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Valentines day... oh great


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
What do you guys end up doing for the other half this year?? Just wonder what other have to do to get some from the old lady.
I have been married for 16 years, it isn't a big thing anymore and we usually just exchange a card. My biggest responsibility is to make sure the 6 yr old boy did his part and made a card for Mom.
Actually i will probably have a day similar to Greenhorn on a date:rolleyes: I go to see a urologist today for a check up and will more than likely have my balls fondled and get a digit stuck up my azz..
Going on 36 years of marriage, it never becomes a little thing. They appreciate YOU making a deal over them.
This year under the Valentines pics in the paper, I put a pic of each grandaughter asking Nana to be there Valentine. Then I put a pic of her fishing on and called her my bestest fishing buddy. She loved it, maybe even get a special treat later. LOL
We aren't "card" people but I did send her flowers at work yesterday and we will be going out to dinner as a family tonight. Only thing that will likely be annoying is the kids coming home from school (class party) all sugared up! :rolleyes:
I usually forget about it until I'm at work. I actually remembered yesterday on my way home and bought her some flowers. Based on this mornings activities, she was impressed!
I'll probably get my hand....err....girl drunk tonight before the evening festivities.;) :D :D
I'll probably get my hand....err....girl drunk tonight before the evening festivities.

when you switch hands do you feel unfaithful ?
C'mon Miller, you should be able to spend $20 on firewater at the local hole and do better than that.
Miller, you gotta share your 'Oh' face with someone other than a JC Penney catalog on a special night like tonight. :D Don't lose hope. Single chicks should be good and depressed all day today. Can't let that opportunity slip by.
I'm buying nothing...... But I am leaving her to go to the gym tonight. that should make up for it :)
Just picked this up a little bit ago. It will smooth over last night's news about an upcoming UT pronghorn hunt, as well as the rifle arrival next week. ;)

That would make a great rifle case for those away-from-home trips such as Alaska, Utah, etc.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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