Wyoming deer


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Happy Valley, OR
I missed the opener because my wife just had to see the Cowboys get their butts kicked by the Seahawks.;) So on Tuesday after work I couldn’t take it anymore and loaded up the truck and headed for Wyoming. After a few hours sleep at a rest stop somewhere in Idaho, I made it to the trailhead early afternoon on Wednesday. I got packed up and ready to go. Because there’s no water where I was heading I had to pack in a lot (384 ounces to be exact) so my pack was pretty heavy. If Santa is on this site, please bring me a Mystery Ranch for Christmas.

I headed up and got to where I wanted to camp right before dark. Just under 4000 feet of elevation gain from the trailhead. Got camp set up and did a little glassing. Saw a few deer but the smoke was terrible and made visibility poor.

Next morning I got up and spotted two small bucks but nothing else in the two basins I could see from camp. So I started hiking the ridge line stopping to glass each new basin. I ended up seeing quite a few bucks but only one small 4 point and a nice bull moose.




The next morning I got up and started glassing. I immediately spotted 2 deer on the far hillside and after getting the spotter on them I saw that it was the same small bucks from the day before. After more glassing I spotted 2 deer above the small ones on the far ridge line almost to the trees. One was a decent 4 point and the other was a 4 point on one side and freak on the other side with a 5-6 inch drop tine. I got a little excited and thought he was a cool looking buck. I quickly ranged them at 460 yards but they were headed straight away and only 20-30 yards from the trees. I got set up hoping he would turn and give me a broadside shot. Right then he heard the 2 small bucks who had fed up behind him and he whirled around and butted heads with the closest 2 point.

After butting heads he was broadside. I had a dead rest with no wind and I squeezed off a shot. At the shot the 2 small bucks turned and ran down the canyon directly towards me. As they were running towards me I thought I could hear something crashing. I lost track of the 2 bigger bucks after the shot and figured they had ran into the trees.
I grabbed my pack and headed over to check for blood. When I got over I searched and searched but couldn’t find any sign. After an hour or so I decided to go back and pack up camp and come back and continue my search.

After packing up camp, I came back and kept thinking about the crashing sound I had heard. I noticed a little chute down the mountain that wasn’t visible from where I shot. As I pulled up my glasses I could see the deer about 500 yards down the chute caught up in some little trees. Sweet!!

I hiked down to him and saw that I had hit him perfect right behind the shoulder. When I pulled up his head I noticed he had broke off the drop-tine. Crap! I looked for it for awhile but I knew it was going to be a warm day and being by myself I knew I had to get to work.


I boned him out completely and packed him out. Wow! What I would have given for a horse or a buddy. It took me 7 hours to pack him out. I don’t know how heavy the pack was but it completely kicked my butt. In the end, it ended up being one of the funnest solo hunts I’ve done.
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Nice story, other than the very first sentence. Cool pics and congrats on a neat deer.
jabber, you must not know I am a huge Cowboys fan. My wife was giving me crap because I missed opening day to go to Seattle and see them lose... At least they won today. :D
Awesome looking buck. Smoke there looks like hear. Any form of optics have seemed to be useless. Congrats on a cool buck.

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