Donald trump Jr on Jay Scott podcast

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Well, I happen to agree with Trump that we need to secure our southern border. We don't know who's coming into our country, and there's no doubt some of them do come here and commit crimes. And as for keeping people from the Muslim countries out until we have a 100% reliable method of knowing they're not terrorists, I agree with Trump 100% on that, as do many people. There's nothing wrong with keeping people out of our country to keep us safe. How anyone could think otherwise I just don't get.

What I don't get is how you think there hasn't been significant improvement in the Southern Border situation.

I worked for a month or two every year between 2002-2006 down near the border. When I first went down there, I thought that everyone was exaggerating how bad it really was. I was shocked that it was actually worse than what people were saying. It was bad, really bad.

The area I hunted deer down there in 2008 was still pretty bad, lots of illegal activity, every wash had tracks, litter all over, and I saw illegals 4 of the days I spent there hunting.

I hunted the same area this year, and its about a 180 degree change from what I witnessed in 2008. Hardly any trash at all, very little to almost non-existent illegal activity, or even sign of illegals.

Point being, that the situation is much different there now, and from what I personally witnessed, there is no question that the border is a lot more secure now than it was 7-8 years ago.

So, to imply that the southern border is totally unsecure and its the same as it was in the past, is flat wrong.

I personally doubt that Trump has any idea what he's even talking about when it comes to the border...I think its all hot air being targeted to people that likely know as little, or perhaps even less, about what is really happening on the Southern border than he does.
How would I know if the illegal immigration issue has become better or worse? I don't know. But that's irrelevant. I still want our laws enforced. I'm tired of our taxes supporting people who are here illegally, who are not citizens, and have no intention of becoming a citizen. I know this is happening because there are students in my kids' school who do not speak English. If you're okay with that, fine, but I'm not. I want the citizens of this country to come first. Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat will only encourage more illegal immigration and they don't have a problem with letting us taxpayers support them. Is anyone really okay with that?

As for the "Muslim" thing- it's not so much the religion we need to restrict, but the countries that they're coming from. Why would we let them come here to live? How does it benefit our country? I think we need to be a lot more careful in who we allow into the country. Seriously, tell me what's in it for us to let all these people in? Such as the Syrian refugees? Potential terrorists is what they are.
Exactly. But maybe washingtonhunter is onto something. I heard some religious extremists took over a federal building a few months back. Anyone that follows their insane religion should also be banned immediately, the whole Christian lot of them.


...our peaceful Christian religion was violently hijacked by a few radicalized individuals in that circumstance.

Unlike another certain religion, where we know that all who adhere to it's beliefs are certified terrorists.:)

In all seriousness.... anyone who wishes to judge any religion, worldview, or philosophy and its value or danger to society must be willing to differentiate between what a religion, worldview, or philosophy teaches and the actions of those who follow that religion, worldview or philosophy.

Personally, I think orthodox Islam is a pernicious and evil twisting of the teachings of Judaism and Christianity and the Gospel that Jesus fulfilled. The religion if practiced as Mohammed practiced and the Islamic Scriptures teach, is the source of incredible suffering and persecution.
Thankfully, a majority of Muslims choose to live their lives in harmony with the positive teachings of Islam and disregard the commands to subjugate the unbeliever and kill the infidel. The Muslims I've met and associated with were not violent or hateful towards me or anyone else for that matter. They are valuable contributers to the good of their society and country and their personal religious views do not infringe on the rights of others. They are as distressed about the violence perpetuated on others as anyone else is. They are also marked for persecution and death by violent extremists who view them as apostate and worthy of slaughter. It is no coincidence that ISIS and other jihadist groups kill more Muslims than they do other religious groups.

In regards to the original topic, I find Trump's remarks about banning anyone from Muslim countries or Muslims from entering our country until we figure out who is a terrorist or who is not, very troubling. To me, it speaks of ignorance at best and a willingness to target specific groups and religions as "undesirable" and marked for discrimination at worst. It wasn't so many years ago that the Jews were marked as the cause of Germany and Europes woes and suffered horribly because of it. If Muslims become the scapegoat for today's problems and are singled out for discrimination, how long will it be before I find my religious views and practice being blamed as the source of society's woes and suffer accordingly?

