A few WY pronghorn


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
My Dad had a couple points to burn in Wyoming for antelope this year, so I had him apply in a unit that I've never hunted before. Its pretty fun to hunt different units and see some new country.

I spent a couple days scouting earlier in the summer and found a lot of antelope, including some real nice bucks.

I got off work on Saturday and met My Dad and Brother as well as my 7 year old nephew. It was my nephews first time on an extended hunt and he was excited as can be. He liked staying in the wall tent and all that stuff.

We spent a couple days looking over a ton of antelope bucks. Lots and lots of good solid bucks and we narrowed the search down to a handful. From there it was simply my Dad trying to make a decision on what he wanted. Dad finally decided on this one, his best ever buck and we were all right there when Dad shot it. My brother has better pics on his camera, will add them later.


The next day with the buck tag filled we had 4 doe tags. My nephew really liked the doe hunting as it was less "looking at antelope" and a lot more action. He got to be right there while his Dad, Uncle and Grandpa shot some does...we had a great time.





My Dad, Brother and Nephew left the following day, so I went home and worked another couple days. I picked up a second buck antelope tag OTC for another area I'd never hunted and took off around noon the day before the opener. Not much public land, but nearly every piece I could access had antelope on it. I found a buck right before dark on section of State land that looked pretty good so decided I would try for him right away. My goal was to find a mature buck on public land in this unit as many claim the units with leftover tags are not real good, tough to find anything decent on public, etc. etc.

I found the buck right where I left him the night before and put a real nice stalk on him. One shot later and I was done within 10 minutes of legal light. There were 6 other bucks on this piece of state and I never saw another hunter.

Just shy of 14 inches, 6 4/8 on the bases and first quarter, 4+ year old buck...gross score 74 6/8. Another fun time.


I work for a few more days then its 6 weeks of vacation and non-stop hunting, its going to be tough...but somebody has to do it.;)
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Great stuff, Buzz. Love that you are getting the nephew out, and to get him out with antelope makes me really smile. Congrats to your Dad on a great buck. And to you.
Good stuff Buzz...nephew looks intense. First of many critters from ya I'm sure.
Well done on some family fun! Congrats on a great leftover tag buck as well!
Sounds like an awesome time. Great bucks. I just bought my Wyoming antelope and deer preference points yesterday. Looking forward to hearing how the rest of your fall goes. Good luck.
Very nice!! Congrats to you guys! The nephew will be remembering that for quite some time.
Some good critters but the biggest kudos go to taking the young'un along with you. He will remember it forever.
That's about as good as it gets. I am planning a family antelope hunt next year for my son, father, brother, and nephew. We are all looking forward to it! Well done Buzz.

I am looking forward to your next six weeks of pictures. You're living the dream!
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