What did you stock up on?

Kirkland box wine. It's freakin' good and comes out to like $3 a bottle. And Corona, because the sun is out and I'm sick of winter warmers.
Coffee. Got 5 pounds in reserve.

We held off shopping for a couple of weeks hoping to avoid crazy, but eventually broke down & did the usual shop, plus a few other comforts for not going out, etc. Didn't horde anything, didn't push an old woman down to get anything. I feel like I'd be an awful black friday shopper.
I have always tried to keep a well stocked pantry and freezer so I'm in pretty good shape. I got lucky and did my monthly Cosco run a couple of days before the craziness hit. Then this morning I got groceries and as I passed the flour I saw a sale sign "25 lb. bag of flour $4.98" I thought "well I don't need flour but you can't pass on a sale like that." I got to the cashier and it rang up $14.98, who ever wrote the sign forgot the 1, so I told her I didn't want it. She said she would check and if the sign did indeed say $4.98 she would give it to me for that price. So I got 25 pounds of flour for $4.98. That's a lot of cookies. The cashier said she couldn't believe that I was the first person to notice the mistake.
3 years ago, when Donald Trump was elected I became worried about the stability of the world. Things seemed too strange. Maybe it was just my perception of things at the time, but at that time I set our family up for 6 months of emergency food which theoretically has a 25 year lifespan. I heat my house with wood, and there are two creeks within a quarter mile of me. If things really fell apart, we would have that to fall back on. That said, if things really fall apart, all plans are out the window.

For this event, nothing has changed. We go shopping once a week like we always have. Maybe grocery stores in my neck of the woods are different than elsewhere, but outside of TP and rice and hand sanitizer, everything that was available is available. If the wife called me up and said let's have chicken marsala for dinner, or lobster, or any other type of thing, I could just go get it. The only shortage that currently exists are cool, calm, and collected heads.
I have always tried to keep a well stocked pantry and freezer so I'm in pretty good shape. I got lucky and did my monthly Cosco run a couple of days before the craziness hit. Then this morning I got groceries and as I passed the flour I saw a sale sign "25 lb. bag of flour $4.98" I thought "well I don't need flour but you can't pass on a sale like that." I got to the cashier and it rang up $14.98, who ever wrote the sign forgot the 1, so I told her I didn't want it. She said she would check and if the sign did indeed say $4.98 she would give it to me for that price. So I got 25 pounds of flour for $4.98. That's a lot of cookies. The cashier said she couldn't believe that I was the first person to notice the mistake.
Good for practicing your dutch oven bread or biscuits or cobbler. That's what I did with the flour leftover from my wife's x-mas baking.
Now I'm just waiting for my free stuff to show up in the mail.
Coffee. Got 5 pounds in reserve.

We held off shopping for a couple of weeks hoping to avoid crazy, but eventually broke down & did the usual shop, plus a few other comforts for not going out, etc. Didn't horde anything, didn't push an old woman down to get anything. I feel like I'd be an awful black friday shopper.

I hear there's a run on pottery clay...
Wife now working from home. Daughter now going to online HS. Son about to come back to do online college. So many more meals will be eaten at home.
basically just got more of everything, especially non perishables. They say don’t hoard, but going to the store every week increases exposure to the Rona. I’m in the Sip. 6 deaths so far. And I’m still going into work.
I have always tried to keep a well stocked pantry and freezer so I'm in pretty good shape. I got lucky and did my monthly Cosco run a couple of days before the craziness hit. Then this morning I got groceries and as I passed the flour I saw a sale sign "25 lb. bag of flour $4.98" I thought "well I don't need flour but you can't pass on a sale like that." I got to the cashier and it rang up $14.98, who ever wrote the sign forgot the 1, so I told her I didn't want it. She said she would check and if the sign did indeed say $4.98 she would give it to me for that price. So I got 25 pounds of flour for $4.98. That's a lot of cookies. The cashier said she couldn't believe that I was the first person to notice the mistake.

I have an easy artisan Amish bread recipe that takes 3 cups per pop if you'd like it. I cook it in a cast iron dutch oven with bacon grease and the crust is amazing.
"This nice bottle of Scotch will give me enjoyment for weeks."

2 Days later.


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