Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Hurt my leg today.....

Alrighty, Moosie. I'm officially in for the 70.3. Are we gonna be in the same wave start -- M35-39? Keep your fingers crossed for some nice weather that day. See you on the boat ramp...
Just what I need... Someone in my age class that I can't even get close too..... *SIGH*

So talk to me. Give me your estimated time for the race and the time breakdown. I figure I'm at 6H30 mins. I'm not setting high goals. Although I didn't set high goals on Robie and still did it 3.5 mins worse :D

(1.2 mi) 1.9 km Swim ~ 40 minutes (Average 57 Second Laps)
T1 : 5
(56 mi) 90 km Bike ~ 3Hrs. 20 mins (Average 16.8 MPH)
T2 : 5
(13.1 mi) 21.09 km Run ~ 2hr 20 mins ( Average 10.6 Min Miles)

Total 6hrs 30 mins…… Goal, under 6h30mins "Hopefully".
swim = 35:00
T1 = 4:00
bike = 2:48:00
T2 = 3:00
run = 1:45:00
total = 5:15:00

Might be a bit aggressive, but hopefully the weather will be kind to us. This will be my 5th half-IM with a previous best of 5:30, but I have been training more consistently than ever before and my swim is vastly improved. Last year I was a wuss and did a disappointing 6:15 -- I got sick with the flu two days before the race and ended up walking a lot of the run. We will see.

45 days to go... hope you're getting some long rides in.
This will be my 5th half-IM with a previous best of 5:30, but I have been training more consistently than ever before and my swim is vastly improved.

OUCH! That's harsh! :D

HAHA.. not Harsh at all. I run against my clock, not his. It's like IDBugler beating me by 11 minutes with his "Disapointing" time of 2:12 to my 2:23. yet I was real happy with my time.

BRD DAWG, u sign up yet ? :p
OUCH! That's harsh! :D
Didn't mean it that way at all. It was disappointing to me... to put in the training and preparation, pay the entry fee, and then end up with a result well below my expectations and abilities. Some of my buddies knock out 4:30-4:45 HIM's. To them I'm sure a 5:15 would be a disappointment. Another friend of mine did a 9+ hr HIM. 90% of the people out there are only racing themselves.

If Moosie pulls off a 6:30 with the amount of training he has done, I would be impressed. The sub 5hr guys I know have been racing for 8+ years and train 12+ hrs/week and have no other hobbies. These days I average about 7 hrs/week and have never logged more than 11hrs. That's about all I'm willing to squeeze in around a full-time job, three kids, and too many other interests.

It's all good and I hope Moosie hits his goal.
Did you say 12+ or 1.2+...... I'm doing over the 1.2 but not close to the 12 :(

I am Trying to Ramp it up (For what I can) these last 5 weeks but time does suck. Maybe I shouldn't like my wife nad Kids and..... not go to work ;) I did read a Article the other day (Probably should have taken that extra 10 mins to run instead :p ) but It showed you how to train and not spend too much time doing it. That being said, it still took just over 2 hours a day and 6-8 on the weekends. Who Trains 15-20 hours a week ^?^?^?^?^?? Not EYE says Popeye !!

9+Hours ? I thought Course shut down at 8 Hours... no ?
9+Hours ? I thought Course shut down at 8 Hours... no ?
The Boise race might. This was 2 yrs ago at the Vikingman. It was her first half-IM and it was brutal. There were steady 20+ mph winds all day. The water was ~52F and the choppiest I've ever been in. I think I swallowed a gallon of the snake river that morning. It was ~48F at the start and I did not have a jacket for the bike (only arm warmers), because I thought it would be nice weather. Ooops. I could not feel my feet from the time I hit the water until about mile 4 of the run. I finished in 6:33. It was one of those days when you ask yourself "what the hell am I doing out here?" Ohh... and it was uphill both ways. :D She wasn't the only one who came in over 9 hrs. You have to admire somebody who does that -- it would have been easy to quit. Btw, starting this year the Vikingman was changed from a June race to 2nd weekend in Sept. So if Boise kicks your arse and you want revenge, you can sign up for more fun then. ;)
It was one of those days when you ask yourself "what the hell am I doing out here?"

Dude..... I say that line Every Friggin' day that I go out and train. I think I need to Stick to the Sprint or Olympic Distances because I just don't fit in enough time for the 1/2 I.M.

I'm going out tomorrow for the first time on the Bike. I'm guessing that part of the Race is gunna blow for me !!

All this talk about it sucking, I'll have to look into the Viking man ... :p
I don't think so..... I'm so far behind on lifes things right now I'm putting in some time at home. I wanted to do the race on the 22nd in Owyhee 10k maybe ? b ecasue it had a Cool T-shirt but that's Kid's Cup weekend AND father sons Campout weekend. The weekend prior we're donig a garage sale and the Week after we're moving down 4 houses. I've been going back into the Doctors and trying to figure out the issue I have and It's being resolved (I wish it was the Viagra isuse (Had to beat the Utah and back east boys to the joke).... but no, I don't think I'll do much anythnig besides the I.M. which I've slowed down on thte training for unfortunately.
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