New member
Since Moosie is apparently on a quiz kick
I thought I'd pose one of my own. My second year of hunting deer I was down to a doe tag and was trying desparately to fill it. At some point I was still hunting up a logging road. I heard a crashing sound coming toward me from off the road, so I stopped to wait. A doe came charging up the hill, then when she reached the road she turned and started bounding straight at me, at a distance of about 25 yards. I had my rifle up and could see her in the scope; as she hit the ground with each bound the crosshairs were centered on the junction of her neck and chest. It all happened very fast (but slowly, if you know what I mean), but I decided not to chance the shot for fear of shooting too soon or late and hitting low. I often wonder what would have happened if I had shot.
Would you shoot?
Would you shoot?