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  • Thanks for your support. As a lifelong scientist, I despise folks who sell out for money. I think I'm losing though.
    Dan O
    Thank you for all you have done for all people. You and I have the same opinion of people who lie cheat and steal. People that sell out others for a buck are in my opinion lower than whale shit.

    Maybe we're not gaining ground right now but, in the end karma always shows up sooner or later.

    Take care my friend.
    I was given a Ruana Knife as a military retirement gift. Engraved with my name, rank, duty station and day of retirement. Hunting in Sheridan, MT, someone broke into my truck while in the Sump Bar and stole my Ruana knife, and other items. This was about 15 yrs ago. Wondering if anyone seen someone with a Ruana with that kind of engraving. Its been so long but I believe it was a either a 21A or a 14B.
    Dan O
    It's rare to see a Ruana Knife for sale around here. I will keep this info in mind and if I do see it I will notify local Law Enforcement about it. What agency did you report it to? What name is on it?
    Hey Dan O. Says you live in Seeley. Just curious as to who you are. You don't happen to be Dan that owns parts plus . The family and I have lived in Seeley some time now.
    My name is Kris spring .been here about 3 years. Just curious. Don't you love the winter rain we are having.
    Dan O
    Winter rain really sucks. makes sledding miserable and dangerous. It's sad 2 guys died yesterday in that slide near Dinah.
    Yes it sure is . The wife and I heard it on the scanner . Sad deal .
    I met you at the Kalispal gun show. I bought your tumbler you had for sale. I shoot sillouette with Ted, Mike and Del.

    I haven't figured this site out. I had your message for some time now and didn't know how to respond...

    Who are you?
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