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Non-resident tag pricing

Nemont, the crutch of the old laws is a dieing argument to me, get it? New laws are needed, that's what I"m talking about.

Others keep pressing for a change, trying to sue some state, based on some old law, sometimes from a new viewpoint. Congress can just make a new law, that's another approach to get back to the idea of all the animals for all the people.

Well congress and the President just reaffirmed that this right of the states to manage tag allocation existed in 2005. What do you suppose the mood of the country is in to changing it? I doubt the author of the 2005 bill, who is now Senate Majority leader, is going to let such a bill get out of committee or even have a reading.

So BMW (Bitch, moan and whine) all you want but 231 years of history, laws and court ruling are on the side of the states to keep and maintain the current system.

Another pollack pushing for new laws that would totally destroy game populations. If the residents of the states have no preference then why would they even buy a license or show up to work habitat projects? The law was clear before the USO mess but that turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it totally clarified the law. The animals belong to the states no matter how much whining is done by those who think they should be able to walk into your house and take what they want. Arizona is a downright bargain for a trophy elk tag for non-residents and the residents have seen a higher cost to help keep your costs down. That is because we have never allowed outfitter preference or private land tags. You keep whining and we will start pushing for new laws to make beer in your feeder stands illegal.
Hey ringer, you can have beer in your feeder stand too, that law is equal. We don't charge you 20 times more for the beer, we don't sell you only 10% of the beer, and we don't make you buy a beer drinking liscense just to walk in the beer store.

Arizona is no bargain that I can see, $150/year for a liscense, application fees, 7% success for a bull tag, 10% of those for non-residents, 33% success on a bull with a tag. Its a lot cheaper and quicker at other places, on the average, it seems to me.

Nemont, didn't they sneak that "reaffirmation" in the budget bill as one of democratic fat amendments they been doing so well at lately. It had nothing to do with the bill it was attached to.

Lets post up the odds and costs on each western state, lets see what they charge a non-resident. Want to do that?
Nemont, didn't they sneak that "reaffirmation" in the budget bill as one of democratic fat amendments they been doing so well at lately. It had nothing to do with the bill it was attached to.

Lets post up the odds and costs on each western state, lets see what they charge a non-resident. Want to do that?

The reaffirmation was a stand alone piece of legislation and it was signed into law by your former Govenor.

I can give two shits about the odds and costs on NR tags for each state. I apply for those states I want to hunt in, then if drawn I pay the price. If I cannot or do not want to afford it then I don't apply.

Jeff, I have to smile as I can just picture you banging your head against the keyboard.:D Your intellect on the subject is getting hung up somewhere on the way to Texas, probably somewhere near the Oklahoma stateline, and not getting to Tom.

My suggestion, head out to the killing field and give up on this "Tomfoolery".:D

Yeah some poor geese are going to have to die in order to assuage my frustrations from dealing with Tom. Maybe even a limit of ducks to boot and if I am still frustrated I may go kill some pheasants on a piece of federal land Tom has helped pay for.

Tom-are you whining about the cost or about the NR tag allocation? I spent over $150 to fill up my F250 and bass boat for a day of fishing. You are just whining because you can't BUY a tag in Arizona no matter how much money you offer. Kind of different down there in Texico where poor people are not allowed to hunt unless they are related to or work for BubbaBigAss.
Jeff, I have to smile as I can just picture you banging your head against the keyboard.:D

I have to smile when I think of this.

There's over 50 big game species you can hunt here for an over the counter 5 day non-resident $45 liscense. The out of state youth liscense here is over the counter for $6 and there's no lower age limit as long as a responsible adult is with them.

That's why we have so many hunters here.
And how much does it cost to get on a ranch? You aren't hunting all 50 of those circus animals on public land are you?
There's over 50 big game species you can hunt here for an over the counter 5 day non-resident $45 liscense. The out of state youth liscense here is over the counter for $6 and there's no lower age limit as long as a responsible adult is with them.

That's why we have so many hunters here.

Why would you ever leave? Sounds like you have all the hunting and species you could want. Stay in Texas and enjoy shooting African animals with three year olds.

I don't know what is more amazing here... Tom's trophy "something-or-other", Tom's stupidity, or the fact that some of you guys continue to respond to his posts. Thanks to all those involved for the entertainment.
Nemont, I have not left, have I? Different places and people to hunt with can be fun sometimes. Why do you come down here to hunt geese, don't you have geese up there?

I might feel like I was stealing game from the rest of the country if I lived where some of you live. Like an Idaho resident, its mostly public land and an elk comes out like 2 cents a pound for the price of their resident tag. What percentage of Idaho is federal land? Its not as much as Nevada, right, but its the major part of the state from what I remember?

3 year olds go sit with their parents here, but its usually 6+ years old before they shoot something big like a deer because of the recoil.
Tom, the ears look a little droopy in that picture, did you ever get the horns X-rayed to proove they are real? Brings back memories of the Rompolla buck
And how much does it cost to get on a ranch? You aren't hunting all 50 of those circus animals on public land are you?

Last time I checked, you were hunting deer in a high fence ranch in Texas this fall weren't you? Someone told me (not going to mention names) (no hardly yet)you were too scared to get out of your stand after dark because you were afraid of being attacked by Black Buck and hogs, but was hoping to stay until dark and get into a bunch of Dik-Dik
Nemont, I have not left, have I? Different places and people to hunt with can be fun sometimes. Why do you come down here to hunt geese, don't you have geese up there?

I don't BMW about NR hunting fees.

I go down to Texas because a couple of my friends from my Army days invite me and I like be around them. We drink good booze and shoot a few birds.

Last year my wife came along to reconnect with these guy's wives as we were all friends when we were stationed in Germany. Also one them has a huge lease that is how I can get on to hunt.

None of this has anything to do with NR hunters hunting anywhere. I am worried about my son's future as a hunter even as a resident of Montana due to the current Outfitter and NR leasing up of land.

I hunt with and help NR hunters every year. Have met some really great people through such associations.

Still doesn't mean that I have sympathy for a lame ass attempt by you to label the Western States hunters a bunch of welfare cases because you can't hunt whenever you want. You can wish all you want but as my 1st Sergeant used to say: Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first.

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