Montana General Season Structure Proposal

I primarily archery hunt bull elk, never really rifle hunted them except for one special permit in my entire life, grew up a mule deer hunter. The first couple weeks of September are my favorite time to do so, have had a lot of success there, and I know guys love the October portion of the archery season for elk, but I typically focus on upland birds and antelope come then usually, while scouting for mule deer.

I think that last week of August would be a fun time to archery hunt bulls as well while they are pattern-able from summer activity and haven’t moved out of some of the more bull only habitat in search of cows, and I’m kind of bummed this year’s season doesn’t open until Sept 7. It also doesn’t hurt my elk B tag hunting at all because I don’t focus on that until after I kill a deer, and only really if I didn’t get a bull with my bow, or the opportunity presents itself while deer hunting. I would probably hunt cows harder in November if I wasn’t hunting deer, which would be a fun meat hunt with buddies.

Just my circumstances, I know it doesn’t line up with the way some others like to do things. I’ll adapt to any changes, especially if they help out mule deer numbers.
I’m with ya, I’m certain I’ll change much in the elk season. If there is a change, as hunters we can adapt.
This is also when most of Montana's poaching happens, and it is a lot easier to get away with when you can use legitimate hunting as cover. Much easier to get away with shooting a buck where you shouldn't, fill someone else's tag, shoot more bucks than allowed or even night hunt during the season.
The Rut illegal stuff doesnt stop with mule deer. Years ago in mid Nov near Trego I had killed a decent whitetail with my longbow and by the time I packed it out it was dark. As I drove down the road it looked like I was the only one not using a spotlight. As I rounded each curve the pickup seeing me doused their spotlight until I had passed. They were probably incensed I had interfered with their "hunt".
The Rut illegal stuff doesnt stop with mule deer. Years ago in mid Nov near Trego I had killed a decent whitetail with my longbow and by the time I packed it out it was dark. As I drove down the road it looked like I was the only one not using a spotlight. As I rounded each curve the pickup seeing me doused their spotlight until I had passed. They were probably incensed I had interfered with their "hunt".
So true. The one thing with whitetails though, most of the time you have to be quick on the trigger when trying to blast one from the road. Whitetails just do not wait around presenting a target like a mule deer will even when the rut is on. We almost never have poachers doing the blast and dash with whitetails, easily five to one mule deer and we have more whitetails on the ranch then mule deer.
So true. The one thing with whitetails though, most of the time you have to be quick on the trigger when trying to blast one from the road. Whitetails just do not wait around presenting a target like a mule deer will even when the rut is on. We almost never have poachers doing the blast and dash with whitetails, easily five to one mule deer and we have more whitetails on the ranch then mule deer.
How many deer get poached every year?

If it occurs in the same spot - ive got a cell cam for you to borrow then.
And mt. Voted Tester in? No wonder this thread continues. I moved out in 82. Really sad. Hunted the breaks every year. Can't believe this is mt. And tester will win again? He voted 99% for dementia Joe policies. Grow a pair and Vote!!! Or stfu. So sad.

Thank-you for your support? 😏. Although this proposal is not partisan in origin, content or group members, we have heard a lot of folks, lot of folks saying some very, very nice things about this proposal. It will do some very, very good things for wildlife and hunter distribution in MT and folks are going to be very, very, pleased with the outcome of what may very well be one of the greatest management proposals in recent history.

Heck, last I heard it was so well received even Corn Pop said if it passed he’d stop being a gangster and start hunting mule deer in MT again.

Thank-you for your support? 😏. Although this proposal is not partisan in origin, content or group members, we have heard a lot of folks, lot of folks saying some very, very nice things about this proposal. It will do some very, very good things for wildlife and hunter distribution in MT and folks are going to be very, very, pleased with the outcome of what may very well be one of the greatest management proposals in recent history.

Heck, last I heard it was so well received even Corn Pop said if it passed he’d stop being a gangster and start hunting mule deer in MT again.

I heard that the only reason his kid got caught with the pistol was for bear protection while hunting in Montana
Hard to say, I usually catch one or two a year, Last year It was zero, but this is likely do to low deer numbers. Low numbers equal less opportunity to bast and dash. Safe to say that there is far more people that get away than are caught. The chance that a buck will get poached is directly correlated to antler size. A forky can stand next to the road all season and not get shot. A 180 will be lucky to make a day unless he is in sight of a house and even then it is likely he is going to get shot. This buck was standing next to the road on the neighbors one evening. I could have killed him with a spear. The next morning he was poached. Only reason the poacher got caught was some other hunters had seen the buck also and the next day they saw the poacher with the buck on the back of the bumper and recognized the dropping mainbeam and turned them in. Most of the time nice bucks just disappear, never to be seen again. Not all are poached, but too many are.DSCN0797.JPG
The Big Change to Deer Hunting:

1.) Deer: Choose your region, choose your species: The idea is to spread around pressure and move the mule deer hunt out of the rut. Hunters must select a region and a species to hunt. This does not limit the hunter on OTC regional B licenses or unit specific B licenses. If you wish to hunt antlered mule deer in eastern Montana, who have to declare the region and the species. This limits your antlered hunting to that area, but you still may utilize a B license in the unit it is valid.
I know I am late to the game with my response here. I wouldn't mind a choose your region for mule deer. I really do not see a reason to choose a region for whitetail bucks.
Anyone with Facebook fwp did a Facebook live a few hours ago about the status of mule deer in region 5,6,7. It appeared they just printed out their PowerPoint from 3 years ago. Then at the end they included a little girl to tell her story on how much hunting every year means to her. Basically what FWP is saying is we aren’t changing shit so you better lace them up tighter boys.
Anyone with Facebook fwp did a Facebook live a few hours ago about the status of mule deer in region 5,6,7. It appeared they just printed out their PowerPoint from 3 years ago. Then at the end they included a little girl to tell her story on how much hunting every year means to her. Basically what FWP is saying is we aren’t changing shit so you better lace them up tighter boys.
Biggest Montana forky on Hunttalk wins a high five this year on me
Anyone with Facebook fwp did a Facebook live a few hours ago about the status of mule deer in region 5,6,7. It appeared they just printed out their PowerPoint from 3 years ago. Then at the end they included a little girl to tell her story on how much hunting every year means to her. Basically what FWP is saying is we aren’t changing shit so you better lace them up tighter boys.
"populations are stable"

Next time just say the rut road deer hunt shall not be infriged. Ah nevermind, that'll still confuse em 🤣
Anyone with Facebook fwp did a Facebook live a few hours ago about the status of mule deer in region 5,6,7. It appeared they just printed out their PowerPoint from 3 years ago. Then at the end they included a little girl to tell her story on how much hunting every year means to her. Basically what FWP is saying is we aren’t changing shit so you better lace them up tighter boys.
At least people can see what it’s like to go to a region 7 meeting.
Anyone with Facebook fwp did a Facebook live a few hours ago about the status of mule deer in region 5,6,7. It appeared they just printed out their PowerPoint from 3 years ago. Then at the end they included a little girl to tell her story on how much hunting every year means to her. Basically what FWP is saying is we aren’t changing shit so you better lace them up tighter boys.
Anyone with Facebook fwp did a Facebook live a few hours ago about the status of mule deer in region 5,6,7. It appeared they just printed out their PowerPoint from 3 years ago. Then at the end they included a little girl to tell her story on how much hunting every year means to her. Basically what FWP is saying is we aren’t changing shit so you better lace them up tighter boys.
Here’s the FWP release from today recapping it