Wyoming Pronghorn


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Sitting in a motel room in Southern Wyoming waiting for this monsoon to pass and the roads to dry out.

I've been building points for a long time for this tag, and have watched Eli's videos a dozen times. Taking the rest of the week to look over as many as I can. Should be a good change of pace from the Mountain Goat hunt.

I'll try to give updates when we're in service.

Wish me luck guys!
You might consider a scoop of metamucil with dinner at night, we would hate to miss anymore opportunities due to regularity.;)

Good luck, try to hold off on any "pig-pens" you might see on day one.
Ross- I drank a bottle of Imodium. Pooping can wait until December.

Could've killed this guy and a couple similar on the drive between the motel and restaurant.

Rain stopped, just cold and foggy now. Supposed to get warm and windy this vending, should be good to go from there out.


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Trying real hard to muster some sympathy for ya Randy....

....but will wish you good luck.
Good luck, drink an extra bottle of Imodium, not many trees to crap behind out there.
For some reason it won't let my phone post more than one picture at a time, so no photo updates.

Saw probably 40-50 bucks today. Lots of mature bucks, but nothing that was obviously a shooter on day one. I'm ruined for hunting antelope in Montana again.
Randy....good luck on your wyoming pronghorn hunt. Congrats on the montana goat hunt as well...epic hunt and well done.
I am sure with your attitude you will get a good buck. Now the waiting for us begins.....
Good luck Randy! Pulling for you that you get a monster. Think of us poor suckers back at work. :(
This guy got a big circle on the map just now. Everything but a good prong. Am I nuts for walking away from him?


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Same buck different view


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Depends and Depends.....................Which unit your hunting and what your expectations are. Growth has been pretty dang good in S Wyo this year. Been seeing lots of big bucks. I suspect you'll find the one that makes you happy. You'll know it when you see it. ;)

Another bad picture of a good buck.


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If your happy, give him the 'ol Troy Landry. Don't overthink score. At least for me, when I do so it takes a bit of the fun out of it...

BTW, that'd be good enough for me! But I pale in experience to many of the guys here.
Good looking bucks to me as well, always fun though to have the chance to look a few over. This post motivated me to quit procrastinating and buy my points
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