Awesome Montana Elk Hunt!

Way to go man! Our daughter is due in March and I want her to be there when bow season kicks off and the Bulls are bugling like crazy. Hope we can make it happen. Great to see that you guys could.
Great job! I wish a I couls talk my wife into going hunt like this. I my self have a two month old unbelievable that you pulled it off.
Thanks guys! It was truly one of the coolest hunts ive done. I didn't think at all that it would be as successful as that with the baby along. Out of the family of 6 now, my 7 yr old daughter is the only one that has not been on a kill this year...............looks like thats gonna have to change after I get back from New Mexico next week.

The two boys, just can't get enough.............even though its rifle season now, the boys still want to go out and shoot a couple deer with the bow so.............We did:):)

The 3 year old just about fell out of the damn stand when the arrow went through that deer he was so excited:) (don't tell mama)

They are getting really good at blood trailing now:) Another year or so, they should be fully trained.


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    The killers.jpg
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That's awesome... were you ever a little bit nervous??? I don't know if I had the balls to do it when my kids were that young- two years was ok with me. Congrats.
Nervous the baby would blow an opportunity? Of course:) Actually, once the big group went into the timber to bed, i pretty much had to call of the morning hunt strictly due to baby. Just figured it would be way to tough to get close expecially if she started crying. Figured we would wait till evening but managed to find two bulls that bedded close enough to the edge of the timber that we could see them and get in shooting position.....Fortunately mama had just nursed baby 10 minutes prior to the spotting so she was down for the count in her nap when we found the bull:)
Dude that is the coolest thing ever. I tried that with my boy but he was 16 months old. I remember calling in a bull while he was babling. My wife passed on the bull and we never got another chance. I wish back now that she would have shot it for pictures like yours.

That is just to awesome. Congrats to the wife on an awesome bull.

You know, if that bull would have been 50" less, i still would have had her shoot just for the sake of the hunt with the baby and the pictures like you were saying. We just got blessed with a better bull to have an opportunity at. Was one we won't forget for sure!

Do you know how lucky you are ?????????Maybe you're just skilful in getting the family to enjoy hunting ,,,,,,you need to write a book on how to!!!!!!!Congrats
I do know how lucky I am for sure!! Now my only goal for the rest of the year though is to get my oldest daughter on a kill. Would make the year complete.

Bambi actually hit the nail right on the head i think. My wife hasn't gotten a vacation since we got married so i think she figured if she really wanted one, it was going to have to be on a hunt:):)

She is one of the most patient people on the planet to let me get away with the amount of time i spend in the field, i couldn't thank her enough for it.

The kids, well, they just LOVE it. The older daughter is becoming more of a "girl" but the boys want to see something die every time we go. The 5 year old and i got in an arguement because he wanted me to shoot a spike buck and i wouldnt. We were argueing (still smiling though) about it while the deer stood at 15 yards and watched us talk about it and listened to me explain to him why we don't shoot small ones:):)
Critter - that has to be some of the coolest pics and coolest story to hit the web in a long time. When you said you were going to do this, most of us thought you were crazy. Looks like it turned out great. Congrats to the entire family. That is one cool looking bull, especially the side angle.
Those are some of the best hunting photos anyone will ever see. Congrats to you & the wife, crittergitter. Most people wouldn't ever think to even attempt that.

I do have to wonder what the heck I'm doing wrong when I can't get on animals like that all by myself, let alone with a 2 month old in tow.
THanks DDD, i just had a swing of good luck:) I have had so much bad luck this season, i guess the hunting gods decided to help me out for once........hoping they stick by my side in New mexico next week.
Crittergitter, great hunt and pics! Congrats to your wife! My opening day consisted of working till 2pm then loading the kids and my wife in the truck and heading over to a local ranch in hopes that my wife could fill a doe tag. We must have been a sight with my wife walking 20 yards in front of the rest of us trying to see a deer before it saw me and our four children following along. She even got a couple opportunities but wasn't able to connect. It sure beat flogging the brush in the rain with all the other hunters who were in the mountains after elk.
Congrats on a great hunt. Taking the family along just make it that much sweeter, and when the wife actually does the deed well it jsut doesn't get much better than that. Good luck in the future and keep them kids in the woods!
Now that is a great story. Thanks for sharing. I hope your wife doesn't think it is always that easy or you'll start catching flack when you want to have a longer hunting season.
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