With faith, comes the understanding and expectation that I may suffer discrimination or misunderstanding for what I believe. It does not include me discriminating against or targeting those of different beliefs and practice for persecution.
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How would I know if the illegal immigration issue has become better or worse? I don't know. But that's irrelevant. I still want our laws enforced. I'm tired of our taxes supporting people who are here illegally, who are not citizens, and have no intention of becoming a citizen. I know this is happening because there are students in my kids' school who do not speak English. If you're okay with that, fine, but I'm not. I want the citizens of this country to come first. Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat will only encourage more illegal immigration and they don't have a problem with letting us taxpayers support them. Is anyone really okay with that?

As for the "Muslim" thing- it's not so much the religion we need to restrict, but the countries that they're coming from. Why would we let them come here to live? How does it benefit our country? I think we need to be a lot more careful in who we allow into the country. Seriously, tell me what's in it for us to let all these people in? Such as the Syrian refugees? Potential terrorists is what they are.

Thanks for clearing that up.
As for the "Muslim" thing- it's not so much the religion we need to restrict, but the countries that they're coming from. Why would we let them come here to live? How does it benefit our country? I think we need to be a lot more careful in who we allow into the country. Seriously, tell me what's in it for us to let all these people in? Such as the Syrian refugees? Potential terrorists is what they are.

Accepting refuges has always been about alleviating a humanitarian crisis. It's never be a "what's in it for us", it's always been "how can we help?".

You are right about everyone of them being a potential terrorist. Just like every American born citizen is a potential murderer or rapist. Each one of them is also a potential benefit to our society just like every American citizen can be.
Accepting refuges has always been about alleviating a humanitarian crisis. It's never be a "what's in it for us", it's always been "how can we help?".

You are right about everyone of them being a potential terrorist. Just like every American born citizen is a potential murderer or rapist. Each one of them is also a potential benefit to our society just like every American citizen can be.

Truth, our good friends, have entered the pool to adopt a Syrian child who has been orphaned. She is of Syrian descent, and simply felt an obligation to help a child who has seen so much that they never should see. I'm in awe of their generosity and compassion and hope that they are able to adopt. The child, certainly has the potential to become a terrorist, but that child will also live in the house of one of Silicon Valley's luminaries who laid the foundation for companies like Google to exist...also great potential.
Thanks for clearing that up.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Thanks for clearing that up.

Sure, and from your response I assume you're okay with our government continuing to ignore our laws on immigration, as Obama has done, and as Hillary will continue to do if she is elected.

Are you okay with sanctuary cities as well? And if so are you okay with our taxes being used to benefit the people who are in our country illegally?
Sure, and from your response I assume you're okay with our government continuing to ignore our laws on immigration, as Obama has done, and as Hillary will continue to do if she is elected.

Are you okay with sanctuary cities as well? And if so are you okay with our taxes being used to benefit the people who are in our country illegally?

No, just pointing out the hypocrisy in your statement, you claim to have no idea if it's better or worse but continue to opine.

Clearly you have missed the pro-immigration organization have dubbed Obama "deporter in chief" Obama deported more in his first four years that GW did in eight.

As for other policies I have far greater concern with the H1B program as opposed to those fleeing violence, corruption and strife.


  • Obama administration tops its own deportation record  PBS NewsHour - Google Chr_2016-03-09_16-51.jpg
    Obama administration tops its own deportation record PBS NewsHour - Google Chr_2016-03-09_16-51.jpg
    36.1 KB · Views: 186
Interesting chart jryoung. Would there be a graph showing what percentage of illegal entrants were deported in those same years. One wonders if the number deported is (at least partially) dependent on the number of entrants.
No, just pointing out the hypocrisy in your statement, you claim to have no idea if it's better or worse but continue to opine.

Clearly you have missed the pro-immigration organization have dubbed Obama "deporter in chief" Obama deported more in his first four years that GW did in eight.

