Caribou Gear Tarp

Wild Within on Travel Channel

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Anyone watch it? I watched it with the volume down, as I was tied up on a phone call. The videography was very good, and he killed more stuff and it looked like real hunting more than 80% of the shows you will find on the hunting channels these days.

He showed the packing and preparing of meat. Something strictly prohibited by the guidelines of Outdoor Channel. Pretty bad when hunters get more field dressing info from the Travel Channel.

If you watched it, I am curious what you thought.

Would anyone watch an hour long hunting show if you could add a lot more information, tip, ideas, etc?

I would love for our show to be an hour long, as we capture so much footage and such a small percentage actually makes the final edit. We could go into a ton of things about tags, tactics, what worked and didn't work, more planning and preparation, what goes on behind the scenes. Just don't know if people would sit and watch for that long, or if the network and sponsors would go for it.

I plan to catch the audio as it replays this week and see if the message is worthwhile. Even if he did shoot a skylined deer, and had to shoot it many times, it was better visual TV than most stuff on the outdoor networks.
I get bummed when the show ends... 1/2 hr later... though it certainly leaves me waiting for the next episode ... 1. Hr of great info and fun following along - I am pretty certain I would be just as excited (maybe more ) for the next show ... a couple shows i enjoy go for an hour ... and I get pretty bummed if I have to hit the dvr *** least the dvr still lets me watch later.
I watched it and thought it was great! The guy seems a little odd, but in a good way. I would really like to see more tips in hunting shows not just tech tips that push their sponsors like most shows.
that is sad to hear...I guess if it comes from McD's or the meat shelf it wasn't alive, it was just grown! I hope you can show some of that stuff on the Sportsman Channel, it's needed!
Big Finn- You have to be kidding to ask if people would watch an hour. Right??
I'd love to see an hour of real hunting. BD
Would anyone watch an hour long hunting show if you could add a lot more information, tip, ideas, etc?

Absolutely. The devil (ahem) is in the details and while enjoy seeing hunts for western game and places they live, I rarely learn anything of value. Ability to educate is the real value of tv and video IMO, less so the entertainment value. There are a lot of resources about hunting between tv, magazines and the intrawebs but very few seem to really break things down in detail. Not everybody's family has been hunting for generations and the hope of recruiting new sportsmen and sportswomen would be helped by letting them behind the curtain a bit.

I'll have to check out Wild Within. Sounds like DVR space well spent!
So far so good, but given their location, I can't believe they were going to shoot a dink. That area has some hawgs if they knew how to play it right. They aren't even up a big mountain or even in real alpine. They are in some buck brush on an 1800ft hill.
I would really like to see more tips in hunting shows not just tech tips that push their sponsors like most shows.


I understand that these shows need to sell advertising time to make money, but what other channels have as many product plugs as these hunting shows? It really degrades the shows and is very distracting from the hunts.

Randy I think I can bear to watch you for an hour, you're a likable guy and have a great program. Don't fall in to the pit trap and become a widget salesman!
Show was pretty good. My boys like it too. I really enjoyed the variety of stuff he did, and the details he showed. Crabs, shrimp, a goose, and a buck. Not bad for a guy from NYC. The hour flew by. One hell of a cook too.

One hell of an advertisement for Savage too..(grin)
It was good. Had an OYOA feel to it. Yes, the variety of hunting was interesting. Well, done, not the advertisements and big timing, documentary like. As OYOA does, it made me think of my hunts and that I would like to/could do what he was doing.

If I could just get my wife to understand, as he did.

Reminded me of spring turkey hunting in MO, gobbler in the morning, them mushrooms, then crappie, that is a good dinner.
Your show is probably the only one I'd watch for an hour.I'd love if you went thru some of the process in obtaining tags and imfo for the areas you hunt.Probably have to mix it in with the hunting somehow to keep the average persons interest in your show.I don't think it would work if you made a 1/2 hr segment just about the prep work.Too many people that watch those shows only want to see the powers that be into allowing a couple 1 hr shows this season with all aspects of the trip/hunt.I wouldn't miss it, and you could test the market
Good luck in the draws and your next season!!!!
I thought the show was done well. I'm not sure about the host though, he's kind of a NY hipster that likes to hunt. Not what I am used to seeing. I was really suprised that his friends at the end would sit down to that type of meal. They didn't look too excited about eating a deer either, kind of acting. The sustance of the show was overall much better than a typical hunting show. I actually thought of OYOA thru parts of it. The show seems a little more real than your typical Discovery / History / Travel Channel shows.

I think a 1 hour format would be perfect for OYOA. The reasoning behind things like tag process, hunting site selection, gear used could easily take up half the show.
I'd be up for another 30 minutes. I like the balance between critter footage and interviews now and would like to see that stay the same if you did bump up to an hour.
I didn't get to see the show, but I'll try to watch it when it repeats. As long as it's realistic, it might be worth watching. The outdoor show that I most enjoy is Bill Dance Outdoors, because he takes the time to explain what he's doing and why he's doing it. The explanations can be edited in to the outdoor footage. I don't see much point in watching an outdoor show that I don't learn anything from. I watched some of the finale to Sarah Palin's Alaska last night and caught their response to the caribou hunting episode. The best part was the person that wrote her and said that they "should get their meat at the supermarket, where it's made".
I was able to watch about half, in between getting ready for the week ahead w/ kids school & sports.
You can alway's pick apart things people do and say on shows like this but all those aside, what jumped out to me is that it seemed real. The host seemed like a real guy and passionate. Not sure I buy the filling the freezer part and going to Alaska from NY to do it.
I did like the show without all the comedy attempts and constant closeups of gear.
I would watch OYOA for an hour and maye one or two others, but in general it would be hard to stay interested in most shows for an hour. Like you said Randy, if you can get into the preperation, tatics, and other things, I'd watch.
I didn't catch it, but I set my Tivo Trapline to catch it. Would I watch an hour long show that included Tips and Ideas? Yes, I already know how to sit in the snow and freeze my azz off! LOL I need Ideas, tips and anything else you can come up with! John

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