Utah Hunt expo -SMH

Also, the "Utard" comment was absolutely uncalled for. If you've ever uttered or printed that word about someone, then you're an asshole.

That was mild. We could get going about SFW crookedness and corruption, sister wives, soaking, hatred for public lands, mountain ops, and shed hunting. But we don’t. Because we have manners ‘round here.
I wear my Kuiu jacket snowboarding. Not to look "cool" but because my ski jacket zipper broke and I thought it was a good financial decision to use that jacket instead of buying another 300 dollar jacket. I can use that cash towards a tag. If people think otherwise &$#* em.


And I'm a proud Utah ......my ancestors rolled in with Brigham Young😜

Randy and I had a "discussion" on another forum about the expo.

We take the heat. But, very few, if any, tags are bought by natives. So, it's fair to hit the attitude of wildlife whoring. Keep in mind, it's the non natives, scratching the big checks.

And, I'm the biggest critic of $fw on the planet, don't forget, RMEF, tried to get the contract. Yes, they would have been world's better, but, whoring wildlife is whoring wildlife.


Well played sir!!!
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OK, gonna toss a grenade...

What's wrong with camo? Maybe because I live in Utah, not the holiest of holies (Montana), but I wear camouflage whenever I damn well feel like it. I've seen women and men in NY City, Chicago and L.A. wear camouflage. They were definitely not hunters. Who f*%#ing cares? Why is this something to bitch about? Also, if you don't live here in Northern Utah you may not know, but a hell of a lot of people are ranchers or horsemen/women and wearing a cowboy hat is all they've ever done. It's a free country.

Does it make you feel like a superior hunter if you only wear blue jeans and a ball cap when not on the mountain? Do you somehow feel more "pure" if you don't wear camouflage in your daily life? If so, ask yourself; why?

This feels like junior high. "That person doesn't look/dress/act like me so we will make fun of them." Stop judging a book by its cover and judge people by their actions. Those "Flat-brimmed, Kuiu bros." might be the greatest guys on the planet and they might save your ass on a mountain some day. You never know.

Also, the "Utard" comment was absolutely uncalled for. If you've ever uttered or printed that word about someone, then you're an asshole.
In Iowa we save our Sitka for weddings.
In Iowa we save our Sitka for weddings.
Went to my cousin's funeral this past fall and I did not get the memo. I showed up in a suit and tie, you know, because funeral. All the rest of the family and friends in attendance were in full camo, head to toe. The most sitka camo I had seen in one building outside of the Hunt Expo. So camo is good for all occasions I guess.
I say it every single time I am stuck behind a monstrous RV with that stupid arch on the plate.
I take it you've never been there. I expected Delicate Arch to be overrated, being that it's on everything from the license plate to the Jazz court. I was wrong.

It's pretty spectacular when you pop up over the redrock ledge and that arch is towering over you on the edge of a cliff.
I'm an asshole and I'm okay with that.
OK, gonna toss a grenade...

What's wrong with camo? Maybe because I live in Utah, not the holiest of holies (Montana), but I wear camouflage whenever I damn well feel like it. I've seen women and men in NY City, Chicago and L.A. wear camouflage. They were definitely not hunters. Who f*%#ing cares? Why is this something to bitch about? Also, if you don't live here in Northern Utah you may not know, but a hell of a lot of people are ranchers or horsemen/women and wearing a cowboy hat is all they've ever done. It's a free country.

Does it make you feel like a superior hunter if you only wear blue jeans and a ball cap when not on the mountain? Do you somehow feel more "pure" if you don't wear camouflage in your daily life? If so, ask yourself; why?

This feels like junior high. "That person doesn't look/dress/act like me so we will make fun of them." Stop judging a book by its cover and judge people by their actions. Those "Flat-brimmed, Kuiu bros." might be the greatest guys on the planet and they might save your ass on a mountain some day. You never know.

Also, the "Utard" comment was absolutely uncalled for. If you've ever uttered or printed that word about someone, then you're an asshole.
I have hunted in Utah, hard to come up with a more efficient expression that better describes the idiocy of some of your brethren.

Knocked arrows in bed of pick up putting along flinging arrows at 3 pt. bucks.

Strapping a folding camp chair to back deck of an ATV and a buddy driving while you sit, arrow knocked trying to shoot deer by riding up and down the road with little bucks standing around days on end.

And yeah, camo head to toe to attend a convention is beyond silly. Is it wrong? I don't know. Does it look silly? Yes, yes it does. Does it make me feel superior to state this obvious fact? Nope.
We have the eastern outdoor show in Pa I dont go to it very much not a fan of all the people elbow to elbow and always see a sea of camo I dont get it my hunting stuff is for hunting not walking around but each his own
The thing I think is funny is the back packs or shopping bags filled with every brochure you can pack in

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