HUNT is 1 month away...

I'll be staying at the Super 8 Airport motel in San Antonio, near the airport. The phone number is (210) 637-1033 or reservations (800) 800-8000 (at least that is what shows on my confirmation.) I made my reservation via the website. The room was $40, but I think AAA or seniors get a discount off that rate. Now I need a rental car. Anyone want to share the car? I have to be back on Sunday afternoon for my flight home.
Im game for staying in the big city the first night....depends on what indyj and ds want to do though:D

If it rains that night, that automaticaly means nudee bar:D

Remember roofers theory of the universe....rain = nudee bar:D
Alot of my plans are still up in the air. But my basic outline is to leave from Ohio on Wednesday night with Vipe.(she is a non-hunter for this outing) I will be driving there and back. I too cheap for airfare :D .
So I can't say when I will arrive. I am going to contact a cousin of mine that lives in San Antonio in case I do arrive there in time Thursday night.I would then stay with him. BTW I sleep only with Vipe :D :D

We would then be leaving Sunday to head back home.
JASON.. I'm appauled that you would EVEN post something like that.... I would Never atend a function that has 1/2 nekkid women......!!!!

(PS My wife reads the board, See ya there !!! ;))
I think I need to take another physics class. "Physics for Roofer". I like that correlation... :cool:
Hey Cali my flight gets in alittle after yours and I leave alittle after you do.If you want to split the cost of the car Im game if you want someone to share the expense with ya.If it is a go then I dont have to inconveince Del with picking me up at the airport.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-15-2002 21:38: Message edited by: Kraven ]</font>
I think Tom may be picking me up at the airport. If so - do you have room for Kraven, Tom? If not, he and I can hook up and split the car. See my note above on what hotel I'm staying at in San Antonio on Thursday night. We can all go to Riverwalk...there's lots of restaurants and bars there, I hear.
Knee walked, whew, that's tuff. Maybe we need to check the bus route or take a taxi to the bar and back. I don't think I'll drink to much and the back of my pickup will hold a bunch of knee walkers to get back to the motel if I'm there when the knee walkers are ready. Whew, knee walk to Fr. Sam from downtown, whew. I guess its all that roofing experience, it helps, whew.

There is this place at the Mexican market, a few blocks from downtown, with these fishbowl size margaritas that are good, maybe the best, there's Disk's Last Resort at one end of the river walk area (its a crazy place, they have a drink that they serve with a condom kite on it, there's the irish pub, Dirty Nelly's at the Hilton on the other end (the Hilton's most profitable bar in the world) and they have a piano player and song sheets there for a sing a long. My favorite song there, used to be "Seven old ladies in a lavatory." It doesn't take long to learn the words. There's the Menger Bar, right next to the Alamo downtown. Its a classy place where Teddy Roosevelt reqruited people for the Rough Riders. You can still see the bullet holes in the bar that he made to get peoples attention.

I'll have my cell phone (210)288-2727. My truck could hold three, its full size, but single cab. My jeep could hold more but its a couple thousand short of 300,000 miles. We have to figure something out, I guess I should print these arrival times out and think about it, thinking some might help me see the best approach.

I don't see how we'll solve this, but I guess we'll load up, go to the motel, leave messages, go eat, take the cell phone, connect up, etc. There's a road pretty much right to the airport from downtown to go back and forth on. Maybe that's what we'll do. Who else has a cell phone to bring, anybody?
Tom I am never too far from my cell phone unless I'm in Idaho then its worthless:D something about there aren't enough people in the wilderness to put a cell tower in :rolleyes:

my number is 317-319-8532

One of my last exp with the fishbowl margaritas I puked at a stop light out of the back of a buddys truck on a nice older couples you talk about embarassing :eek:
I'll get some garbage bags for upchuck, we could even save that stuff for hog bait at the Brushy Hill for the if we had too. (ha ha) :D
OK.... SO CALI... CARE if I pull up a floor in your ROOM ?!?!?! I'll split the cost.... YOU going to be at the airport waiting for ME ?!?!? HAHA !! LIKE my BE-hatch ?!?!

DS.. WERE are you ?!?!? DO you need me to call you again ?!?!?
If you're sharing MY room, then I think you are the be-atch! :eek: If you are really nice to me, I'll let you use the other double bed...I'm not sure if Tom is planning to bunk with us at the motel or if he is going home that night. I can hang around and wait for Kraven, since he is coming in fairly soon after me. Tom says he has a full-size pickup, so Kraven and I can squeeze in with him to the motel. So far as I know, Tom can handle taking me and Kraven to the ranch if need be. Or, one of us can ride with Moosie and whoever else ends up riding with him. I think the only problem may be for those of us not staying for the hog hunt who need to get back to the airport on Sunday.
Does that sound right to you, Tom?
Yes, that sounds pretty right. We can work with it. Here's the arrivals at the airport CaHunter 3:40pm, Kraven 4:45pm, Shaky 4:50pm, Moosie 6:48pm, Jason and Indy Jay 9pm approx. Kraven and CA Hunter leave at similar times too, that's a group. Maybe Del can take you to the airport and save a rental car, I'm not sure. Shaky and his buddy are going to Barksdale I guess. That leaves Moosie to split a car with Jason and Indy Jay? I'll split a room or go home, either way we decide. What about Deerslayer, what about Del? What do you guys want to do? There's two small lakes on the southeast side of San Antonio for fishing, there's the Guadelupe river up by Bandera and Kerrville on the way to Thompson's. There's a catfish place on 90 just west of San Antonio before Hondo. You're deciding about fishing?
Where is this big feed going to be on Friday night? Or is it still on the agenda? I know that Bob plans on coming in sometime. Does anyone know exactly when so we don't get mixed up on where. I undestand that Connie is bringing Elk Jerky. Any of you who haven't had Bob's elk jerkey don't know what your' missing. Be sure to try it...
I think we're planning on Mexican food for Friday night in Barksdale, so we should plan on something different for Thursday night. Tom says there are lots of places on the Riverwalk. I don't want to wait until Jason and Indy Jay come in at 9 PM for dinner, though. I guess we can all plan to meet up at the Airport Super 8 motel at around 7 or 7:30ish and head over to Riverwalk. Jason says he is knee-walking familiar with the place ;) so if Tom comes up with a place to meet??? How's that sound?
The big feed friday night is at the CASA FALCON RESTAURANT on the south end of Camp Wood, just south of Barksdale. Its an American and Mexican buffet with salad to desert and drink for like $7. They have a room on the side that will probably hold us all. It will be after dark as some are hunting friday until dark probably, then they have to drive 15 miles or so to get there, maybe get an animal out first. That will be a dinner like what 8:30pm? I was supposed to call them when they got new calendars this year to put us in for friday night. I'll call them and see how long they are open. Its a small town type place.
I want to eat right AFTER I get in... CALI, LETS meat at the Airport, and go to dinner with the "GANG" that is there... I think Delw is goingto be there.... AND DS is coming in... I think DS is giving me a ride... BUT he hasn't RE confirmed that yet... SO I might be open depending...

OOooooooooohhhhhhh I'm getting excited :D
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