As for other policies I have far greater concern with the H1B program as opposed to those fleeing violence, corruption and strife.

As I said, being better or worse is irrelevant, there's still a lot more that needs to be done, so I don't see how I'm being a hypocrite by stating that I want to elect a president who will make illegal immigration a priority. We have "sanctuary cities" all over the country which of course encourage illegal immigration. What has Obama done about that?

I have to say I'm really shocked that illegal immigration seems to be supported by many people on this site. So yeah, I guess if you don't want a secure border and you don't mind our government taking money from us and giving it to illegals, then you won't want to vote for Trump. Even though he's the only Republican who is not in favor of the privatization of our public lands.
Sure, and from your response I assume you're okay with our government continuing to ignore our laws on immigration, as Obama has done, and as Hillary will continue to do if she is elected.

Are you okay with sanctuary cities as well? And if so are you okay with our taxes being used to benefit the people who are in our country illegally?

I assume you are referring mostly to our southern friends, many of whom use false social security numbers to gain employment. This forces payroll taxes, Medicare and social security to be deducted from pay checks. These people will never see the benefits from those programs because those numbers are not theirs and they don't file returns even though most of them would be eligible to get most of the money back. At the same time they live in homes, paying rent, buying fuel, and purchasing groceries incurring more taxes. Most of these people follow the majority of our laws so that they are not arrested and deported.

I also notice that you have made no mention of holding those American owned business accountable when they violate our employment laws. Some of these businesses are repeatedly raided by ICE. Why aren't we pushing for severe punishment for the employers? Aren't they just as responsible as the immigrant trying to feed a family? After all, those businesses are taking advantage of these people by paying them low wages, and often violating employment laws along the way. Why don't you want these businesses punished?

And as far as your San Bernadino comment goes, it sounds like you are suggesting that we make sure US Citizens and legal spouses should be restricted from purchasing firearms from other citizens. It sounds like you think we need to expand background checks for all purchases.

Generally, I've found most of your comments to lack substance. They just sound like the fear mongering rhetoric that has been spewing forth from the Republican Party since 2001.

Solutions, real ones that's what I want. Fences and moats are not going to solve anything. I'm tired of the party of nope.
Big Sky, unless I am missing something, it seems you are accepting of illegal immigrants? mtmuley
Of course the businesses should be required to follow the laws, that's one of the first things that needs to happen. I didn't post everything that needs to be done, and I never intended to. All I'm saying is there's a problem and it needs to be addressed.

I never said anything about wanting stricter gun laws. The state of California already has the strictest gun control laws in the nation. The terrorists who killed all those people got their guns illegally, even though the media claimed otherwise.

My comments lack "substance?" Really? I could say the same thing about yours. I agree the Republican Party has done nothing to solve the illegal immigration issue. But neither have the Democrats. That's why we need Trump. If you haven't noticed, he's not the typical "all talk no action" politician.

Can I ask who you feel will do a better job?
Does this suggest that Trump simply is telling sportsman "what they want to hear," Not exactly a surprise, when the guy has done nothing but pander to the lowest common denominator of citizen since day one.

Amen. More than any other candidate on either side of the aisle, the bad hair guy has changed his opinion about a gazillion times, yet the one time he says something people agree with, the first words out of their mouth is "HE'S GOT MY VOTE!" I doubt even Trump thought it would be that easy.

He don't have and he ain't getting my vote!
Amen. More than any other candidate on either side of the aisle, the bad hair guy has changed his opinion about a gazillion times, yet the one time he says something people agree with, the first words out of their mouth is "HE'S GOT MY VOTE!" I doubt even Trump thought it would be that easy.

He don't have and he ain't getting my vote!

He does tell me what I want to hear, and I like that. Why would I support a candidate who says nothing that I want to hear? Trump is the only option. No he's not perfect, but he's the best option we have. Can you name a better candidate?
He does tell me what I want to hear, and I like that. Why would I support a candidate who says nothing that I want to hear? Trump is the only option. No he's not perfect, but he's the best option we have. Can you name a better candidate?

Yes, Hillary. Better yet would be a third term for Obama.
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