Caribou Gear

Az pronghorn: KHunter archery 2014

A fine road hunter mess. Home for a week. Nice to camp wherever the day ends, though. Except....

Kinda screwed up. Had tunes playing while eating and spotting lopes this morning. Headlights were on which I did not know. Dead battery. Maybe a long walk to round up a jump.

Any bright ideas on charging a truck battery with an iPhone?image.jpg
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Leave a note on your truck asking for HELP! in case someone comes down the road from the opposite way that you walk out? Best wishes! Sounds like something I would do!
Not as much of a PIA as it coulda been. Rancher chick came by in a rattletrap pickup. :hump:

Last night I ran into a friendly local hunter. Sounded desperate to 'get one'. Said he had one. 'Jump the string'. At 65 yards. I did not say a geezer in a wheel chair could jump a string at that long of a poke. Showed him my lope photo from 10 feet. I think it sickened him a little that I had no intent to shoot it....

Other local I ran into said gruffly "the antelope hunting is better in Colorado." His meaning was I should stAy home and not hunt his animals.


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Note the decoy to the left. He is THAT close. But passed to let him grow up. Got a ton of pictures at super close range.

He stayed with 25 yards and circles for 5 minutes. Never busted out despite getting a good whiff of me and all my movement hold camera over decoy, etc. Neat experience.

Sounds like a great time. I wish I'd started bowhunting when I was a kid, but I'll have to start heading out of state to see what I'm missing never having hunted speedgoats.

Hold out and have a good look around before releasing that arrow. Fifteen years is a long wait.
Looking over a herd of 23 with one buck I can see. Long way off. Gonna try to get closer.

More fun with the decoy in attached picture. Albeit not "productive"image.jpg
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Found a couple decent bucks but maybe not shooters in a herd of about 30? Antelope. Was more than the 23 I had thought. Had to hike in a mile and a half to get a decent look. Got within 350 yards of part of the herd. There were 4 bucks in the group, each rounding up the foes, just a little bit. And not fighting each other. Shoulda brought my doe decoy instead of buck.

Or Be the Decoy to get out in the open where they were. Anybody use that with success that has suggestions on technique.

Anyway a bust as far as stalks go. A couple crummy pics in this and the next post.

Today was sunny and hot. Spent a lot of hours in the ground hiking snd working out the knee pads on 3 stalks.image.jpg
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Found one that really turns my crank this morning. In that large herd. Thing I missed him
Last night? Real tall big prongs above ears. Nothing sime about the set up. Wide open spaces. Giving it a go.
That was a sweaty workout. They are sparring good now. Saw a couple good fights. Herd split in two. One looks great to me. Did not get close to him.

My Be The Decoy effort brought this buck and two Does to 45 yards. From at least 300 yards, which surprised me.

But I did not have the magic to get in on the herd in 10 inch cover and little relief.image.jpg
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I think Saturday morning will be your day. Get a big one before the weekend rush.
Bad picture but this looks like a good one. Tried to kill it today. Not easy.

Thoughts in whether this might be a big one? Looks tall with good prongs starting abOve the ears? I am at a disadvantage as I can 't score them worth a darn.image.jpg
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