Caribou Gear Tarp

Utah BLM

I have a problem with this statement! Why is every person who rides and ATV labeled a fat slob? Why is it OK for someone to ride a horse compared to someone riding an ATV? They are both riding something that is making it easier on themselves. I wonder how many "horsemen" would walk that canyon on their own two feet.

I have nothing against either group. I have ATV's that I use responsibly and I have used horses plenty of times. Honestly I feel as lazy riding either.

I have seen people on horses gathering shed antlers in a motorized restricted area chasing the bulls trying to get them to drop an antler. (Yes I did turn them in)

In my opinion if there is any kind of travel restriction then it should be for everything except people on foot.

It comes down to impact. ATV's have a much greater impact on the resource than horses. Horses have a greater impact than feet. The ATV crowd has largely earned their reputation through their acts. Does that mean everyone on an ATV is a law breaking jackwagon? Of course not. But it does mean that impacts by those who have ignored restrictions and regulations ruin it for everyone.

That's how life works.
Why is every person who rides and ATV labeled a fat slob?

I too own a Polaris UTV, but I am careful where I ride it and not to let it keep me from hiking and exercising.

But just start paying attention to ATV news photos, ATV ads, and so many clips and pictures of ATV riders. Like too large (pun intended) a percentage of our population, they are obviously overweight. I'm not imagining this; it's something pointed out by many folks who are similarly concerned.
I have a problem with this statement! Why is every person who rides and ATV labeled a fat slob? Why is it OK for someone to ride a horse compared to someone riding an ATV? They are both riding something that is making it easier on themselves. I wonder how many "horsemen" would walk that canyon on their own two feet.

I have nothing against either group. I have ATV's that I use responsibly and I have used horses plenty of times. Honestly I feel as lazy riding either.

I have seen people on horses gathering shed antlers in a motorized restricted area chasing the bulls trying to get them to drop an antler. (Yes I did turn them in)

In my opinion if there is any kind of travel restriction then it should be for everything except people on foot.
As to why horses and not ATVs, I've not seen many horse trails turn out like this.

PS- That's in Utah as well.
Commissioner faces criminal charges after ATV ride

A San Juan County commissioner who railed against the federal government's closure of an ATV trail and organized a May ride in protest is among five men now facing misdemeanor charges.

The U.S. Attorney's Office announced Wednesday that Phil Lyman, 50, of Blanding was charged with one count of conspiracy to operate off-road vehicles on public lands closed to off-road vehicles and one count of operation of off-road vehicles on public lands closed to off-road vehicles.

“We respect the fact that the citizens of this state have differing and deeply held views regarding the management and use of Recapture Canyon, and recognize that they have the right to express those opinions freely. Nevertheless, those rights must be exercised in a lawful manner and when individuals choose to violate the law, rather than engage in lawful protest, we will seek to hold those individuals accountable under the law,” Acting U.S. Attorney Carlie Christensen said in a prepared statement.

BTW on Ken Ivory's American Lands Council membership, the San Juan County in Utah has a Silver membership, which means they paid $5000.00 of county taxpayer dollars for it.
Every time I say I won't be amazed at the next thing Utah does, and yet.....

Chrisakes. I've watched from afar as the UT legislature has done some stupid things, but this one is getting near the top of the list. I'm so tired of whatever contagious disorder is in the Utah Legislatures, I am about ready to petition that we give them the friggin land, throw them out of the Union, put a fence around the damn place, and let them breed themselves to the point of starvation.

Am I the only person who is fed up spending tons of my time fighting stupid ideas that originate from Utah and are funded with welfare moneys handed out by the dudes in the Utah legislature?

Let's see, it started with SFW using their welfare tag money by trying to mess up our wolf seasons. Then, they try to pull the same welfare tag game in AZ, funded by the UT seed money. Then SFW buys off Sarah Palin and gets some poacher appointed as the AK G&F Director. Then BGF finds an even bigger gubment tit and decides they will use the money to pay their CEO to publicly take credit for the MT and ID wolf seasons they tried to derail. Not to let another crisis pass them by, BGF gets the mother of all welfare donations to leverage their "Johnny Come Lately" position in the sage grouse discussion. Then we get one of their own legislators to come across the west and bilk counties out of scarce money so he and his wife can continue living the plush life while promoting what is as close to a Ponzi scheme as their exists in state government. And then there is this final act of doling out a bunch of money for some guy who blatantly broke a bunch of laws.

I have some really good friends in UT and most the people I meet there are great folks, I cannot understand the disconnect to the good people I know and the F'd manner in which their state legislature steals their tax money and other public resources, only to hand it out to political pals, a large number of whom are crooks. Hopefully someone can 'splain it to me.

Do you have to flunk an IQ test or have some sort of swindler blood lines to run for office in UT? How can a state of so many good people end up with a legislature that operates like theirs does?
Chrisakes. I've watched from afar as the UT legislature has done some stupid things, but this one is getting near the top of the list. I'm so tired of whatever contagious disorder is in the Utah Legislatures, I am about ready to petition that we give them the friggin land, throw them out of the Union, put a fence around the damn place, and let them breed themselves to the point of starvation.

Sounds like a good idea to me, the whole darn place is a mess
This disgusts me. Utah could be so much better without these crooks in charge. To be honest I have no idea how these individuals become and remain in charge. It's a complete disgrace and they should be locked up like the crooks they are. But don't lock us all up please, I promise there's a lot of beauty in the state that should be kept out of these crooks hands.
This disgusts me. Utah could be so much better without these crooks in charge. To be honest I have no idea how these individuals become and remain in charge. It's a complete disgrace and they should be locked up like the crooks they are. But don't lock us all up please, I promise there's a lot of beauty in the state that should be kept out of these crooks hands.
The part I bolded/underlined is not hard to figure out. Block voting/party voting is still alive and well in Utah and that, IMO, only fosters the cronyism and swindling you see by the legislature there.
It seams to met that every time a state takes over fed owned land I don't have a place to hunt after a few years a state can't keep ut with the up keep and some one that can spend 1 mill will be hunting it soon or there will be 1 to 20 cabens on the property and no elk
I'm thinking that those pictures of all the ATV damage was caused by young adults on racing type ATV's riding for fun rather than caused by Hunters using atv's. Just my opinion, but I've seen these kids tearing up the turf not only on Atv's but in full size trucks as well. I've also seen a lot of damage caused by horseback hunters who camp in the same place (near water) year after year, overgrazing and damaged creek banks as well as springs ruined. So the blame can be spread around. And what about disabled hunters who need an ATV or UTV that can't hike much anymore? Should they have to give up hunting?
Boy, I tell ya the changes in the West in the last 10 years has been hard to watch from where I sit. It's almost like a Virus has infected the whole region. But, I keep hoping for the best and try to spread what word I can get out about the way things are going out there. Keep up the good work! John