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Moosie got me wondering (Off season exercise)


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
What are you guys doing to stay in shape. I started going to the gym again about the middle of January and it is helping me get through the off season. I go 5-6 days a week and work weights and cardio.

Obviously the gym is not the only way to keep in shape, but I hate pushing a shovel (shot at Elky
) and when it is -30 the hiking kinda blows.

Whats up with the ret of you guys? Moosie, you must be doing more than push-ups and jogging to the mailbox.
Thats all I do actually. (Thus Far). I'm actually jogging only about 1 mile 2-3 times a week. Lot's of Jump ropes, and some Home excersizes I do with the Wife that is none of your Biz

I was planning to do a Swimming Challenge (100 mile club) (36 laps = 1 mile...) at the gym but I have more excuses not to go then anyone else. And, it's all it is. Need to run to a meeting, to busy, kids,, Pres of DHI, worked 60 hours this week .. YAH, All legit, but still ALL excuses.

I'm about to but into a rutine.. But right now I'm late to a Board meeting and need to leave work so I'm stopping by McDonalds and Geting a Quick Burger and Shake ...

MtMiller, What if I start a Topic (Somewere besides the Fireside, someplace like Fishing so It won't get bumped...
) BURN....
, and Everytime we Workout we put what we did in it. I'll post my Rutine and what I did and I'll see if I'm getting any better for the Month. Tomorrow morning I'll go to the Gym and Weigh in. I'm sure I top the Scales again around 215-225, Depends if I get the ol' morning "Movenent "
Me thinks for every post you make, you follow it up with 10 push-ups. Some of you guys will be doing a bunch of push-ups.
Walk every day, we have several different routes around the hills here at home, range from one to three hours and from 850 to 2500 feet climb, we also do an all day hike once a week usually up Mt holdsworth 5000 feet, I do weights every second day lot of reps with small barbells {10 lb each} and I still do the old 5 BX plan workout chart 4 level c-thats the 30 to 34 age level and I'm a lot older than that.
I go to the gym twice a week in hunting season, and 5-6 times between hunting and fishing. Hour a day on the stairmaster, 45 minutes on the treadmill then some nautilus.
I watch people work out and break a sweat...LOL
No really I'm taking a Body Conditioning class in school, we do arobics and stuff like that. Its fun. And I think I hve actully lost weight, since my watch is fitting a little looser. Oh well I'll start lifting weights at the gym soon, just to build a little more muscle.
Quick Draw
I started hitting it hard again on Jan. 6th. Basically, I just cut the fast food out of the diet, started eating less at dinner time, and work out on the Nordic Track for 60 minutes a day, average 5 days a week. I've lost 12 pounds so far. A buddy and I are going to watch some spring training baseball in AZ in March, so I hope to be in shorts shape by then.

.....awwww; Nevermind, I just can't bring myself to do it!!
Get up 5 days a week at 6, walk/run 2 miles (starting walking the whole way - do more running as the knees get in shape), do 30 push ups, do 50 crunches (trying to lose this gut!). If it rains, then I do 30 minutes on the rowing machine or exercise bike. Lay off burgers and Mexican food, eat Subway
. So far I haven't noticed any weight loss, but I feel great.
I like snowshoeing. Best workout there is (outdoors anyways) and staying warm is no problem even when it is minus 30.

I just started working on the staimaster and hitting the weights. I also have been doing some dieting. The main exercise I have been doing is snowboarding and hiking up this monster mountain through two feet of fresh powder every weekend. So far I've gone four weeks in a row and we are talking about going out atleast twice a week. The hike is a 3000 foot climb in elevation and it is just under a mile. So bascically it is a straight up climb. It kicks my ass every time so it must be doing some good!
I've been running or on the stairmaster 4 days/wk, lifting 2day/wk, and trying to swim at least on day a week. I've been doing some skiing when the wife's off. Coupling that with Dr. Atkins plan, I've dropped 12lbs in the last 3 weeks.

Now that I'm getting over being sore very often, I'm planning on lifting 4 days/wk and upping my cardio work as well. I'm doing a sprint distance triathalon in May and getting using that as some motivation to workout.
12 oz curls is my regiment. I am a pathetic lazy pig until the snow melts. I put on 15lbs since elk season.
Well schmalts, this is for you then. The thirst aid helmet holds two standard cans of drink that you can enjoy both at once through the straw, providing you with double the refreshment with none of the effort. Colour varies between red, blue, yellow and white.

I drag around a O-88 Sthil then pull out 20 to 70 feet of 3/4 inch wire rope to set log chockers on. And I still feel like Im out of shape must be something about being over 55
I've changed to lighter weight with higher reps. Only take 60 seconds in between sets. Jog four times a week, I hate jogging may have to re-invest in a Mt-bike......
Well the only exercise that I have been doing is work.You know hauling around tree stakes and planting 100's of plants a day.OH yeah I started eating 4 meals a day so I have gained a bit o weight since the Holiday season.I've put on atleast 10 pounds since Thanksgiving as long as I can keep it on thru Turkey season and Summer I'll be happy.I will syart hiking in the Mtns in March scouting for Turkeys.
Into a body pump workout 3 times a week with the stairmaster and treadmill in between for an hr.It helps that the instructor is a hotty
great incentive for the workout :D

Happy trails
Caribou Gear

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