Good news for Arizona


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002
At this morning’s meeting, the Commission approved the resolution for reinstating the on-line application process, WITHOUT pre-payment for permit-tags. State regulations and credit card company policies still prohibit the G&F from receiving payments without rendering goods or services.(wish they'd stay with the paper apps :(

The Commission also reinstated the 10% cap for non-residents. The cap is not only by species as an aggregate, but by hunt number! That means that resident hunters can be assured that 90% of the prime hunt permits will be issued to them.

Thanks to valuable input from Dick King, Don Martin and others, the Commission also approved the 10% cap for javelina and turkey. However, since the cap must still go through the rules-making process the NR restrictions won’t come into play for the spring ’06 season. (Big game should be in effect for the 06 fall draw)

The Commission also approved that any hunts that have only one permit available, such as antelope, MUST go to resident hunters.
Hey, wait-ta' minute/ If I'm not mistaken Colorado has been doing the credit card thing and taking money for quite a while now. According to my credit card statement they charged me the full price right off the bat and then 3 months later I got a refund check. So isn't that exactly what Arizona was doing with the pre-payment thing? Why can CO get away with it and AZ can't???
Big sky, its az state law , all cc companies have different laws for different states

Az always just charged a $5 app fee then when you did get drawn you got your cc dinged.

Glad there were no major changes Stan, the guys on the local boards here in az are scaring me.


Delw said:
Glad there were no major changes Stan, the guys on the local boards here in az are scaring me.
Delw, not to worry. The Commission heard nor accepted any proposals for consideration outside of the items listed on the agenda. Quite the typical "sit back and enjoy the ride" meeting. Wished you could have been there.

I just wish they would have stayed with the paper apps, until they could figure out a way to do the internet with the money up front.

I just got back from the Flagstaff RMEF banquet were they drew the State wide elk tag. A guy from Colorado won it and a guy from California won the Optics package.
Here is a little more info from this weekends meetings.

Sheep and buffalo are also 10% for the genus, NOT any one hunt. NR's can get no more than 50% of the tags offered or two permits, whichever is greater in any one hunt.

With 10% cap across the board now, AZ resident hunting oportunities should be protected.

Nice to see them add antelope- which were never lised for any caps- and ALL buck deer hunts, including those late whitetail hunts, in the cap.

The reason the Mohave Sportsman Club supported the 10% cap on javelina, is that in our area, NR's have been getting tons of tags, and locals had to travel way down south if they wanted leftover tags.

We heard that 48% of the HAM javelina tags and 28% of the general tags were issued in 2005 to NR's in Unit 18B.

They didn't tell us the breakdown for archery, but if any of you go to Unit 18B in January, you'll know why its called "Little Las Vegas."

Dick King was absoultely right on to ask for spring turkeys tags also be limited, as our Gould's tags will be among the most sought after turkey tag in Amercia.

This info is from Don Martin of Kingman,AZ..........
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