Hunter attacked by dogs.

6mm Remington

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2014
Westen Montana
I don’t fear coyotes, bobcats, foxes, deer or any other wild critters on my lease…they want nothing really to do with man.

I do fear Man and Dogs though…private lease or not, that stuff happens.

So yeah…I carry the legal protection TN grants. I hope I never have a bad run-in…
I've seen some pretty aggressive marmots up in popular hike-to destinations in Rocky Mountain National Park. They're used to hikers feeding them, and they can get surly if you don't.
Pika’s are worse
All the public land around here is used by the trash to abandon dogs. When I was a kid my uncle was out hunting public and a group of wild dogs attacked him, he blasted a couple and the rest ran off.

He was getting into amateur taxidermy and brought one of them home to skin and tan. I still remember going to his house and he was skinning that dog in his back yard. I look back and laugh at how crazy he was, I miss him
A friend once offered to share his marmot recipe with me, laughed it off. Sadly, gone now. Frozen waterfall climbing.
We've had a couple encounters with some pretty aggressive dogs in southern IL. where we hunt. Feral dogs are pretty common down there. To the point where they are chasing off deer on a daily basis. Or growling at you on the. Walk in or out, that's always interesting. I don't think I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt much anymore.
I won’t walk around my subdivision without my cc because of dogs. People like to run them up by my house and someone’s dog is gonna get thumped before it gets anyhwere near my boys
We have 2 dogs that roam in from out in the valley a couple miles. The owners have been warned a few times. They are number one on the hit list with several of the ranchers.
Don’t blame you. I did actually pull my pistol about 10 years ago getting a Xmas tree with my wife that guys dog was about 3 more steps from missing its face. I bet that dog was never off a leash again
We've had a couple encounters with some pretty aggressive dogs in southern IL. where we hunt. Feral dogs are pretty common down there. To the point where they are chasing off deer on a daily basis. Or growling at you on the. Walk in or out, that's always interesting. I don't think I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt much anymore.
That’s odd. You’d think the DNR would eradicate them. I seen some feral cats and dogs at Green River a handful of times. Sad.
I used to hunt turkeys in an area that had several packs. They would respond to calling, but learned to stay out of range of a shotgun. I guess seeing another rolled or catching a stray pellet trains them quickly.

Those packs were cast-offs from the least class of deer doggers. They didn't last once bow season rolled around. Killing ferals was SOP.

Laws against exterminating pet species HERE were different then. Now they would have to be on your property and aggressively approaching you.