OYOA Season 2- Full episodes online

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
So, we are no experimenting with some new ideas on our past seasons. One of those ideas is to provide full episodes that you can view online, at no cost (there goes my DVD sales).

The first season we are working on is Season Two of our old show, On Your Own Adventures. If you go to the Carbon TV link below, you will be able to view all the Season Two episodes in their entirety. There are also a few Season One episodes loaded. To see them all, click the "Load More" button on the left side of the screen.


There are also short clips at the bottom. Those clips have been cut in short segments to be informational, or otherwise useful.

If you watch these, let me know what you think. We are exploring a large number of options for getting these to you.

We are also looking at options where you could download episodes or entire seasons for a small fee, having them on your tablet, laptop, phone, or whatever. Before jumping into that water, I am looking to see what level of interest might exist.

Here is a link to the most popular episode in Season Two - Missouri Breaks Bighorn Sheep.



Interested in the thoughts all of you have. We are moving forward to do more of this once license agreements with the network expire, so input would be helpful to make sure we are doing what people find useful, and to prevent us from doing things that are not high on the list of our audience.

If you click on the "Subscribe" button, you will get notified whenever Carbon Media TV adds new content to the channel they are managing for us.
From someone with no TV or computer at home: Thank you! Going to check them out.
Now I'll never get any work done!!!
Thanks Randy, I will be checking out and reporting back. I haven't see any of the first 2 years of your show so I am excited to view them when I can.
Will be watching these and give you some feedback. Thanks for getting these available for us.
Awesome! Even though I have the first two seasons on dvd, I am excited to be able to watch these at anytime online. Hope I get seasons 3&4 for Christmas!
Looking forward to watching these. Thanks for making them readily accessible. Have you considered a YouTube channel? Not sure if that is an option for you with content restrictions from the network. It is a great way to distribute the content and attract additional viewers to Fresh Tracks. I spend more time than I care to admit watching hunting shows and clips on YouTube and have found lots of shows and great content that I may not have found with a remote. I have also been wishing that Netflix had more outdoor content. Not sure what your revenue streams could be with that option, but it might be something.
Not having cable means I have to wait for the DVDs to come out (all in due time - we are patient) but once I have the DVD it does not expire and I can (and do) play it again and again. So, being selfish, on-line access to earlier seasons is not a priority for me.
Watched the sheep hunt and then I couldn't stop myself and had to watch you and Bart get an elk.
My work already suffers enough just reading hunt talk. Now my boss is really gonna start to question what I do all day.
Thanks Randy, i finally get to see an episode.
We can't get the Sportsman channel in the UK so thanks for this.
Discovered Carbontv about 2 weeks ago. I haven't watched any Hulu since then.
I don't get the Sportsman channel so this is an outstanding alternative for me. I've watched a few episodes already and as a matter of fact.....I'm going to watch a few more shortly. Thanks a bunch Big Fin!!!!!
Watched the ND muley hunt last night while in the hospital waiting room. It was a nice break from the boredom. Looked mighty frigid and nice to see you get it done with your bow.
Nevada Elk Hunt

"That's why you brag about your shooting and your dogs after the hunt."....gotta remember that quote. Sure is a nice looking Weatherby Bernie's carrying. Good segment Fin...could tell the fellowship wasn't staged. Good natured hunter and patient guide. Thanks to Bernie for his service.
"That's why you brag about your shooting and your dogs after the hunt."....gotta remember that quote. Sure is a nice looking Weatherby Bernie's carrying. Good segment Fin...could tell the fellowship wasn't staged. Good natured hunter and patient guide. Thanks to Bernie for his service.

Yes, Bernie is excellent fodder for remarkable hunting quotes. He is one of those people that can make you laugh no matter the condition.

His health is slowing him down, but not enough to keep him from shooting a Nevada desert bighorn last year.

A true friend and one with whom I have some treasured memories from our days afield. Glad it came across in that episode.
Unless you work at the NSA, your download speeds are probably not going to support the resolution of a DVD.