Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

ND Badlands Elk Hunt

Nice bull Smalls!
Thanks for the write up too, sounds like a great weekend with your father in law.
Great finish!

But why did you think you needed to carry out the entire elk in one trip?
Deboning would have helped a good bit in that situation.
Nice job! It's always tempting to load the packs heavy. I've learned that it's usually better to make one more trip.

Deboning would have helped a good bit in that situation.

He mentioned a couple of times that they deboned the elk.
Nice job! It's always tempting to load the packs heavy. I've learned that it's usually better to make one more trip.

He mentioned a couple of times that they deboned the elk.

Thought I saw a leg, but it was a cannon insteadin the pic...bad eyes.

Again, nice job on getting a branch antlered bull.
But why did you think you needed to carry out the entire elk in one trip?

Mostly stupidity. The pack didn't feel that heavy at first, and I really didn't want to have to climb out of that hole twice. In retrospect, I'd have broken it up into two loads from the beginning.

My f-i-l questioned whether it was going to help that much to bone it out... I am pretty sure he is thankful we took the extra time to do that now.
When is your next elk hunt, smalls?

Fixed it to help others learn.

Pretty free-wheeling with the information. Trying to make everyone that's new start checking their packs, so folks here have to carry it out themselves? Sweet.
Great job on your ND bull elk! Thanks for keeping us up to date and for sharing the story and pics.
Sorry I missed this one, Smalls. Congrats on a great hunt and a bull you are rightfully proud of. You earned him, both before and after.

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