We Should Turn Preference Points/Bonus Points into a Commodity

Points are like lottery tickets. For entertainment only, not for investment purposes. Just don't spend more than you can afford to lose.
All these points should be transferrable on some kind of exchange that puts a lower limit on their value. Each one should be base priced somewhere higher than the total amount it would cost a NR to draw the tag. I don’t really see this as any less equitable than how it is now but at least it would give a guy with fading dreams the chance to get some billionaire‘s money. Some of us could probably retire. Good idea or is Covid eating holes in my brain?
Why not just sell ALL tags to the highest bidders? Problem of preference points or bonus points solved.
You sell the points back to the state and they set the selling price, something like $100-$200 a point. There is a deadline to do this and than the state lists the points back "up for sale" with an extreme price/point and the market purchase rate can dictate the price (i.e. state changes price based on purchase rate) with the goal of having them sold out after 1 month.

The state could make SO MUCH money doing this. And in the end, its still the same NET points in the system except for the fact that a lot of points will get removed for that year because the hunts are naturally going to require a lot more points.

Create a plan to do this once every 10 or 15 years or something like that so people can plan around it.

This WILL NOT work for the species that are in super limited quantities. So it likely doesn't work for non resident sheep where there might only be 20 total non-resident tags. There needs to at least be something like over 1000 tags total issued for that species in order for this to achieve its goals. Otherwise, there will just be 20 people with a crap load of cash that are willing to outbuy everyone else and if someone outbuys them by 1 point, they would just get the tag the following year and then the next billionaire and then the next and so forth. All of the people in the market that are willing to buy 100 points or whatever to ensure they get the tag they want need to be removed from the pool in 1-2 years.
Put the crack pipe down and step away from the keyboard.
Oh, lets start a NFT to do so...........................LOL
NFT for marketing with a cute little doe mascot. Then a well-timed initial coin offering on the block chain. I was thinking Preference Point coin but calling it PP coin may not be the best. Start in Montana with the Dutton Coin. Grease a few politicians and tie in the availability of governor's tags and private land bull tags with a crypto only purchase. To the moon point Hodlers.
Can you imagine the increase in pp purchases by the gen public if they were tradeable on the open market…Talk about a shit show.
Can you imagine the increase in pp purchases by the gen public if they were tradeable on the open market…Talk about a shit show.
That's not what I was suggesting. There would certainly be a way to do it along the lines of what I suggested where it wouldn't be very profitable as an investment option and also adding in things like you can't buy a point unless you have hunters Ed, hunting license, etc would further make it less profitable/possible.
Put the crack pipe down and step away from the keyboard.
I understand at face value, reading into this is an out there idea. Immediately I'm sure opposition would say "giving good tags to the rich". However, in order to try and level the field and find a way to make big game draws in the west "more fair" and less of winning the lottery for a good tag is going to require a crazy idea and some compromise
I understand at face value, reading into this is an out there idea. Immediately I'm sure opposition would say "giving good tags to the rich". However, in order to try and level the field and find a way to make big game draws in the west "more fair" and less of winning the lottery for a good tag is going to require a crazy idea and some compromise

Or get rid of points all together and just go back to a random draw.
Or get rid of points all together and just go back to a random draw.
That only turns the process even more into a lottery ticket style approach though. It also loses the state money. So besides turning your zero percent chance of getting a tag (in a true pp situation) it would just turn it into like .05% or whatever meaning you still statically will never draw it. I just don't see the drastic upside fixing the problem.
That only turns the process even more into a lottery ticket style approach though. It also loses the state money. So besides turning your zero percent chance of getting a tag (in a true pp situation) it would just turn it into like .05% or whatever meaning you still statically will never draw it. I just don't see the drastic upside fixing the problem.

There are a host of ways to replace revenue lost by points. And honestly, I'd prefer a system that levels the playing field rather than one that stacks the deck, as we've seen in MT now that outfitted NR's get to double up and jump way ahead of the line.

The democratic allocation of wildlife should be similar to one person, one vote: one person - one chance to draw.
"more fair" and less of winning the lottery
This is an impossible goal when you have 1000s of applicants for each tag. I don't care what scheme is put in place to be "fair"....you're playing the lottery.
I may be wrong, but I honestly think a true preference point system with no option to build points by hunting second choice or otc is the most fair system. Could also eliminate the "point only" option, so points are only built when you apply and don't draw...?
This is an impossible goal when you have 1000s of applicants for each tag. I don't care what scheme is put in place to be "fair"....you're playing the lottery.
I disagree. I don't think it's impossible. It's just impossible for most of the systems currently in place right now. Some states and some species within those states are in a better position than others.
There are a host of ways to replace revenue lost by points. And honestly, I'd prefer a system that levels the playing field rather than one that stacks the deck, as we've seen in MT now that outfitted NR's get to double up and jump way ahead of the line.

The democratic allocation of wildlife should be similar to one person, one vote: one person - one chance to draw.
This thread is speaking so general across the board that lots of examples could be brought up such as this. However, I think this does level the field in a way better than all random would do.

I'll play though with Montana. Residents and non residents go to pure draw, one person - one chance to draw for elk, no second choices since we are just a one chance to draw like you want. Each unit is a draw now in this pure random chance. If you don't draw, maybe there are leftovers for another draw. Do you really want to play the lottery every year rather than bring able to plan on it? Do you risk a hard to get unit rather than an easier one knowing you may not be able hunt elk that fall?
This assumes every unit is draw.

Plenty of OTC areas exist so if you want to hunt, ya can.

For NR's, it levels the playing field, especially with guided dudes soon being the ones that have the points to outcompete you public land slob hunters. ;)
This assumes every unit is draw.

Plenty of OTC areas exist so if you want to hunt, ya can.

For NR's, it levels the playing field, especially with guided dudes soon being the ones that have the points to outcompete you public land slob hunters. ;)
I'm moving forward because Montana otc days are limited based on the ridiculous population trends
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