Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

HUNT is 1 month away...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
TIME to get serious......

I got my Itinerarry.... LOOKS like this :

Arive in San Antonio 3/28 6:48 PM Flight 2328
Leave San Antonio 4/2 1:40PM Flight 1710

IF someone is Going to be there that I can hook up with for the Exotic and HOG hunt, Let me know. Otherwise I will just Rent a car and DO my own thing... I'm going on the turkey hunt so I can';t hook up with anyone that needs to be back to the Airport before the 2nd.....

GIVE Moosie a shout out if We can hook up ?!?!?! Also, THE nights stay that night (3/28) I need a place to bunk up.. I am getting my own room if The only offers are Farters/snorers :D :D

LETS here what the plans are FOLKS !!!!!!
That's the right weekend, the one of March 28th for the ram hunt, then Mon.-Tues. for the hog/turkey option. There was a different weekend at one point in the discussion but this is the one we have, March 28. Feb., then March, that's one month. What are you going to count days or something and get more than one month? He didn't say a month of days away, he said a month away. It sure ain't four weeks away, I'll tell you that, its more.

I'm a snorer, but I can sleep outside that time of year, my snoring calls in hogs too, some of my friends have said.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-10-2002 18:03: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
YEH.. TOM was right .. next month is one month away.. STILL like 6 or 7 weeks though I think... i can't count that far
OK here is my arrival and departure times.
Arrive- March 28 at 4:45pm flight #UA 1666
Depart- March 31 at 5:45pm flight #UA 1531
We should kinda figure out what hotel everyone is going to stay at on the 28th.I think Del was thinking about possibly picking me up at the airport.But if others are going to be there around the same time he doesnt have to be hassled with swinging into the airport unless he wants to.It is only about 6 weeks and a few days to go all. :D :D
Hey guys, if we get to Brushy Hill early on Sunday (before about 1:00pm.) we can set up and shoot hogs Sunday night. I am planning on leaving Temples by about 11:30 or so to drive to Brushy Hill. It's about an hours drive give or take, and I want to stick a big hog and a turkey too to go with the two or three goats I shoot.

There it is again. The perpetual optimist.

I'll be makin the long trip in a pickup, and plan on being there sometime thursday afternoon. Y'all let me know where to make a reservation for that night and will do it.

I wanted to fly but can't get my dad on a plane. :D :D
Same here snite.. I am driving should be there thursday afternoon at the latest...
Dont knwo when I am leaving texas to come home yet. depends if I drag the boat along...
SO.. HAs anyone gotten a room in San Antonio yet ?!?!!? IF not .... LEMME know, I'll make a phone call or two !!!!!!

If ya have one... SHOOT off the # for it !!!! I want everyone tohook up in the same one !!!!! Don't make it a spendy one though.. Moosies a Cheap SUCKER !!!!!!

DS, YOU still got me a ride ?!?!? SPEAK up !!! Leme know bud..........
Tom said something about a place just a few miles from the ranch but now I can't find it. Thats the story of my life:: a day late and a dollar short. :( :(
The name of the motel in Barksdale, is the Nueces River Motel. The phone number is 830-234-3648. Glen and I will be staying there on Thursday or Friday night depending on which day we arrive. I imagine it will be Friday and Saturday. We'll be staying at Brushy Hill in one of the bunk houses Sunday and Monday night. See ya all there.
I arrive in San Antonio at 3:40 PM on Thursday and leave at 3:37 PM on Sunday. I'll be staying at the motel in Barksdale on Friday and Saturday night, since I think Thompson's will be full.
I arrive at San Antonio Airport on Thursday, 28th at 4:50pm

I depart San Antonio on Monday at 6:07am (OUCH, thats early)

Jim (my buddy from Okla) and Myself have booked a room for Thursday, Friday and Saturday night at the Nueces River Motel. We will NOT be sleeping at the ranch.

We will be staying at a Hotel near San Antonio Airport on Sunday night.

I just got back from a hog hunt in southwestern Texas about a week ago. Jim and myself will be driving out of San Antonio on US Rte 90 west to Uvalde, then North on US Rte 55 to Blakesdale. When I made the reservation at the Hotel in Blakesdale I was told the Hotel is right on US Rte 55, just as you cross the river (on the bride hopefully) the Hotel sits on the left (west side). This may be a longer route but it sure seems easier, to me. If you take I-410 West(the beltway) to US Rte 90 west it is very simple.

OK.... SO IN SAN Antonio... someone SHOUT out a name of a HOTEL..... ??!?! WERE is the GANg staying... I misses that ?!?!
Hey Moosie,
I think that everyone that has committed to a room is staying at the Nueces River Motel. The phone number is 830-234-3648. At least that is the way I read it :D :D
SNITE...... the "Nueces River Motel" is in BArksdale.... I really didn't want to DRIVE several hours after my flight got in.. BUT, I'm GAME if thats what everyone is DOING...

I think JAson is Flying in late with INDy..... If they get in at 9:00PM... are they going to drive that night ?!?!? I think I'll stay at the airport and Meet them there.... SO It sounds like SOME will be in BArksdale that night... THE rest of us are Going to stay the Night at a hotel around the Airport.....

I was thinking as I was typing above... SORRy for the babbling again
I think I'll stay inm San Antonio the first night.....

SOMEONE give me a SHOUT OUT who will be there too...... If anybody......