Huge Snow Goose.......Ooops

Oops to say the least. I know that is one difference we focus a decent amount of time on in hunter ed here.
Number of years ago we were goose hunting on a foggy day down by the river. One of those cool mornings to hunt where the geese just appear out of the fog right on top of the decoys. Maybe 30 yards of visibility.

Midway thru the morning, we could hear a "funny sounding" goose circling the decoys. finally, a pair of swans broke out of the fog right on top of the decoys. We laughed at how close they were and how friggin' HUGE they were. They both had green neck bands on their necks.

They circled on off and flew towards the river... A few minutes later we heard some shooting across the river but could not see anything.

About 10am, the sun burned thru the fog and we could see the surrounding fields and the tree lines along the river. Out in a hay field across the back fence where we were hunting we could see a single swan out there walking in the middle of the hay. Looked out of place.

We watched it with the binoculars and could see the green neckband. After we picked up the goose decoys, we called the Fish and Game and they sent an officer out. I told him the story and showed him the swan. We then walked out and proceeded to attempt to catch a live swan.

The swan kept walking away from us at a deliberate pace that did not allow us to close the last 75 yards. Eventually we pushed the swan into a small creek/drain ditch that the swan seemed to like to swim in. The Game Warden went downstream, I went upstream.

We then popped over the bank and the swan went one way and then the other, trying to evade us both, from different directions. I closed within about 10 yards and the thing tried to run/fly up out of the creek and the Warden yelled for me to tackle it, which I did.

I then had this 20lb bird with 6 foot wings attempting to beat me about the head, shoulders, gut, knees, ankles, etc... The game warden was 50 yards away yelling to not hurt it, but not let it go....

Once the Warden was there, the Swan appeared to respect authority of the badge and gave up resistance. It was a sudden and complete capitulation. Just about that time, the old Basco farmer that owns the land came driving up in one of his feed trucks to chew our asses for trespassing. When he saw the Game Warden, the old Basco muttered something under his breath and offered us a ride back around to where the rigs were. About a 1/2 mile as the crow flies, 3 miles as the old Basco drives in a 10-wheeler loaded with a couple of tons of chopped corn.

So, we sat "4-across" including the swan, in the cab of the feed truck. The swan was definitely interested in his first truck ride as this giant 2 foot neck and head looked at everything in the cab of the truck and all the sights out the window. Just as calm as can be, but the head bobbing/weaving to take in all the sights.

The game warden loaded it into a dog carrier in teh back of his PU and took it to a rehabilitaor. The F&G then found the other one dead on the other side of the river. There was a press release put out to the local papers about the poached swans and a picture holding the swan. Eventually, two High School kids were caught and charged. A bit older than the kid in the picture above.

The swan I caught was eventually healed up and turned loose.

They are amazingly cool birds and make good traveling companions in the front of a vehicle.....
Thanks AZ, that site is turning out to be kinda amusing. Check out this "coos" deer:

OH!! I didn't see that one, holy crap!!

I bet we'd all be suprised by how many two and three point muleys are whacked by "coos" hunters.

In the kids defense, there are several hunts that are any antlered deer, in units that hold both species. The spelling of Coues is pretty sweet though, usually it's misspelled as Couse........
A similar thing happened two years ago on the Bear River Bird refuge, except the fool limited out on snow geese! :D
Couple of kids in a neighboring town went out and shot some giant snow geese one day. Went to the local judge and pleaded stupidity and got the charges dropped. This town is like 250 people (Rockland ID) and some of us kids from American Falls went there for auto mechanics (high school course). The day the story was in the paper they were serving chicken in the school lunch room.

We kept asking them how they made the swan taste so good.

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