Yeti GOBOX Collection

Turkey jerkey


Active member
May 9, 2009
Western CO
After reading all the posts and looking at all the turkeys I got a wild hair and decided to go out after school. I went to a place I elk hunt thinking that- if the snowline is there- I would run into a turkey... no luck. Nearly 4 miles in and after falling into an ice cold creek (and no turkey) I decide I should start making my way back. As I'm going back, I notice a small creek coming into the area with a little game trail beside it. So I travel about 200 yards up it and come to a huge meadow. I call and a tom calls back- and I can see him at a dead run coming in. He stops at about 30 yards and I can see an o.k. beard on him. Then he does a little strutting and I think to myself, "That is the ugliest damn turkey I have ever seen." I waited a few minutes to see if there were any others with him but no luck. So, after a 4 mile hike and an awesome experience of that tom running in, I nailed him.

This is the 4th time out hunting this year- it's just to hard to leave the kids (one is 2 the other will be one in a week). That helped with the decision as well.

In the pictures (sorry about the quality) you'll notice most of the feathers are broken. So, what do you boys think: are they broke because of him traveling/strutting through the scrub oak (it is REALLY thick there), or was he the other toms' bearded b!tch?


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Outdooraddict, Congrats! a Turkey is a turkey! Looks like he was on the bearded bitch side of things! Jerkey or a fryer...maybe jerkey! Congrats again!
Is that not the nastiest fan you've ever seen? Man it's ugly... and I don't know what's worse the fan or my beard. That's why I threw the kid in the picture. He might make it look a little better.
Whats the slogan I see punks wearing..."Its not how the dog fights,its how much fight is in the dog".No matter,now.Turkey is a turkey, he's just not the prettiest of the bunch....maybe you ultimately did him a big favor.
He's either had multiple whoopings by other birds or a predator "almost" got him.
good on ya.
you gotta quit shooting them in the a$$ as they run away....;) congrats loser at least you got one..:D Ugly turkey, cute kid...