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Donald trump Jr on Jay Scott podcast

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The bad thing about Trump is that we don't know for sure what we are going to get, but that may also be the good thing about Trump.

The only good thing about Hillary/Bernie/Cruz is that we know what we are going to get....the same old, same old...only w/ Bernie we get free college and unabashed socialism along w/ the same old, same vote for one of these three and expect nothing good to happen(look at the last 8 yrs)....

I am willing to take a chance that Trump will stir things up and put America back to work. I can respect Trump and his ability to tell the press, yes, I did say that, but after becoming more informed on the subject have changed my stance....Trump is not the polished career politician the others are....that alone makes him more vote worthy in my estimation.

Yeah, 8 years of super-majorities of one party in the MT Leg and we still don't have an infrastructure bill that would have put thousands of Montanans in your neck of the woods to work.

Thanks Brenden. :D
The bad thing about Trump is that we don't know for sure what we are going to get, but that may also be the good thing about Trump.

The only good thing about Hillary/Bernie/Cruz is that we know what we are going to get....the same old, same old...only w/ Bernie we get free college and unabashed socialism along w/ the same old, same vote for one of these three and expect nothing good to happen(look at the last 8 yrs)....

I am willing to take a chance that Trump will stir things up and put America back to work. I can respect Trump and his ability to tell the press, yes, I did say that, but after becoming more informed on the subject have changed my stance....Trump is not the polished career politician the others are....that alone makes him more vote worthy in my estimation.

I personally take the office of the President seriously and the right to vote.
I would never take Trump seriously with what he says or what he believes in.
He only cares about himself.
He is a danger to the country,not a solution for our problems.He seems to be a problem looking for a place and leading our country is the last place he should be.
So much for Trump not selling our public lands. Trump would see them as assets to be sold off to accomplish his pledge.

As president, Donald Trump would sell off $16 trillion worth of U.S. government assets in order to fulfill his pledge to eliminate the national debt in eight years, senior adviser with the campaign Barry Bennett said.

"The United States government owns more real estate than anybody else, more land than anybody else, more energy than anybody else," Bennett told Chris Jansing Sunday on MSNBC. "We can get rid of government buildings we're not using, we can extract the energy from government lands, we can do all kinds of things to extract value from the assets that we hold."
Jose, I guess we won't count all the people on WELFARE as "unemployed".... were I in charge "welfare checks" would be re-named, I would call them "work incentive checks

Talk about seeing boogey men...the odds of the Gov't selling off BLM are slim to none, and slim just left town....

About like climate change and global warming being man's fault... the climate changes, and has all through history....a volcanic eruption will do more to the weather than the last 100 years of driving cars or burning coal.

Ben, who was gonna fund all that? Were that pushed thru where were the funds really gonna end up? Not in NE Mt...
I agree. There seems to be no shortage of work available, my quality of life has improved greatly, and the evil boogyman Obama has not come to take my guns as some would suggest.

Couldn't agree more. Things aren't perfect, and they never will be, but enough of the constant negativity and bitching and complaining about the economic conditions of today as compared to when "America was Great". Steve Rinella was spot on when he referenced this same point in his speech at the BHA banquet last Saturday night in Missoula.

I'm way better off than I was 8 years ago, and I know I'm not the only one. Just bought a new Turkey gun too and Obama wasn't waiting to take it from my hands as I walked out the door.
Jose, I guess we won't count all the people on WELFARE as "unemployed".... were I in charge "welfare checks" would be re-named, I would call them "work incentive checks

Talk about seeing boogey men...the odds of the Gov't selling off BLM are slim to none, and slim just left town....

About like climate change and global warming being man's fault... the climate changes, and has all through history....a volcanic eruption will do more to the weather than the last 100 years of driving cars or burning coal.

Ben, who was gonna fund all that? Were that pushed thru where were the funds really gonna end up? Not in NE Mt...

Being on "WELFARE" is not the same as being unemployed, or vice versa. Lots of employed people are on welfare, lots of unemployed people are not on welfare. Not sure what your point is. Where I live, anybody that wants a job can get a job. Help Wanted signs all over. And it seems pretty similar where I travel.

Not sure what your ranting against. Your first comment was you didn't want "8 more years" of what we have just enjoyed.

From my point of view, and the Stock Market, and the Housing Market, etc.... the last 8 years have been very good. I can not complain, as I am "better off than I was" 8 years ago.

If you have been able to not enjoy the recovery, the creation of jobs, etc, then that is likely an issue on you, and not something you should blame your troubles on the last 8 years.

I would be happy to have 8 more years of what we are experiencing.
Ben, who was gonna fund all that? Were that pushed thru where were the funds really gonna end up? Not in NE Mt...

The state was going to fund it through a mix of cash projects and bonding, which is how every state government operates and most businesses too.

Here's a link to the bill, which will answer your questions about what projects would have been funded in NEMT.
Consider that if it were a different personality in the Executive office making tough, unpopular decisions and employing the authority of the office of President to get things done in spite of a do-nothing obstructionist Congress ... you would be applauding the President.

