Caribou Gear

You know what sucks?


Feb 18, 2002
When you use your woman's computer to look at Hunt Talk and you leave your account logged in.

It sucks even worse when she has pictures of you that would get your man card revoked instantly.

However, it sucks for HER when she remembers it is your birthday and she just can't bring herself to burn you THAT bad (it would be epic) while you're at the dentist and unable to defend yourself.

So, if you get a chance, wish Wyodeerhunter a happy birthday today... Maybe you guys can distract him from the fact that he's getting really freakin' ancient and has a total B for an old lady... :D
Happy Birthday Wyo. Not sure how to connect those dots, but sounds like a classic Dr. Phil episode.
He sounds P wimped.

My ideas of the pictures:
1. Figure Skating
2. Ball Room dancing
3. Getting cozy with a Kitten
4. Running the Vaccum
5. Putting his sheds in the backyard
Mrs. Wyodeerhunter,

Send the pics to Big Fin. He can get them posted for you.

By the way, Happy Birthday WDH. How old is "freakin' anceint"?
He sounds P wimped.

My ideas of the pictures:
1. Figure Skating
2. Ball Room dancing
3. Getting cozy with a Kitten
4. Running the Vaccum
5. Putting his sheds in the backyard

Im 90% sure you can check off 3 and 4, he still has shed privileges so she night be a keeper, she cooks good too.
6. Video of him crying during the final Oprah episode
7. You found his Bette Midler movie collection
Boy, talk about having your grapes in her hand... and your wife grants you a "stay of execution"... what a let down... Haha!

Happy birthday Wyodeerhunter. What ancient year is this?
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SERIOUSLY ..... We won't pull his Man card. POST THE PICS !!!!!

Or at least accidentally Text message then to someone so we can ;)
He is as bad as me. Ran up to the store to pick up some more Metamucil and got back home to get,
"WTH! Do you like looking at dead animals? Better than me looking at nekid women,sweatheart!"
Joke really!
Thanks all!!!

I turned the big 2 6 today. I feel older than what I am though :(

I'm sure most 26 year olds will be going out getting smashed on their b day. I think I'll eat some bacon today (after all its my b-day) and then go to bed early so I can go look for sheds tomorrow.....

I'll be sure to throw some pics up after this weekend.....

Once again thanks!!!
Happy Birthday Wyo!
Today is also my B-day (43 here) and I can honestly say that I remember the day you were born. It was my 17th birthday and I was fired from my job that day for doing something at school that affected my behavior at work 8 hours later! :eek: It was a bad day for me! :confused:

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