Caribou Gear

Would ya?

Not my thing, but everyone has the right to hunt their own hunt.

What turns my stomach, is the mis-placed 420 yard shot...
My sentiment isn't soured so much because there's an army of guides - I hope to be rich enough that I could hire that many people to find huge elk if I wanted (I wouldn't, but that's a moot point) - as it is by the whole idea of Governor's Tags, City Council Tags, Dog Catcher Tags, SFW or other auction tags.

mhungerford- nobody else could have snuck in and shot that bull because there's no season on in AZ right now for anyone. Unless you ponied up the big $$$. Then you get 365 days to get it done. I know those tags raise a lot of dough for good causes but it's a slippery slope. Once you start up, there's probably not a real clean exit strategy.

Rumor on the coueswhitetail board was that one of the guides was a big proponent of the SFW AZ Tag Grab Attempt. Those of us who found fault with that guide and/or the whole idea behind these special tags, expressed our opinions but those dissenting views were all deleted. Somehow, I don't get the idea that will happen here.

Of course, it's a tremendous bull and it had to dodge regularly scheduled hunts and predators for a long time. Instead of taking refuge in a rocky crag of an AZ canyon, it probably should have just hired a lawyer to write Jan Brewer requesting clemency. :rolleyes:
I would, and I'd make out with Doyle at the kill site.
Negative ghost rider

Its like those hunting shows where Joe Somebody shows up at the "lodge" and they have 6 bulls in a photo line up and gps coordinates next to the hell is that hunting?

All about the pursuit for me, a big rack is icing on the cake!
Wasting a lot of time

With that king of $ he should just have the possee load it on Southwest and fly it home and shoot it when it gets off the plane! What is the difference.
I loce the Muley's in velvet but that bull just doesn't look right. I will have to agree with Oak. Rather have a polished horned bull!
If I got lucky and drew a raffle tag like that, I'd wait until September to go. I have ZERO interest in a velvet bull elk.

I wouldnt go with a guide either.
How do you call that hunting is my question. When I was a kid and my dad and brothers were teaching me to hunt they never told me I should go get about 20 of my friends to help find a critter then pay them all to keep track of it until I could get the time to come and shoot it. Yea, I would love a tag where I could hunt every day for a year in any unit but I would feel like a wus if I killed a great bull like that the way these guys with the gov. tags are doing it. It seems like these guys will do ANYTHING to get their pic on the www with a world class bull.:mad:
There was a post on facebook earlier tonight from the Mule Deer was a link to an ad for this Mossback outfit with high priced tags
At least he was forthcoming with the details. Plenty of tales are edited much more than that one. As for Tony's original question, 'would ya if you could?' bet I would.
Isn't Corey Knowlton (the guy who shot this bull) the guy thats always hunting with Jim Shockey on his show "The Professionals"?
420 yard shot?? and then the next morning as the bull was lying in his bed this guy "was able to get a couple more shots off" WOW!! talk about a tough pursuit and great hunting story!!! Plus, he got to pay to do this!!

what a joke!
I would not. He shoots it at 420 yards, comes back the next day, they find it bedded and it gets up and darts away and he puts another couple shots in it. It isn't hunting like this. This just gives fodder to the anti's.
What's disturbing is the story.

Once again, Lady Luck smiled on this hunter and the bull moved through the only lane on the entire hill and Corey took advantage and touched off an extremely difficult shot at 420 yards. Knowing the bull was hit, the group backed out and returned the next morning. Doug and Corey picked up the track in the morning and found the bull bedded the several hundred yards away from where they left him the previous evening. Corey was able to get a couple more shots off as the bull darted through the jungle bringing this incredible hunt to an end.

Sounds like they were pretty lucky indeed to recover that bull because of poor judgement and questionable ethics. Just my opinion.
No shame. A highly questionable shot choice, delayed follow up, an animal suffering overnight, presented as an accomplishment. No pride, no class, the internet proves its worth if these lowlifes get derided forever and become the symbol of who is not a hunter. I love the attitude on this site.

mike r.

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