President Obama certainly is not a popular or likeable guy in my opinion ... but he has accomplished a great deal more than Congress for the benefit of you, me, and the US populace.
Consider that if it were a different personality in the Executive office making tough, unpopular decisions and employing the authority of the office of President to get things done in spite of a do-nothing obstructionist Congress ... you would be applauding the President.

President Obama certainly is not a popular or likeable guy in my opinion ... but he has accomplished a great deal more than Congress for the benefit of you, me, and the US populace.

You got that right! Without the supreme leader we wouldn't have the best health care tax in the world. I almost wish the supreme leader got another 4yrs to really accomplish all of his goals. Living in a third world type country would be amazing. Maybe hitlery or uncle bernie can continue the dream.
If I recall correctly, anyone who questions the Commander In Chief in a time of war is GD traitor, un-American, and should be shot. We are still at war. :hump:
You got that right! Without the supreme leader we wouldn't have the best health care tax in the world. I almost wish the supreme leader got another 4yrs to really accomplish all of his goals. Living in a third world type country would be amazing. Maybe hitlery or uncle bernie can continue the dream.

You misspelled Mitt Romney.

P.S. - Also not a fan of the Individual Mandate. Single Payer makes more sense financially. Especially if we can get the offshore tax havens shut down and have Corporations pay their fair share, like you & I do.
Serious question for you left leaning guys...or far left guys. Do you see Hillary as a threat to your gun rights? She has openly declared war on them and if elected, she will have at least 1 and maybe 2 or 3 supreme court nominations to make. I see that as an erosion of our second amendment rights. Am I wrong? Is she lying about wanting much stricter gun laws?

I know that you will say that we haven't seen much change in gun laws under the current president, but that could change under the right circumstances.

I have always voted conservative, but I won't vote for any candidate who is anti-public lands. As Big Fin says, it's a cold dead hands issue.
You misspelled Mitt Romney.

P.S. - Also not a fan of the Individual Mandate. Single Payer makes more sense financially. Especially if we can get the offshore tax havens shut down and have Corporations pay their fair share, like you & I do.

I'm on your side! Mitt Romney is an evil republican that stole all his money from the private sector. If he cared about the greater good he would've provided free health care for everyone in Massachusetts, and gave all of his personal earnings to the government!

Hitlery...I'm mean supreme hillary won't do anything concerning the 2nd amendment, because she said she would (get it, because she's a liar). Plus, even if she does make good on her vow, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

Feel the bern, in your wallet...elect bernie so every day will be a weekend at bernie's. And for the greater good, I don't have what you have...but I want it and im entitled to it.

I am entitled to free college, free health care, free food, free housing, 20 bucks an hour for a medial job, and a bighorn tag every year . I'm entitled and I want it now.
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I'm on your side! Mitt Romney is an evil republican that stole all his money from the private sector. If he cared about the greater good he would've provided free health care for everyone in Massachusetts, and gave all of his personal earnings to the government!

Hitlery...I'm mean supreme hillary won't do anything concerning the 2nd amendment, because she said she would (get it, because she's a liar). Plus, even if she does make good on her vow, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

Feel the bern, in your wallet...elect bernie so every day will be a weekend at bernie's. And for the greater good, I don't have what you have...but I want it and im entitled to it.

I am entitled to free college, free health care, free food, free housing, 20 bucks an hour for a medial job, and a bighorn tag every year . I'm entitled and I want it now.
I'm on your side! Mitt Romney is an evil republican that stole all his money from the private sector. If he cared about the greater good he would've provided free health care for everyone in Massachusetts, and gave all of his personal earnings to the government!

Hitlery...I'm mean supreme hillary won't do anything concerning the 2nd amendment, because she said she would (get it, because she's a liar). Plus, even if she does make good on her vow, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

Feel the bern, in your wallet...elect bernie so every day will be a weekend at bernie's. And for the greater good, I don't have what you have...but I want it and im entitled to it.

I am entitled to free college, free health care, free food, free housing, 20 bucks an hour for a medial job, and a bighorn tag every year . I'm entitled and I want it now.

You need to get some of the medical or you're going to have a thrombosis, brosef. ;)
I won't vote for anyone but Trump. Nobody else will put America first. Did anyone notice how after the mass shooting in San Bernadino, all Obama would say is "we need stricter gun control?" With Hillary, you're getting more of the same. It's sickening. And she will gladly let in unlimited numbers of Syrian refugees. When we already have our own homeless and hungry people that we don't take care of. Hillary, just like Obama, does not care about America. If you want a better economy, more jobs, secure borders, and a safe country, vote for Trump.
I won't vote for anyone but Trump. Nobody else will put America first. Did anyone notice how after the mass shooting in San Bernadino, all Obama would say is "we need stricter gun control?" With Hillary, you're getting more of the same. It's sickening. And she will gladly let in unlimited numbers of Syrian refugees. When we already have our own homeless and hungry people that we don't take care of. Hillary, just like Obama, does not care about America. If you want a better economy, more jobs, secure borders, and a safe country, vote for Trump.

And less public land.
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