
How do you feel about Trump or the other candidates?

  • Liking Trump

    Votes: 106 55.5%
  • Liking other Republicans

    Votes: 55 28.8%
  • Liking one of the Democrats

    Votes: 30 15.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not real sure how to slow down growth other than if we start sterilizing people? Hell the west can't even control feral horses!
You can always grow in a different direction. Too many folks think growth means more of the same and we've built our economy around that idea: Make more buggy whips! Drill, baby, drill! Breed, baby, breed! Subdivide and develop! More of anything increases the supply and lowers the value. It's simple supply and demand. And human life, like it or not, is subject to it.

But we can't get away from physics. Any action has a reaction. So, figure out what we want by way of action, and then figure out a way to make the reaction something we want too. So far it's just about what we want by action and we'll (or our kids or someone else or something else) will worry about the reaction later. It's called cost externalization. If someone or something else is paying the price, it must be free. And people think Bernie is the only one saying that. :rolleyes: He's just looking at the reaction side of the equation.
The debt is only real if the rest of the world stops using the petrodollar as a basis for trade. So long as that doesn't happen, we can continue all the trade and fiscal deficits we want. We are, essentially, *the* bank with a money machine. No one could possibly believe we are actually paying for all this sh*t we have with our tax dollars or even with debt. (The 1% will tell you they carry the nation their back, LOL!).

If it does happen (a switch to the Euro or another currency), we are a fourth world country over night. A fourth world country with the most powerful military in the solar system. That's when the real xenophobia kicks in.

If you look at the countries on our sh*t list you will find they either trade on another currency (Iran, Iraq right before we invaded, N. Korea, etc.) or use barter (Venezuela). It's not nice to defy the bank!

That's the way I understand it. I could be wrong though.

You got that right !
This also Explains why Muammar Gaddafi was such an important US target. He was pushing for the petro dollars demise, and gold to replace it. HE HAD TO GO

Back on topic- personally I am enjoying the heck out of the Donald ! Watching this circus is refreshing to say the least. He has em all squirming, and his pc etiquette is what most folks are thinking but afraid to say out loud.
I am not sure who I may vote for, but it sure is fun while it lasts.
The big question is who is lying and who isn't? When I ignore the unpolished, rude, over the top delivery of Trump there is a lot of things I think he is dead on. But is he telling the truth? Some of the people who hate the guy also must not keep track of world news. Look at what Sweden and Germany has become by opening the immigration doors to these Syrians and others from Muslim countries. The truth is in plain sight for those who care to look at it. I have had enough of this crap. If you hate the American way so much stay the hell out of America.
I think him skipping the debate was brilliant. Everyone already knows where he stands on the topics that were going to be discussed. He got even MORE media coverage for the decision. He told Fox to kiss his ass and basically showed the media he doesn't need to play their games. No other candidate made any headway in the debate. He didn't walk into an ambush. Plus, he turned around and made a crap ton of money for veterans. It was a win win and he came out on top.

Here's a little story saying Fox is a major contributor to Hillary's campaign...could be a reason they are hammering Trump so hard...
I was not a fan of Trump in the beginning I didn't like the way he went about things. He said and did things simply to gain the media's attention and didn't care if that attention was good, bad, or indifferent as long as the camera was pointed at him. Unfortunately this seems to be the way our presidential election have been heading for quite awhile. And whatever else Trump is he is not stupid he realizes that in today's society it's not the best candidate that wins but the one who puts on the best show. As far as his politics I agree with him for the most part especially on issues important to me (gun rights, public land, hunting rights, etc). But I do have concerns about him following threw on his promises if elected but that's true of every politician.

The president should not be the brightest of two turds.
It's appearing Trump is the only one supporting gun rights and not selling public land.
As any good populist would. I just wonder how authentic he is. How authentic can someone who admired and socialized with the Clintons, called Obama a strong leader, supported gun control, partial birth abortion, amnesty, wanted 'assault' rifles banned, complimented Nancy Pelosi, Michael Bloomberg, benefited greatly on imminent domain for private enterprise .... Well you get the point.
I'm not 'all in' on Trumps new found 'conservatism'
If I wanted to vote for a progressive, I'd vote for Bernie. He's authentic. I disagree with him, but I don't question his belief in what he says.
I think Trump would just expand on Obama's legacy of centralizing power to the executive branch. Which, let's face it, most Americans want a monarch, as long as that monarch sees things the way they do.
I left out single payer healthcare. I know people evolve, but we weren't monkeys yesterday.

I like what he had to say about public land issues and I am glad it came up. I believe he was just pandering to hunters like he panders to people who hate politicians. Thats his platform that and not being PC but to me being PC is just being respectful. I don't think hunters or Americans can trust trump I think this presidential run is all for his ego.
Ego, yes he has one. Most successful people do, but he could have done nothing but he chose to address this issue that is going to at one point or another all R candidates will have to answer. If he was like most of the candidates in the past he would be given a gun and a Duck for his picture to be taken and his handlers would say "See, he is one of you". I think hunting and use of the lands does run in his family, probably not what we might be used to but it is there. John
On a similar note, Bernie said that "the system is rigged" many times. I guess I found something I agree with him on. It's been released that 22 top secret documents were found in Hillary Clinton's email server. In light of this and the fact she is running for president instead of being handcuffed is proof that the "system is rigged "
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Bill, Hillary, Chelsea Foundation anyone? A special favor clearinghouse by another name.
I like what he had to say about public land issues and I am glad it came up. I believe he was just pandering to hunters like he panders to people who hate politicians. Thats his platform that and not being PC but to me being PC is just being respectful. I don't think hunters or Americans can trust trump I think this presidential run is all for his ego.

