PEAX Equipment

Antlered Doe?


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
Has anyone seen pictures of the reported 13 point doe shot in Minnesota last week? Saw a brief about it at work.

Danr55 -

Last night, following a link from another site, I did find a picture. For the life of me, though, I can't remember where I was lurking last night. It'll come to me, though.

- rgl
Do they call them 'Dikes'?

I've never seen a pic of an antlered doe that was not in velvet. Pretty cool though.
Likely as not, I'm mixing and matching what I can extract from my fading memory:

Seems to me there was a story last year about a hunter in Michigan that shot a doe with a fair sized rack ... 10 or 12 point? As I recall, that doe was not in velvet either. So what's the big deal? Several years earlier the same fellow had also shot a well-racked antlered doe ... 6 or 8 point?

What are the odds? Don't only about one in fifteen thousand does develop antlers?

- rgl

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-20-2002 11:18: Message edited by: Argyle ]</font>