Chinese surveillance balloon over Montana?

And another one today.

I wonder if the seeming increase in these things is the result of a heightened awareness to stuff in the sky, so what we are seeing is an artificially amplified signal, not really respective to what has been the state of affairs historically.

Is it pseudo-hysteria or an actual increase in the prevalence of things floating over us that we don’t want doing so? The lack of actual meaningful information being released by the bigwigs makes me lean toward the former.

Just getting back to the US after 10 days of international travel..has been interesting to see these stories pop on international media over the last week.

Also now realize that my brother, myself, and my buddy saw one of these "spy balloons" while elk hunting in CO last September.

Sat there eating lunch on the mountain and looking at it with binos for a while talking about if it was weather balloon or what...