Best 2020 Archery Hunt for a "Western Newbie"?


New member
Dec 3, 2019
Hello HT! I've been tossing around several different ideas for my first Western hunt, some of those being Mule deer, Antelope, or possibly even black bear. My real goal and expectation for my first year out is to honestly just get out there and fail and learn. Although I wouldn't mind flinging an arrow;) Just a couple notes are that I currently don't have any points anywhere, I will most likely be solo, and that I'm 21 years old and in good shape! I'm very ambitious and not afraid to get out there with my bow and put in some work!!
Hello HT! I've been tossing around several different ideas for my first Western hunt, some of those being Mule deer, Antelope, or possibly even black bear. My real goal and expectation for my first year out is to honestly just get out there and fail and learn. Although I wouldn't mind flinging an arrow;) Just a couple notes are that I currently don't have any points anywhere, I will most likely be solo, and that I'm 21 years old and in good shape! I'm very ambitious and not afraid to get out there with my bow and put in some work!!
I was in your shoes five years ago and took the plunge into elk. Never looked back...been out every year after and been successful. First year was rough because I just really couldn't comprehend how big the mountain country truly is. Saw some elk that first year and had a 5x5 at 40 yds but couldn't let an arrow fly. My best advice is if you're thinking about the west, you better go! If not, it will eat at you!
Personally I know antelope is the popular recommendation for a first hunt, however I think mule deer is a better choice to get your feet wet in western hunting. I would grab a easy to get tag in broken country, pack some gear a go. Get up high glass and stalk every legal buck you can. Something will happen.

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