Ol' Drop Tine and the rath of the Pink Lady.....


Well-known member
May 12, 2006
Billings, MT
The girls and I managed to roll out of bed at the crack of 9:30am on Sunday. The plan had been to make it to our secret hunting spot by daylight...... but when you are hunting with a couple of "outdoor divas", you get there when you get there ;) Luckily my little brother David and friend Seth, did have it in them to get up in time to watch the sunrise over the same spot I killed my buck last week.

Seth was able to punch his tag first thing that morning, and by the time Jessica, Cassidy and I made it up there at 11am, they had a nice buck located. We made a nice long stalk to get into position above the bedded buck and Jess settled in for a shot. At 350 yards she let one rip as he stood up out of his bed to chase a doe, and judging by the bucks reaction, she must have just barely missed high.

We spent the middle part of the day trying to find a turkey, and although we did locate them there was already another party in there trying to fill a tag for a kid, so we let them be. We ended up at my good friend John's place by 3 pm, just as the deer began to feed back down into his hay fields. Cassidy and David stayed in the truck to watch the show, while Jessica and I slowly slipped down a sparsely timbered ridge. The hay field wraps around a 90 degree bend in the creek, and our goal was to get into position at the "elbow" so that we could cover both ends. There were about 6 does on the north end of the field that and probably another 12 deer at the east end of the field already, so we had to go slow and move only when the deer had their heads down to feed.

As we were just about to reach the spot I wanted to set up, I noticed a nice buck tailing a doe out in front of us, right at the corner of the field. As we were trying to figure out how to slip a little bit closer to get Jessica set up for a shot, he decided to trot straight across the field to check the 6 does that were sitting 250 yards to our right.

He closed the distance pretty fast, and we had just enough time to get Jess set up on the bipod and pointed in the direction of the does. Mr. Romance bailed into the middle of that group of does and stirred them up pretty quick. Jess took her time and waited for him to clear his lady friends, and put one where it counted as soon as he stopped broadside. She couldn't have hit him any better, but as he was stumbling away.... Jess jacked another round in and delivered the coup de grace. She absolutely hammered him both times. And the best part was she finally got the chance to take an animal with the fancy pink gun we had built for her the year before last.

Everything happened so fast, that I hadn't had a good chance to really look the buck over, but I was pretty sure we had met before...... As Jess and I made our way across the creek toward the buck, we were very pleased to find that this was indeed the drop tined buck I had filmed last week. What a great looking buck. Great forks, nice and wide, matching stickers off the G-3's and of course a really cool looking 4" drop tine of the right antler. Unfortunately he had busted off the front fork on his left side, very recently..... All and all a great buck with character and curb appeal to spare.

Cassidy was every bit as excited as her mom, and the weather cleared up in time for us to get some good "family portraits" before dark.

So with that, our freezer is full, the season is done for us, and life is pretty darn good here under the Big Sky!

Good Hunting!



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That's a sweet looking buck.
Sounds like a good time.

That is a cool looking buck and a beautiful family. Great story and photos. Way to get everyone involved!
Pink Rifle

Ok... Ok..... Here is a pic of the pink rifle. I built this for her about a year and half ago. She didn't get the chance she was looking for to break it in on a critter last year, so she was pretty excited to get it done this year.

It is a Remington 700 SPS SS in 7mm-08 with a VX-II 3-9x49mm. The only thing custom about it is the paint job, which cost be about $200. I had it done at a paint shop. The pics don't show it real well but it is a semi gloss with metalic flakes in it. She dug it big time, and I am pretty sure it is the main reason she gets excited to go hunting with me. Everytime we have a party at the house she has to pull it out of the safe to show all of our guests. Most of the other guys wives, comment that they would hunt too if they had a rifle like that...... She totally tricked out by be-dazzling it with shiny stickers and what not and made it her own. I think part of the reason she wanted it pink, was so that I wouldn't be using it.... and it worked.

Hunting with the girls is a blast!! I had my little one (6 years old) out with me earlier this season and we were trying to slip into archery range on a real nice muley. I had her just grab onto my back pockets and she kept up with me for a half hour while we slipped into 36 yards. She was so excited she didn't know what to do with her self. And then on Sunday when my wife missed the shot at the first buck of the day, Cassidy came running up to her side and said, "Give me a turn Mom, I'll show you how to shoot that big buck" I just about wet my pants.........

I'll also post a pic of Cassidy when she was 4 years old. We walked down a two track road with my new pup, and managed to flush a couple of huns. I did my part and knocked a couple down. Then Cassidy and Koda jumped into the CRP........ She found AND retrived both of them before the darn dog could. I was one proud pop! :D


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A couple more of my favorite hunting and fishing partner :D


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