Judge blocks Grizzly hunt

Well the court battle was an inevitable step, as we witnessed with the wolf delisting. The sooner it starts the sooner it can get over.
What a let down for everyone, but especially for the guys who drew. Talk about having the wind taken out of your sail at the last minute.
It will be unfortunate to see what will happen to grizzlies if this continues, but it is inevitable. Right or wrong, people are tired of them.
I saw and heard first hand working on ranches what happened to wolves when the feds wouldn’t let anybody do anything to them. Wolves in that area were worse off then than they are now with an open season.
It’s already begun up where I’m at in MT.....people tired of them being in garbages, tearing up sheds to get “food”, and just being menaces! This is over 70 miles from the Rocky Mountain front......I can’t even take my kids to the golf course because it’s been over run with the damn things! The FWP had traps on golf course, and did trap a couple, but wasn’t the “right” ones so they just let them go on their merry way!

Someone did take matters into own hands and shot one that FWP had to put down.....it’s only going to get worse too! I’ve heard of many folks over closer to the front in sun river drainage seeing upwards of a dozen different bears per day! Of course, to some clown thousands of miles away, they aren’t recovered enough to be hunted......total BS and will cost states hundreds of thousands if not more to fight the inevitable in court.
Never saw that coming (insert sarcasm font)...its too good of a fund raiser for that crowd to just let it happen.

As far as people already shooting G-bears. I've never seen it but have heard the urban legends of this being done on a regular basis. Who knows if any of it is true though.
It’s already begun up where I’m at in MT.....people tired of them being in garbages, tearing up sheds to get “food”, and just being menaces! This is over 70 miles from the Rocky Mountain front......I can’t even take my kids to the golf course because it’s been over run with the damn things! The FWP had traps on golf course, and did trap a couple, but wasn’t the “right” ones so they just let them go on their merry way!

Someone did take matters into own hands and shot one that FWP had to put down.....it’s only going to get worse too! I’ve heard of many folks over closer to the front in sun river drainage seeing upwards of a dozen different bears per day! Of course, to some clown thousands of miles away, they aren’t recovered enough to be hunted......total BS and will cost states hundreds of thousands if not more to fight the inevitable in court.

This is the truth first hand. People that are not living with/around bears all the time and aren't experiencing this first hand have zero clue. Which is the majority of people.
I am getting really tired of hearing politicians make decisions about wildlife they are ignorant about. I wish the power was given to biologists to make decisions.
It will be unfortunate to see what will happen to grizzlies if this continues, but it is inevitable. Right or wrong, people are tired of them.
I saw and heard first hand working on ranches what happened to wolves when the feds wouldn’t let anybody do anything to them. Wolves in that area were worse off then than they are now with an open season.

Agree w/this. And if history is any indicator of the future, we'll see some legislation from various state legislators who will try and force the issue, while undermining their state's case.
Wasn't the wolf issue settled by US Congress? ESA needs to be revised to reduce the chances dipshit judges have to get in the way.
It will be unfortunate to see what will happen to grizzlies if this continues, but it is inevitable. Right or wrong, people are tired of them.
I saw and heard first hand working on ranches what happened to wolves when the feds wouldn’t let anybody do anything to them. Wolves in that area were worse off then than they are now with an open season.

What I saw were ranchers exercising their legal rights under the 10(j) rule...
I am getting really tired of hearing politicians make decisions about wildlife they are ignorant about. I wish the power was given to biologists to make decisions.

Then don't vote for the same politicians these so-called eco groups are in bed with. I was pretty confident I knew how this case was going to go as soon as I saw who appointed the judge. :rolleyes:

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