyway, but all that is national.

Straight Arrow, I think tourism just passed Ag for being #1 money and job maker in the state.
I am generally conservative but I feel I am in motion. Sometimes I think my guy is wrong and the other guy might be right. Is 'confused' a party?
I have always been registered as an Independent. Can't imagine blindly following either side but I sure see a lot of people who do. Ignorance is bliss they say. :rolleyes:
Leaning left independent who voted for Reagan twice and W once.

If sportsman and resource issues were my only issue I would vote Democrat. Republicans killed the recent sportsman bill, want to sale off public land, dumb down government protection of our resources and micro manage govt land stewards.

I laugh at the gun nut rant "dems gonna take our guns". Reagan supported the assault weapons ban. They don't want our shotguns, rifles or handguns.

Utah is the most lopsided political balance in the United States. Our just elected Attorney General is under federal investigation and was only elected because the majority of people in Utah punch straight party "R" vote. The church needs to do what they did to get statehood passed when they divided each church congregation down the aisle and one side was democrats and the other was republican. That combined with disavowing polygamy and we became a state.

My hope is Hillary in 2016 and we get Bill back into the White House. Imagine him as first man. The 90's were great. Balanced budget, growing economy, and we had fun. He should have Droned Bin Laden prior to 2001 but then again W didn't need to invade Iraq to finish dads war.

Vote the individual based on their character and leadership.
my hope is you don't vote in 2016. my wallet can not afford any more dems wanting more of my money. dems have run this state into the ground. we have more people here not working than we do working now.
I typically lean fairly far right but as of late ive realized the vast majority of politicians, left or right, dont represent the average american that works for a decent wage. Once they get elected it seems all they focus on is re election. Ive also realized theres a huge difference between a washington democrat (where I was raised) and a montana democrat (where i live now) I voted for both Rs and Ds this past year. I will say I couldnt give tester or rehberg my vote this year due to the fact all of there adds and commercials only focused on why either one was worst than the other and not what they were actually going to accomplish. Seems thats typical these days.
wow not what I was expecting to read! I have less money on my check now and just wait for obama care to kick in next year even less money on my check can't wait that's going to be good times I feel like I'm living in a dictatorship LOVE my country SCARED to death of my government!!!
Tired of working hard to fund all the entitlement programs and handouts the libs support...
my hope is you don't vote in 2016. my wallet can not afford any more dems wanting more of my money. dems have run this state into the ground. we have more people here not working than we do working now.

TLC and I have a slightly different perspective, being from the People's Republic of Illinois. Here, as in most Non-Western States (California excluded) the Democrats are (generally) stereotypical liberals. Illinois is a bit more split due to the Chicago/Rest of the State divide, and some of the downstate Democrats are much more reasonable than their Chicago ilk. However here the Dems are planning to take away our guns, and yes, they are also talking about shotguns and handguns. They have also taxed and spent this state into the ground, with no end in sight. I advocate for conservation issues with my downstate Republican representatives, but since the Democrats have a veto-proof super majority in both houses of the General Assembly, as well as a certifiably insane Governor and Attorney General, there is not much the minority Republicans can do, good or bad.
Sportsmans' issues are important, but you have to look at the overall health of the country when voting. Voting single issues is what has gotten us into this downward spiral. Overall, conservative values are what has built this country, even if some of their ideas are not necessarily sportsman friendly.
My hope is Hillary in 2016 and we get Bill back into the White House. Imagine him as first man. The 90's were great. Balanced budget, growing economy, and we had fun. He should have Droned Bin Laden prior to 2001 but then again W didn't need to invade Iraq to finish dads war.

I would vote for Slick Willie over Skeet or Shrillary. He had sense enough to work with his opponents hence the budget/economy attributes duke's listed.
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I tend to look at issues through the lens of what level of office the candidate is running for. Nationally I'm very conservative, and locally I tend to vote much more liberal (by Idaho standards anyway). I think things that make for good policy in DC often doesn't make for good policy in Boise.
The problem is if you choose your vote because of ONE issue, you still get all the bad issues that come with it. You have to choose the big picture over a couple of sportsman's issues. It would be great to have all the public land access that we deserve and pay taxes for, but I can't stand the thought of giving in on all of the social, fiscal, Pro-life standards that I hold so dear. I would never give up my conservative values to vote for a Democrat who promises public hunting access in one hand than approves gay marriage, entitlement spending, irresponsible energy policies and all the other national issues that are so much more important to me and my family. It's not like the Repubs are trying to take your hunting away somehow. They just need to be pressured to be more public sportsman friendly....then it will be perfect.

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