Wounded Warriors in Action


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2014
Timberville, VA
I was made aware of this charity by a fellow hunt talker. I have done a little research for myself and with the personal voucher of that fellow hunt talker and friend, I decided to donate to this group. For those of you that don't know, it is a non profit group specializing in hunting and fishing trips for our wounded soldiers and there families. The families part was what was the special part for me. Maybe this group has been mentioned on here before but who cares I'm gonna do it again. This is a great group that does good things for those that have protected our freedoms. Just thought I'd give a shout out to them and spread the word a bit.

For what its worth, my donation looks pretty pathetic compared to what these men and women gave for me. God bless you all.
The two top people just were fired for their waste of money. They have gotten lavish salaries for years and nobody seemed to care. Only a few cents from every dollar goes where it should. I used to contribute to them, but quit when I finally learned the truth about them. There are many good organizations out there that help vets, but the Wounded Warriors is a big money pit, that is not doing what it should be.
The two top people just were fired for their waste of money. They have gotten lavish salaries for years and nobody seemed to care. Only a few cents from every dollar goes where it should. I used to contribute to them, but quit when I finally learned the truth about them. There are many good organizations out there that help vets, but the Wounded Warriors is a big money pit, that is not doing what it should be.

That was from Wounded Warrior PROJECT...a totally different organization that has nothing to do with this one
Sorry, my bad. I have never heard of this one. I'll look into them. Their name being that close to the WWP, may not do them any good after the new revelations on WWP.
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Thanks Cushman for clarifying the two. It is to bad the one organization was corrupt, it gave all the "wounded warrior" organizations a bad name, just because people (me) don't know there is more than one wounded warrior organization.
No problem. I think 'WW' anything leaves a bad taste in people's mouths anymore. My wife and I have hunted with this group and they are amazing. They are a newer organization as well. This group not only focusses on the veteran, but also on the spouse/caretaker as well, unlike others do.
I was going to emphasize the difference but didn't want to run down another group online. Then I read that last night and wished I had stated the difference.
I'm gonna keep posting once in a while on this thread so that hopefully more people just take a look. I hope the mess with WWP, doesn't cause trouble for WWIAF.
As the recipient of a couple of WW hunts I will tell you that your money brings great value. Getting out (especially with other vets) is invaluable to many of us. Know that we are all grateful :)
This thread will not die! Let's go for a thousand posts!

Thanks, thats pretty much what I was trying for. I was not aware of this until a short time ago, so maybe we just need to get the word out. Like I said before, this is pretty pathetic compared to what these guys and gals did for me.
Thanks, thats pretty much what I was trying for. I was not aware of this until a short time ago, so maybe we just need to get the word out. Like I said before, this is pretty pathetic compared to what these guys and gals did for me.

None of us go in the military for a thank you or to get anything in return from the American people. It's simply the career path we chose. It still freaks me out when people thank me for my service.
Like others, I mistakenly thought these two organizations were the one currently with the black eye. I'll have to look into WWIA. John, and all military, thanks for your service. I don't say that because of your last post, but because I truly appreciate the service/sacrifice you and your family make. Undoubtedly, the whole planet is better thanks to the US military, your career path is still my security blanket.
Just keeping this thread current. Hopefully some more people will see it and maybe some of those will help. It sure seems to be a worthwhile organization. Its a shame their name is so close to other groups.
Good info here, I too assumed it was the same people. Its pretty sad that people prosper from the misfortunes of others, but, it seems to be the new American way....
I donate time/prize packs/etc to a local group that takes Vets hunting and such...My family all served. ( I did not, chose college instead and broke the chain) no regrets though.

Thanks John for clearing this up.
My wife and I have participated with this organization. One thing I liked about it is that they involve our spouses. We went back east to a bird preserve for a pheasant and chucker hunt. The group of us veterans hunted the first day while our wives socialized and drank wine and did chick stuff. We had an amazing dinner that night. The next day our wives got to hunt with us. The women who've never hunted or shot before were given expert instruction and one on one guides for the day. We had catered BBQ for lunch that day and another amazing dinner that night. The preserve took care of all of our birds for us and did all the 'butchering' and vacuum sealed and froze them. All in all it was an amazing weekend with other wounded veterans and our wives. Many organizations that do wounded warrior hunts don't include our spouses or caregivers, but without them, we would be lost, so I'm glad to see an organization that includes them since they deserve recognition for all that they do for us and put up with.
None of us go in the military for a thank you or to get anything in return from the American people. It's simply the career path we chose. It still freaks me out when people thank me for my service.

Thanks for your service....:D Can't believe no one beat me to it.
I got a call this morning and thanks to WWIA I will be going on a 4 day, all expenses paid, turkey hunt and fishing trip in Kansas the end of April. I am excited beyond words and humbled and grateful.
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