PEAX Equipment

Antler Auction 2003


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
The price of elk antlers went down this year. The average price per pound at this year's elk antler auction was $8.15 for bundles and $11.00 for caps and pairs. That compares to $10.62 per pound for bundles last year and $16.47 for caps and pairs. There were a total of 148 registered bidders from 25 states at the auction, down from 175 bidders from 30 states last year. All together the antlers brought in just over 58-thousand dollars, last year's total was just over 82-thousand. Once again this year, the biggest spender at the auction was Richard Stewart of Bears Den Inc. He spent just over 23-thousand dollars on antlers this year. Last year, he bought nearly 37-thousand dollars worth of antlers last year. He also purchased this year's priciest single pair of antlers for $50.00 a pound. The total for that pair was $1,250. A portion of the proceeds from the Elk Antler Auction goes to the local Boy Scouts, who gather the antlers from the refuge, and then help display the antlers at the auction. The rest of the money goes back into the refuge program.
Thats really cheap, when you consider how much it costs to get a pair still attached to the elk.
I heard some of the ones that were scored by Boone&Crockett sold good. Unfortunately most of our bigger matched sets that we had set aside were not scored, because they were mixed in with everything else before the scorer stopped by. It's going to be a short season at the refuge for me, my wages come from antler money. I think if they made it easier for people to buy them, instead of being preapproved, that maybe more tourist and small collecters would buy sets or skull plates. The Refuge also donated a trailer load of whites to the airport so they can have an antler archway.
I just bought two pickup loads of elk antler, mostly pairs , many in the mid 300's for $5 per pound delivered. Guess I did pretty well. They were from farmed and a few had the bases sawed of ,but still a GOOD buy. I also bought bout 400# of good whitetail and axis sheds this spring for $5 per pound. Lucky Ol Bob
The price here was 13 dollars a pound for brown mule deer this year. They're only paying around $7/lb for elk. I'm not selling, though. Someday it may be illegal to pick them up.

BOB, YOU going to make me a Chandaleer (SP?) out of Antlers ?!?! I have a spot in my living room that could use a good light at a low cost
Oscar how big?? You got the antler???Mine are about half the price of those you see on the internet and better made. Wires all on the inside. Buddy price is even less. Bring your antlers and come on down. We can build one in bout a day if dont drink TOO much beer in the process. Need about 10 antlers all right hand or all left hand, Later Ol Bob

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-31-2003 09:46: Message edited by: BbarC ]</font>
I might need to BRIBE Ol' Greeny out of some of his bones... Wonder what kind of sodomy that will cost me

Lemme find out and I'll let ya know Bob !!!
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