What politician doesn't pander to their audience? Trump's kids are hunters. He's the only one to comment on the Public land issue as far as I know. You sure as hell can't trust a Clinton...ask Vince Foster, oh that's right..never mind.
Well lets see, Trump used to love Hillary and Bill Clinton (his own words), loved Megan K. from Fox News (his own words), hell he used to refer to almost every one he now despises as his friend. Asked to explain himself he says, well, I'm a businessman, I had to be friends with those people to help my business, etc., etc. So if that doesn't tell you what a phony say anything to anyone to advance himself, two faced egomaniac he really is, I don't know what to tell you. Bad as Trump would be, CRUZ would be a thousand times worse. You bet I'll support Hillary, at least I won't go to bed wondering if she'll propose to dispose of every flipping acre of public land in America to the private sector. Trump may not either but you really going to trust him, seriously?, I'm not. So Hillary supports expanded background checks on gun transactions, big deal, so do I. So as long as I'm ranting I might as well tell you I supported Obama too and (proud of it), and he didn't do a damn thing to hurt hunters and sportsmen in this country in 7 years that I know of. I'm sure a lot or most of you have a different perspective but un like so many people I just refuse to regurgitate the same old tired talking points of the Extreme Right. So can't wait to receive the hate mail coming my way on this one!
Well lets see, Trump used to love Hillary and Bill Clinton (his own words), loved Megan K. from Fox News (his own words), hell he used to refer to almost every one he now despises as his friend. Asked to explain himself he says, well, I'm a businessman, I had to be friends with those people to help my business, etc., etc. So if that doesn't tell you what a phony say anything to anyone to advance himself, two faced egomaniac he really is, I don't know what to tell you. Bad as Trump would be, CRUZ would be a thousand times worse. You bet I'll support Hillary, at least I won't go to bed wondering if she'll propose to dispose of every flipping acre of public land in America to the private sector. Trump may not either but you really going to trust him, seriously?, I'm not. So Hillary supports expanded background checks on gun transactions, big deal, so do I. So as long as I'm ranting I might as well tell you I supported Obama too and (proud of it), and he didn't do a damn thing to hurt hunters and sportsmen in this country in 7 years that I know of. I'm sure a lot or most of you have a different perspective but un like so many people I just refuse to regurgitate the same old tired talking points of the Extreme Right. So can't wait to receive the hate mail coming my way on this one!

I hope no one gets on you too bad. You have legitimate concerns and stand behind what you believe. I hope this thread stays fairly open and benign, there's been some good stuff posted here on politics in general.
Well lets see, Trump used to love Hillary and Bill Clinton (his own words), loved Megan K. from Fox News (his own words), hell he used to refer to almost every one he now despises as his friend. Asked to explain himself he says, well, I'm a businessman, I had to be friends with those people to help my business, etc., etc. So if that doesn't tell you what a phony say anything to anyone to advance himself, two faced egomaniac he really is, I don't know what to tell you. Bad as Trump would be, CRUZ would be a thousand times worse. You bet I'll support Hillary, at least I won't go to bed wondering if she'll propose to dispose of every flipping acre of public land in America to the private sector. Trump may not either but you really going to trust him, seriously?, I'm not. So Hillary supports expanded background checks on gun transactions, big deal, so do I. So as long as I'm ranting I might as well tell you I supported Obama too and (proud of it), and he didn't do a damn thing to hurt hunters and sportsmen in this country in 7 years that I know of. I'm sure a lot or most of you have a different perspective but un like so many people I just refuse to regurgitate the same old tired talking points of the Extreme Right. So can't wait to receive the hate mail coming my way on this one!
Background checks are the things you say "big deal" ? You have your head in the sand if that's what you think is wrong with her. It doesn't bother you that by law of this country she should be put in jail? If you don't understand why I am saying this you really are out of touch.
Well lets see, Trump used to love Hillary and Bill Clinton (his own words), loved Megan K. from Fox News (his own words), hell he used to refer to almost every one he now despises as his friend. Asked to explain himself he says, well, I'm a businessman, I had to be friends with those people to help my business, etc., etc. So if that doesn't tell you what a phony say anything to anyone to advance himself, two faced egomaniac he really is, I don't know what to tell you. Bad as Trump would be, CRUZ would be a thousand times worse. You bet I'll support Hillary, at least I won't go to bed wondering if she'll propose to dispose of every flipping acre of public land in America to the private sector. Trump may not either but you really going to trust him, seriously?, I'm not. So Hillary supports expanded background checks on gun transactions, big deal, so do I. So as long as I'm ranting I might as well tell you I supported Obama too and (proud of it), and he didn't do a damn thing to hurt hunters and sportsmen in this country in 7 years that I know of. I'm sure a lot or most of you have a different perspective but un like so many people I just refuse to regurgitate the same old tired talking points of the Extreme Right. So can't wait to receive the hate mail coming my way on this one!

Every US president liked a foreign leader who at one point ended up being our enemy. Megan K wants to talk about Trump and his stance and ego against women, yet she poses in lingerie in a magazine. She can't have it both ways. Hillary posed in pics with Bin Laden and other middle easten leaders who later ended up being our enemy. So has every US president and leader, ie: congressman or senator. I think it's wrong that Fox news and other media outlets are owned by foreign sources and others have interests at stake in the white house such as spouses and significant others. How can the media be fair and biased? It's not a matter of ego or being phony, it's a matter of who brings what to the table at the time and how they portray themselves in the future to and against that person in question. It happens in real life with friends and co-workers. It's OK that you support Hillary, that is your right in this country. But I think you're trying to play a martyr in your post to get some sort of attention or shock and awe value. Just my opinion...
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